Alien Recipe for Porridge

James Brown

Written and researched by David Bohl, with the kind help of historians world wide.

Born in Plumstead, London 1886 James Brown (JB) must have wanted some sort of specialized teacher training to come up north to Liverpool, perhaps at Industrial Schools. He was boarding in Arkles Lane with two other teachers including G.P.S.Brown. Anfield Road School was just over the road, a hotbed for recruitment of Alien players.

Aliens v Barnsley at Barnsley
from J.Brown, Tolson, GPS Brown, Johnstone, Applebee, Stein, Fairley, Jones, Sloss, Stewart, Walker, Williams, Boyce, Massey, Bell

(Liverpool Courier 20th February 1909)

JB returned to his home city, London and became a tutor at Feltham Borstal Institution which opened in1910 when 23 boys were transferred from the Institution at Borstal, Kent (hence the generic term "Borstal"). 

[Boys from the age of 16 to 21 who were taken into custody were either sent to Borstal training for 3 years, or to Boys' prison, where sentences were for a lesser period. Those who demonstrated criminal tendencies and were in need of reform were sent to Borstal. Training included instruction in trades, education, physical fitness and work. Good conduct could secure an early release on licence. - London Archives Prison Records]

Photos from Hounslow Library

With the outbreak of the Great War JB was rapidly sent off for Officer training and distinguished himself as a Lieutenant in the Royal Garrison Artillery. His 35th Siege Battery went over to France in September 1915.

First Mentioned in Dispatches in London Gazette May 1918

Second Mentioned in Dispatches in London Gazette December 1918

Awarded Military Cross in the King's Birthday Honours June 1919

Promoted to Acting Quartermaster May 1921

The Prison Service Roll of Honour on the Isle of Wight contains the name of James Brown.

After the Great War Captain Brown was a well respected civil servant and he was promoted from Amley, Leeds to Deputy governor of Swansea Prison. Huge success came in 1931 when he was appointed the Governor of Hull Prison.

In various newspaper articles he displayed quite liberal and advanced views on prison sentencing.

Leeds Mercury Mar 18th 1937

Leeds Mercury Mar 8th 1938

Leeds Mercury Feb 25th 1936

Rochdale Observer April 4th 1942

JB's impact as Prison Governor was well sought after and he was moved to reform Strangeways, Manchester in 1940 and Leicester Prison in 1943.

Leicester Citizen 4th February 1946
Leicester Citizen 8th February 1946

There are no more records of James after his retirement, perhaps for security reasons.

Military Cross
British and Victory Medals
Two Oak Leaves for MID

   Captain James Brown



All Aliens RFC, Seft0n RUFC photographs, programmes and memorabilia Copyright © 2012 Sefton RUFC