COBA Formation
The Old Boys' Association was formed on 16th March 1909. Some one hundred Old Boys attended the meeting which was held in the school. Speeches were made by the first President (Mr. J.G. Legge, Director of Education), the first Chairman (Mr. S.E. Brown, Headmaster) and the Rev. P.L. Davies. The evening was brought to a conclusion with "Auld Lang Syne". The subscription fixed at the meeting was 2/6d per annum.
Source - "Esmeduna" April 1909 Vol.XIV No. 1.
It was noted from the same edition that a pupil named A.L. Kneen was awarded a special prize for Latin.
He was also prominent in the football team playing against, Liverpool University, Caldy Grange, Catholic Institute Old Boys, Bootle S.S., Birkenhead Institute and the "critique" stated that " he has tried splendidly, and is now a serviceable half-back."
A.L. Kneen was, of course, Pat Kneen, later to become Vice Principal of the Collegiate.