The "F" Site Saga
researched and written by David Bohl
The Cast:-
J.F.Moore (Hon. Secretary 1934-58) |
W.B.Croxford (President 1928-30 and County Rep.) |
F.J.Applebee (President 1930-32 and Founder Member) |
For the Solicitors |
Herbert J.Davis, Berthen & Munro (Hill Dickinson as a firm merged with the firm of Davis Campbell some years ago. Davis Campbell was an amalgamation of two firms, Herbert J Davis Berthen Munro, and Campbell & Co. ) |
Hector A. Munro (President 1932-34 and Fixture Sec.) |
For the Surveyors
D.Y.Pitts |
The Command Land Agent |
W.H.Carder |
Captain Critchton |
Lancashire County RFU |
Captain Lancashire County Champions 1947/48 |
J.B.G.Whittaker |
(Post War) |
Rugby Football Union
Mark F. Waters |
Surrey 1923/24 |
Engineer Commander, RN |
The War Dept, Land Agent and Valuer |
Captain A. Lawson |
Labour Hereditary Peer, Under-Sec.of State for War |
The Member of Parliament |
M.P, Conservative West Derby |
The Dairy Farmer |
Mr Wilson |
The Squatting Tennant |
J.Jackson and the nine children |
Website Links for Anti-Aircraft Gun Sites |
Ref. No |
Date |
Type |
From |
To |
1 |
04-Apr-40 |
Letter |
Davis, Berthen & Munro, Solicitors |
Edmund Kirby & Sons |
HM/ACC. 4th April, 1940. D.Y. Pitts Esq., Messrs. Edmund Kirby & Sons, 5, Cook Street, L I V E R P 0 0 L.
Dear Sir, We are acting for the Sefton Rugby Football Club in connection with their claim for Compensation in respect of their Football Ground and Pavilion at Thornhead Lane, Leyfield Road, West Derby, which has recently been requisitioned for the purpose of a Gun site. Mr. Munro thinks that Mr.Pitts is already familiar with this ground and we should like his assistance in connection with preparing the claim, draft of which we enclose herewith. As there may be some doubt as to when possession was actually taken we should be glad if this matter could have your early attention. Mr.Croxford, who lives near the ground at 123, Leyfield Road and whose telephone number is "Stoneycroft 1877" would be very pleased to go to the ground with Mr.Pitts. Yours faithfully,
Herbert J.Davis, Berthen & Munro
Enclosure. |
2 |
23-Apr-40 |
Letter |
Edmund Kirby & Sons |
Davis, Berthen & Munro, Solicitors |
23rd April X 40. 21/9
Dear Sirs, Sefton R.F.C.
Further to your letter of the 4th instant we return the Claim form in this case for you to complete and lodge with the Town Clerk. May we suggest that you ask for Surveyors’ charges as well as Solicitors’ costs With regard to the rent you suggest namely £100 this is twice the assessment of £50 though we appreciate that the latter is probably lower on account of the seasonal nature of the occupation than would be a rent for an all the year occupation. The District Valuer moreover has already suggested as a basis for other smaller and more central sites £10 per acre for allotment purposes as being the most likely war time user and this would sup support a rent of £100 in this case. Unfortunately the raised banking for spectators reduces the value for allotment purposes so that we may have to accept a lower rental after negotiation. There is no harm, however, in claiming £100. Yours faithfully,
(sgd) EDMUND KIRBY & Sons
Messrs. Herbert J.Davies, Berthen & Munro. 36 Dale Street LIVERPOOL. 2. ---------------------------------------------------------- |
3 |
Attached |
Compensation (Defence) Act, 1939 |
4 |
10-May-40 |
Letter |
Davis, Berthen & Munro, Solicitors |
Command Land Agent |
10th May, 1940
HM/ACC. The Command Land Agent, Western Command, Queens Park, Chester.
Dear Sir, C.R.W.C.4/86832/6. LB. Compensation (Defence) Act, 1939. Mersey Gun Site "F". Requisition No. 11. Sefton Rugby Football Club. Since seeing you yesterday we have received a Demand Note from Liverpool Corporation Rating Authority for £20. 2. 0d being the Rates apportioned up to the 27th September last, on the basis that this was the date on which possession was taken, although from a legal point of view the formalities were not carried out until later. This date was originally given to the Rating Department by the former Honorary Treasurer of the Club, and may well be correct. We should, however, be glad to have your observations. Yours faithfully, H.A.Munro (Hector Munro). |
5 |
14-May-40 |
Letter |
Command Land Agent |
Davis, Berthen & Munro, Solicitors |
CRWC.4/86832/6.LB. WHC/MM. 14th May, 1940. Dear Sirs, Mersey Gun Site "F".
I thank you for your letter of the 10th instant. I have written to the Military authorities for the precise date on which possession at this ground was first taken for any purpose. I hope to be able to write you further thereon in a few days.
Yours faithfully, W.H.Carder for Command Land Agent, Western Command.
Messrs.H.J.Davis, Berthen & Munro, Prudential Buildings, 56, Dale Street, LIVERPOOL, 2. |
6 |
29-May-40 |
Letter |
Command Land Agent |
Davis, Berthen & Munro, Solicitors |
29th May, 1940. Dear Sir,
Mersey Gun Site "F".
With reference to our previous correspondence, I enclose herewith copy of letter from 33rd Brigade to Headquarters 4th A.A. for your information.
Yours faithfully, W.H.Carder For Command Land Agent, Western Command.
Messrs. Herbert J. Davis, Berthen & Munro, Prudential Buildings, 36, Dale Street, LIVEPPOOL, 2. (Enclosure — Copy letter) |
7 |
Attached Letter |
4th A.A. Division |
Subject:- Mersey Gun Site "F". ---------------------------------------
No. 2017/2
Headquarters, 4th A.A. Division.
Reference your letter No. X/2679/Q dated 14th May, 1940.
Mersey Gun Site "F" was not occupied by 70th H.A.A. Regt., in November, 1939. Neither was it occupied as a V.P. by any of the units in this Brigade during that time.
SGD. .. Critchton, Capt. for Brigadier, Commander, 33rd A. A. Brigade.
Liverpool. 22. 5. 40. |
8 |
05-Jun-40 |
Letter |
Davis, Berthen & Munro, Solicitors |
Command Land Agent |
5th June, 1940 HM/ACC. The Command Land Agent, Headquarters Western Command, Queens Park, Chester Dear Sir, CRWC.4/86832/6.LB. WHC/MM. Mersey Gun Site "F". Sefton Rugby Football Club. In reply to your letter of 29th May, we have been further into the matter, and Mr.Croxford has seen Mr. Wilson, the Dairy-man whose cows grazed on the ground, and he states that the cattle were out until the end of October, and that a fortnight or so earlier occupation of the ground had been taken and a Gun Pit dug. Mr.Wilson was told he could continue for the time to send the cattle in but that when the ground was in full use not even a dog would be let on. He said that that would not trouble him, as he would not be using the ground after the end of October. This statement is supported by Mr Wilson’s foreman, who he has also seen, so that it would seem evident that someone had taken actual possession by digging a Gun Pit early in October. We will be glad to hear from you further. Yours faithfully,
H.A.Munro (Hector Munro). |
9 |
08-Jun-40 |
Letter |
Command Land Agent |
Davis, Berthen & Munro, Solicitors |
CRWC.4/86832/6.LB WHC/MM. 8th June, 1940. Without Prejudice. Dear Sirs, Mersey Gun Site "F".
I thank you for your letter of the 5th instant. It appears that a small Gun pit was dug on the field in the middle of October, which did not interfere with your grazing tenant, but otherwise possession was not taken until March. I suggest therefore, as a compromise that this Department should pay the rent as from 1st January,1940. I should be glad to hear that you concur. Yours faithfully, W.H.Carder for Command Land Agent, Western Command.
Messrs.H.J.Davis, Berthen & Munro, Prudential Buildings, 36, Dale Street, LIVERPOOL, 2. |
10 |
14-Jun-40 |
Letter |
Davis, Berthen & Munro, Solicitors |
Command Land Agent |
14th June, 1940 HM/ACC. The Command Land Agent, Headquarters Western Command, Queens Park, Chester. Dear Sir, CRWC.4/86832/6.LB. WHC/MM. Mersey Gun Site "F". We have taken instructions on your letter of the 8th instant and our clients would not agree to accept the rent as from 1st January last. We have to bear in mind that, as mentioned in out letter of 10th May, the rates have been apportioned up to 27th September last. Our clients feel that their position is mainly due to the fact that nearly all of their members joined the Territorial Army before the War, and they have an extremely good record in this respect. The digging of the Gun Pit appears to us to have constituted taking possession, and we feel that the rent should be agreed to start as from 1st November last. Yours faithfully, H.A.Munro (Hector Munro). |
11 |
16-Jun-40 |
Letter |
Command Land Agent |
Davis, Berthen & Munro, Solicitors |
16th June 1940. CRWC 4 /86832/ 6 LB. WHC/ EJP Dear Sirs, Mersey Gun Site "F".
I thank you for your letter of the 14th instant. Will you let me know the date on which the ground was last used by your Club, or any of its sub-tenants after the 1st October 1939.
Yours faithfully, W.H.Carder for Command Land Agent Western Command.
Messrs Herbert J. Davis, Berthen & Munro Prudential Buildings 36 Dale Street LIVERPOOL. |
12 |
18-Jun-40 |
Letter |
Davis, Berthen & Munro, Solicitors |
Command Land Agent |
18th June, 1940 HM/ACC. The Command Land Agent, Headquarters, Western Command, Queens Park, C H E S T E R.
Dear Sir, CRWC.4/86832/6.LB. WHC/EJP. Mersey Gun Site "F". In reply to your letter of the 16th instant received this morning, the ground was not used by the Club at all after the War. As was mentioned in the letter of the 5th instant, Mr.Wilson’s cattle were out on the ground until the end of October but that was the last time when any use was made whatever by any sub-tenant. Yours faithfully, H.A.Munro (Hector Munro). |
13 |
19-Jun-40 |
Letter |
Command Land Agent |
Davis, Berthen & Munro, Solicitors |
COMMAND LAND AGENT, HEADQUARTERS WESTERN COMMAND, QUEEN’S PARK, CHESTER. CRWC.4/86832/6. LB. WHC/MM. 19th June, 1940. Dear Sirs, Mersey Gun Site "F". I thank you for your letter of the 18th instant. In view of the fact that your Club made no use of the land after October, I am prepared to agree that the rent of £75. 0. 0. should commence from the 1st November, 1939, and shall be glad to hear that this is agreeable to you.
Yours faithfully, W.H.Carder for Command Land Agent, Western Command.
Messrs.H.J.Davis, Berthen & Munro, Prudential Buildings, 36, Dale Street, LIVERPOOL, 2. |
14 |
25-Jun-40 |
Letter |
Davis, Berthen & Munro, Solicitors |
Edmund Kirby & Sons |
25th June, 1940.
HM/ACC. D.Y.Pitts Esq., Messrs. Edmund Kirby & Son, 5,Cook Street, Liverpool.2. Dear Sir, Sefton Rugby Football Club. 21/9. Referring to your letter of 23rd April last, we are sending herewith copy Claim Form as put in by us, and the present position is that the Command Land Agent for the Western Command, has now agreed (after considerable negotiation) that the rent should commence as from 1st November last, but the largest amount which he wil1 pay is £75 per annum. This, however, would not be sufficient to pay the capital repayment and interest on the two mortgages. We sha1l be glad to have your views about this figure, as to whether we are likely to do better by going to arbitration.
Yours faithfully, Herbert J.Davis, Berthen & Munro
Enclosure. |
15 |
27-Jun-40 |
Letter |
Edmund Kirby & Sons |
Davis, Berthen & Munro, Solicitors |
27th June 0. 21/9 HM/ACC. Dear Sirs, Sefton Rugby Football Club. ---------------------- In answer to your letter of the 25th instant we were not hopeful of obtaining the amount of rent claimed in this case as you probably realised from our letter of the 23rd of April. Owing to the partial abandonment of club activities it is not easy to say from what direction one could anticipate competition for the tenancy of a football ground during the period of the war. There is, of course, a possibility that such grounds might be required for recreation purposes for members of H.M.Forces but this might be said to represent value enhanced by the war which must not be taken into account. In point of fact we happen to know that the Liverpool Rugby Football Ground has been rented by Naval Authorities at a rent inclusive of rates and some services which in our opinion represents a higher figure than the offer you have received. This tenancy was not arranged, of course, by the Western Command Land Agent. For any other purpose than a sports ground the banking for spectators would be rather a detriment than an advantage but while we considered that £100 was a full rental we are inclined to agree with you that £75 errs in the other direction. You might like us to add our arguments to yours and see if we can obtain any advance from the Land Agent in his offer. As a matter of fact there is an additional reason why we should like to carry out some negotiation and this is that he may refuse to pay surveyor’s fees if he does not actually meet a surveyor. This has actually happened in another case we had with the Western Command. We note that £75 a year would not be sufficient to cover the outgoings of the Club including the capital repayment of the two mortgages. We do not think this last item can be put forward as a reason for a higher rent because in fact it is not in the nature of rent. We believe it would be possible for the Club to arrange a partial moratorium if they found it impossible to keep up these capital repayments in full. We should hesitate to advise arbitration in a case like this though we have had no experience yet of the Tribunal appointed to deal with such cases. Yours faithfully,
(sgd) Edmund Kirby & Sons
Messrs. Herbert Davis, Berthen & Munro. --------------------------------------------------- |
16 |
28-Jun-40 |
Letter |
Davis, Berthen & Munro, Solicitors |
Edmund Kirby & Sons |
28th June, 1940. HM/ACC.
D.Y.Pitts Esq., Messrs. Edmund Kirby & Son, 5,Cook Street, Liverpool.2.
Dear Sir, Sefton Rugby Football Club. We are obliged for your letter and would like you to take up the matter with the Command land Agent. He may say that we agreed the rent of £75 and that the real question was as to the date when this should commence. We, however, do not agree that this was so; it is true that the figure of £75 was mentioned to us, and we did not violently quarrel, but we remember saying to the Command Land Agent that in our view the sum of £100 was about right. We only mention this point because recent correspondence has concentrated on the date of commencement, as you will see from the enclosures herewith.
Yours faithfully, Herbert J.Davis, Berthen & Munro
Enclosure. |
17 |
30-Jun-40 |
Letter |
W.B.Croxford |
Davis, Berthen & Munro, Solicitors |
123, Leyfield Rd. Liverpool. 12 . 30 - 6 - 40. -------------
Hector Munro Esq. Messrs Herbert Davis, Berthen & Munro. 36.Dale ST. Liverpool.
Dear Munro, After seeing you on Friday I met Wilkinson, of Sefton Committee who had been in touch with Hulme and also with an official who is concerned with conveyancing. They had gone into the matter of the claim and the man who knew the job had said that in his opinion the claim figure, with same margin for negotiation, should have been £150 and not £100. That brought me down again on Sat.A.M. and as you, were not in I got in touch with Mr.Pitts and later saw him. Went over his letter pointing out that so far from our not being able to anticipate any alternate tenancy we had had, a very urgent request from Mr.Gibbs, Headmaster of the Oulton School, to let the ground to the school for the duration, as school had lost their other ground and had no ground in sight. I had to tell him at once that the ground had been taken over and that we could not therefore let him have it. Under those circumstances no terms were mentioned, but Mr.Gibbs did say that they would be prepared to pay proportionately for it, but that of course any figure would have e had to have been agreed to by the L.E.A. We got, as you know, £30 p.a. for use of one or two pitches on Wednesdays only. A very different matter to use of all pitches weekdays and Sats all the year round, and. I can think of no method of proportion which would have arrived at as low a figure as £75. Mr.Pitts, however, seems to think that the fact that no actual figure was discussed may be a fatal obstacle to acceptance of this factor. I can't accept this view. Mr.Pitts went further into the question of the banking, and it appears that he was thinking of the grounds for allotments and the decreased area. We now know that as a building site banking which could be used to fill the ditch which runs round ground may be an asset instead of a liability, and it certainly seems to be an asset from a military point of view. Apparently we have to count all the minus points and none of the plus ones. Sounds too much like Munich for me. Hope you can make something out of this but have been on detailed plans for several hours and they are still running round in my head. Yours sincerely, W.B.Croxford. .
18 |
02-Jul-40 |
Letter |
Edmund Kirby & Sons |
Command Land Agent |
2nd July 0. 21/9 CRWC. 4/86832/6.LB WHC/MM. Dear Sir, Mersey Gun site "F". --------------------- We have heard from Messrs. Herbert J.Davis, Berthen & Munro., the solicitors for the Sefton Rugby Football Club to the effect that they have agreed with you the date from which the payment of rent should commence but that you have not accepted the amount claimed namely £100 per annum. We understand that you have counter-offered a rent of’ £75 per annum. Our clients feel that the amount claimed was most reasonable. We trust that on reconsideration you will feel able to take this view but if not may we suggest a meeting between us for the purpose of negotiation. If your representative is not likely to be in Liverpool in the near future we shall be pleased to come to your office for the interview. Yours faithfully, (sgd) EDMUND KIRBY & SONS
The Command Land Agent, Headquarters Western Command, Queen’s Park, CHESTER. -------------------------------------------------------- |
19 |
03-Jul-40 |
Letter |
Edmund Kirby & Sons |
Davis, Berthen & Munro, Solicitors |
3rd July, 0. 21/9 Dear Sirs, Sefton Rugby Football Club. -----------------------
I thank you for your letter of the 2nd instant enclosing letter from Mr Croxford. I was glad to learn from him on Saturday that the Oulton School wanted this ground but I had to point out to him (a) that no rent having been actually fixed we were not much better off towards supporting our claim of £100 and (b) that the school was not in the market in October or November last year because it was evacuated. I also explained (and I thought to Mr Croxford’s satisfaction) that while the banking might come in useful when the site was developed for building it was not so much of an asset from the point of view of allotment annual tenant for allotment purposes. All this may have seemed to Mr Croxford like pointing out the minus items and ignoring the plus ones. Please reassure him that this is only my way of making certain that I know all the answers when the time comes for me to put forward the plus ones to the other side. Yours faithfully, (Sgd) EDMUND KIRBY & SONS
Messrs. Herbert J.Davis, Berthen & Munro. ---------------------------------------------------------- |
20 |
03-Jul-40 |
Letter |
Command Land Agent |
Edmund Kirby & Sons |
CRWC 4/86832/6.LB WHC/MM. 3rd July, 1940. Dear Sir, Mersey Gun site "F". --------------------- I thank you for your letter of the 2nd instant and I am surprised to note that Messrs. H.J. Davis, Berthen & Munro have not accepted the £75.0.0 per annum which I recommend for the Sefton Rugby Football Ground. I was under the impression that they had agreed to settle at this sum. However, I will call and see you when next in Liverpool, and I will endeavour to make an appointment.
Yours faithfully, W.H.Carder for Command Land Agent, Western Command.
Messrs.Edmund Kirby & Sons, 5, Cook Street, LIVERPOOL, 2. |
21 |
31-Aug-40 |
Letter |
Edmund Kirby & Sons |
Davis, Berthen & Munro, Solicitors |
31st August 0. 21/9 Dear Sirs, Sefton Rugby Football Club. -----------------------
We received a call yesterday at long last from Mr Carder of the Western Command with whom we discussed very fully the question of rent. He was, of course, under the impression that the figure of £75 represented a fair settlement between the figure claimed and the amount which he thought represented its full value. After some trouble we got him to increase his offer to £85 beyond which he said he would not go. As you know we do not advise holding out for the full amount claimed and think £85 a not unreasonable figure especially as it would appear to cover all necessary outgoings. We are aware, however, that your clients do not altogether agree with our ideas and we left Mr Carder in no doubt on this point. We told him that we would report his offer but had no instructions to accept anything lower than the amount claimed. If you agree with our recommendations perhaps you will obtain these instructions for us. Yours faithfully, (Sgd) EDMUND KIRBY & SONS
Messrs. Herbert J.Davis, Berthen & Munro. ----------------------------------------------------
22 |
30-Sep-40 |
Letter |
Davis, Berthen & Munro, Solicitors |
Edmund Kirby & Sons |
30th September, 1940. HM/ACC.
D.Y.Pitts Esq., Messrs. Edmund Kirby & Son, 5,Cook Street, Liverpool.2. Dear Sir, Sefton Rugby Football Club. Since Mr. Pitts spoke to Mr.Munro recently we have seen Mr. Croxford and Mr.Applebee and they are both most definite that no settlement must be come to below £l00 per annum and they say that they would rather arbitrate than take £85. In the circumstances could you see Mr. Carder again and inform him off this end perhaps at the same time you could ascertain his views as to the Solicitors’ costs and the Surveyor’s Fees. Neither Mr.Applebee nor Mr.Croxford have any information as to whether the figure of 19/6d per annum for Land tax is correct, but we think that this clearly must relate to tithes and not to land tax. A further question which arises is as to the rates. Recently we have been having to settle with the Liverpool Rating Authority who are anxious to secure payment of the rates, which they have apportioned up to the 27th September 1939, the date when they contend that possession of the ground was taken by the Army. You will remember that it has provisionally been agreed that the Army rent should not start until 1st November, which is a concession on the part of our clients, and Mr.Carder will no doubt appreciate that, if the matter goes to arbitration we shall have to return the 27th September as being the correct date. In any event, however, the authorities will be charged with rates as from 27th September and we think this ought to be made clear to them. We suppose there is no doubt that the rent is clear of rates and that the authorities will assume responsibility for the Rates as from 27th September ? All this might perhaps be discussed with Mr.Carder. Yours faithfully, Herbert J.Davis, Berthen & Munro |
23 |
02-Oct-40 |
Letter |
Edmund Kirby & Sons |
Davis, Berthen & Munro, Solicitors |
2nd October 0. 21/9 Dear Sirs, Sefton Rugby Football Club. ----------------------- I am such obliged for your letter of the 30th ultimo and enclose copy of a letter which I have accordingly written to Mr Carder. With regard to the question of rates there is no doubt that under the terms of the Act the rates are payable the Requisitioning Authority and not by the owners. Where the Requisitioning Authority are in fact the Crown they will probably not be rateable for their occupation at all, but may agree to contribute a corresponding sum of’ money to the Rating Authority in lieu of rates. The Rating Authority, however, have no power to demand rates in respect of occupation by the Crown. Yours faithfully, (sgd) EDMUND KIRBY & SONS
Messrs. Herbert J.Davis Berthen & Munro. |
24 |
02-Oct-40 |
Letter |
Edmund Kirby & Sons |
Command Land Agent |
2nd October 0 21/9 CRWC 4/86832/6 LB. WHC/EJP
Dear Sir, Mersey Gun Site "F" In answer to your letter of the 30th ultimo we have only just received our clients’ final instructions on this matter. They are most definite that no settlement may be come to below £100 per annum which as we told you is in their opinion too low a figure. They say that they are prepared to arbitrate rather than take £85. We shall be glad to hear that on reconsideration you can recommend acceptance of the claim which you will note includes solicitors' costs and surveyors' fees. Our clients mention that the Liverpool Rating Authority have fixed the 27th September 1939 as the date when our clients gave up possession to the Military Authorities, and in the event or no settlement being reached they reserve the right to claim rent from that date. Yours faithfully, (sgd) EDMUND KIRBY & SONS
The Command Land Agent, Headquarters Western Command. Queen’s Park, Chester. |
25 |
06-Oct-40 |
Letter |
Command Land Agent |
Edmund Kirby & Sons |
Dear Sirs, Mersey Gun Site "F"
I thank you for your letter of the 2nd October and regret to note that your clients are unable to accept my offer of £85 -0 - 0 per annum. They do not seem to appreciate that there are two sides to every argument, and that we have requisitioned and settled the claims in respect of many similar areas of land, purely on an agricultural basis. The agricultural value of the land in question is probably not more that £1 per acre allowing for an annual rental value of the Pavilion, at say £15 - 0 - 0 per annum it might be claimed that £25 - 0 - 0 per annum would be a fair rental. I think it would be possible to substantiate such a valuation. In view of other settlements which we have made, you will appreciate, therefore, that I have fully taken into account any particular value this site may have as a Playing Field in my offer of £85 - 0 - 0 per annum. With regard to the date of possession, I have a letter from Messrs H.J. Davies, Berthen & Munro dated 18th June, in which they state that Mr Wilson’s cattle were on the ground until the end of October, and I have agreed that the rent should run from the 1st November 1939, i.e. the date suggested by Messrs H.J. Davies Berthen & Munro. I shall be glad to hear that your clients will reconsider their decision, in which case I will arrange for a draft to be sent to you forthwith for the amount outstanding.
Yours faithfully, W.H.Carder for Command Land Agent, Western Command.
Messrs E. Kirby & Sons 5 Cook Street LIVERPOOL 2. |
26 |
11-Oct-40 |
Letter |
Davis, Berthen & Munro, Solicitors |
W.B.Croxford |
11th October, 1940. HM/ACC.
W.B.Croxford Esq., 123, Leyfield Road, Liverpool. 12. My dear Croxford I have had a letter from Mr.Pitts enclosing a letter from the Command Land Agent, copy of which I am sending to you, together with copy of Mr.Pitts letter to the Command Land Agent. I have also sent copies to Freddie It looks as though we are at a dead end and I must say that while it is very hard to predict the result of matters like this, it may be that we should not get more than £85 if we went to arbitration; perhaps we might get even less. However, neither Mr.Pitts nor myself want to settle at too small a figure and perhaps it could be arranged that we all meet Mr.Pitts and have a discussion as to whether we should press the claim to arbitration. Yours sincerely, H.A.Munro Hector Munro.
Enclosure. |
27 |
21-Oct-40 |
Letter |
Davis, Berthen & Munro, Solicitors |
Edmund Kirby & Sons |
21st October, 1940. HM/ACC.
D.Y.Pitts Esq., Messrs. Edmund Kirby & Sons, 5,Cook Street, Liverpool, .2. Dear Sir, Sefton Rugby Football Club. 21/9. We have been in further touch with our clients and have now received a letter from them stating that after consideration they have decided to accept the offer of £85 per annum. This offer will, of course, have to be subject to payment of your proper fees and also of our costs, and we hope that you can arrange something suitable. We shall have to put our costs at 18 gns, as there has been a good deal of work.
Yours faithfully, Herbert J.Davis, Berthen & Munro
28 |
22-Oct-40 |
Letter |
Edmund Kirby & Sons |
Command Land Agent |
22nd October 0 21/9 CRWC 4/86832/6 L.B. WHC/EJP. Dear Sir, Mersey Gun Site "F". ---------------- In answer to your letter of the 6th instant our clients have reconsidered their decision in the light of what you say and we gather that they are now becoming more reconciled to the idea of a settlement at your figure. Before agreeing, however, they wish to be quite sure that their costs will be paid, and we shall be glad to hear from you on this subject. With regard to surveyor’s fee we presume you have some scale which you cannot go any further and which we shall therefore have to accept, but we should be glad to know from you what it is. With regard to solicitors’ costs Messrs Herbert J.Davis, Berthen & Munro write to say that this amount is £18.18. 0. as there has been a good deal of work in this case. Yours faithfully,
The Command Land Agent, Headquarters Western Command, Queen’s Park, CHESTER. -------------------------------------------------- |
29 |
24-Oct-40 |
Letter |
Command Land Agent |
Edmund Kirby & Sons |
COMMAND LAND AGENT, HEADQUARTERS WESTERN COMMAND, QUEEN’S PARK, CHESTER. CRWC .4/86832/6.LB. WHC/MM. 24th October, 1940. Dear Sirs, Mersey Gun Site "F". I thank you for your letter of the 22nd instant, and am pleased to note that your clients have provisionally accepted my offer of £85. 0. 0., which I think you will agree, was a very fair offer. With regard to your fees, I am tied to a fee of £5. 5. 0. per cent, up to £300. 0. 0. per annum, plus the usual out off pocket expenses for Surveyors fees. With regard to Solicitors fees, I am not allowed to pay Solicitors fees as well as Surveyors fees, unless a legal point arises out of the claim. In this case there was no legal point. However, as Messrs.Herbert J.Davis, Berthen & Munro actually prepared the claim in the first place, I am prepared to recommend that the War Department should contribute £3.3.0. towards any charge they may make against your client. I enclose herewith Form of Agreement in duplicate, which I shall be glad if you will return (both copies) signed on behalf of the client, and I will then return one copy to you countersigned on behalf of His Majesty’s Principal Secretary of State for War. Yours faithfully, W.H.Carder Command Land Agent, Western Command. Messrs.Edmund Kirby & Sons, 5, Cook Street, LIVERPOOL. |
30 |
Attached form |
Compensation Agreement |
31 |
28-Oct-40 |
Letter |
Edmund Kirby & Sons |
Command Land Agent |
28th October 0. 21/9 CRWC. 4/86832/6. LB WHC/MM. Dear Sir, Mersey Gun Site "F". ----------------- We beg to thank you for your letter of the 24th instant and note what you say. We shall have to take our clients’ instructions afresh as they will naturally expect to get for themselves the full amount of rent if they agree to accept your figure. In the meantime we should be glad if you would refer us to the scale for surveyors’ charges to which you say you are tied and also to any authority for not paying solicitors’ charges. If you were able to make some increase above the figures of £5. 5. 0. and £3. 5. 0. respectively we would ask our instructing solicitors to join us in accepting the fees you offered so as to help a settlement in this case. We are afraid they are not likely to take this view unless you can increase your suggestion of £5. 5. 0. We should be glad if you would kindly reconsider this point and let us hear from you again. Yours faithfully, (sgd) EDMUND KIRBY & SONS
The Command Land Agent, Headquarters Western Command, Queen's Park, CHESTER. ---------------------------------------------------------- |
32 |
31-Oct-40 |
Letter |
Command Land Agent |
Edmund Kirby & Sons |
I thank you for your letter of the 28th instant. Surveyors’ Charges. War Office have laid down that they are prepared to pay claimants costs on a fixed scale. In this particular case, it is similar to the scale issued by the Surveyor’s Institute on the 1st August 1940. You will note that the wording is "In preparing claims including negotiations for a settlement." In this case the claim was prepared by Messrs H.J. Davies, Berthen & Munro, and was negotiated by good selves. Strictly speaking therefore, the only fee that should be payable in this case should be the five guineas per cent to your firm and the Solicitors. Solicitors’ Charges. You will appreciate that it is not necessary for a claimant to consult a Solicitor in the majority of cases of requisitioning of property. The only work which a Solicitor need entail if he is consulted is an interview with his client, the preparation of the claim form, a letter of instruction to the Surveyors, and the forwarding of the agreement to the claimant when the compensation has been agreed. War Office consider that for these services two guineas is an ample payment. In exceptional cases, an obscure legal point may arise which would involve a great deal more legal work, and in such cases a Solicitor is entitled to a fuller scale of Fees. In this particular case, the only "sticky" point was the date of possession, on which several letters were passed, for this reason I have suggested a fee of three guineas and I regret that I cannot recommend any increase. Yours faithfully
for Command Land Agent, Western Command. Messrs Edmund Kirby & Sons, Liverpool. |
33 |
05-Nov-40 |
Letter |
Lancashire County RFU |
Davis, Berthen & Munro, Solicitors |
Lancashire County Rugby Football Union. Hon Treasurer J BRADLEY. 14 GRAPPENHALL ROAD. STOCKTON HEATH, WARRINGTON. Tel: Stockton Heath 592 283 (Business). Hon. Secretary: J. B. G. WHITTAKER. Tel.: Wilmslow 3586 Ardwick. Manchester 3798 (Business). 5th November 19 40 Messrs Herbert J. Davis, Berthen, Munro Prudential Buildings, 36, Dale Street, Liverpool, 2. Dear Sirs, Sefton Rugby Football Club I have received your letter of the 4th instant informing me of the requisition of the ground of the above Club for war purposes for which I thank you. At a meeting of the above Union held in September 1939 it was decided to grant a moratorium with regard to interest payments by Clubs on loans from the County Funds. Capital repayments might be made at the Clubs' discretion. Yours faithfully James Bradley All communications to be made to the above address. |
34 |
11-Nov-40 |
Letter |
Rugby Football Union |
Davis, Berthen & Munro, Solicitors |
RUGBY FOOTBALL UNION. ______ M. F. WATERS, 9, LINCOLN’S INN FIELDS. HON. TREASURER. LONDON, W.C.2. 11th November 1940. Dear Sirs, Sefton Rugby Football Club. ------ Your letter dated 4th inst. to the Secretary, Comdr. Coopper, has been forwarded to me, and I thank you for letting us know of the arrangements in connection with the requisitioning of the above Club’s Ground by the War Office, which requisitioning as you point out cannot of course be opposed. I note that you say it has been provisionally agreed that the Department shall pay a rent of £85 per annum for the Ground, and I hope that before very much longer such agreement will be given effect to. Yours faithfully,
Mark F.Waters
Messrs. Herbert J. Davis, Berthen & Munro, Prudential Buildings, 36, Dale Street, LIVERPOOL, 2. |
35 |
04-Dec-40 |
Letter |
Command Land Agent |
Edmund Kirby & Sons |
Dear Sirs, Mersey Gun Site "F".
I have pleasure in returning herewith form of agreement signed on behalf of His Majesty’s Principal Secretary of State for War. I have applied for payment in the sum of £77-13-6 made up as follows: - Rent 1-11-39 to 24-12-39 (54 days) = £12-11-6 Rent 25-12-39 to 28-9-40 (3 quarters) = £63-15-0 Solicitors’ Fees = £3-3-0 Surveyors’ Fees £5-5-0% of £85 = £4-10-0 Motor Mileage & out-of-pocket expenses = £1-1-0 £ 85 -0-6 Less Income Tax = £ 7-7-0 £77-13-6
I have made this payable to Messrs Herbert J. Davies, Berthen & Munro, as their name appears on the claim form as Agents to the Trustees.
Yours faithfully,
W.H.Carder For Command Land Agent, Western Command.
Messrs Edmund Kirby & Sons, 5 Cook Street LIVEEPOOL.
(Enclosure — copy agreement) |
36 |
05-Dec-40 |
Letter |
Edmund Kirby & Sons |
Command Land Agent |
5th December 0 21/9 CRWC 4/86832/6 L.B. WHC/EJP Dear Sir, Mersey Gun Site "F". -------------------- We beg to acknowledge with thanks your letter of the 4th instant enclosing the Form of Agreement signed on behalf of H. M. Principal Secretary of State for War. We note that you have also applied for payment to Messrs.Herbert J.Davis, Berthen & Munro for the sum detailed in your letter. We venture to point out that £5. 5. 0% on £85 comes to £4.14. 6. and not £4.10. 0. Yours faithfully, (sgd) EDMUND KIRBY & SONS
The Command Land Agent, Western Command, 86 Hough Green, CHESTER. |
37 |
05-Dec-40 |
Letter |
Edmund Kirby & Sons |
Davis, Berthen & Munro, Solicitors |
5th December 0 21/9 Dear Sirs, Sefton Rugby Football Club. ----------------------------------- We beg to enclose the Form of Agreement duly signed on behalf of H.M.Principal Secretary of State for War with a copy of the letter from the Command Land Agent which accompanied it. The latter gives details of the first payment which should be received in the near future. The calculation of rent appears to be correct though we are unable to follow his estimate of the Income Tax deduction therefrom. Presumably this dates only from the 5th April. With regard to fees you will note that he has reduced our £5. 5. 0. to £4.13.0. which is intended to be at the rate of £5. 5.0.% (in fact it is only £5.0.0.%). He has made up the difference, however, by including £1. 1. 0. for motor mileage and out—of-pocket expenses. If you have no objection we should like still to render an account to you for £5. 5. 0. which will leave you with an additional 6/- towards expenses. Yours faithfully, (sgd) EDMUND KIRBY & SONS
Messrs. Herbert J.Davis, Berthen & Munro. ------------------------------------------------------- |
38 |
07-Dec-40 |
Letter |
Command Land Agent |
Davis, Berthen & Munro, Solicitors |
COMMAND LAND AGENT, 86, Hough Green, Chester. CRWC. 4/86832/6. LB. WHC/MM. 7th December, 1940. Dear Sirs, Mersey Gun Site "F". I thank you for your letter of the 5th instant, and beg to disagree with you in the calculation of your fees. £5. 5. 0. % on £85. 0. 0. is £4. 9. 4., which I have passed in the sum of £4.10. 0. Probably in assessing your figure of £4. 14. 6. you have calculated to the nearest half guinea. This may be professionally more correct. The papers have, however, been passed through the Command Paymaster, and I do not suppose you wish to delay the matter for this small alteration.
Yours faithfully,
W.H.Carder For Command Land Agent, Western Command.
Messrs, Edmund Kirby & Sons, 5, Cook Street, LIVERPOOL. |
39 |
08-Dec-45 |
Letter |
Simon Jude & West |
War Dept. Land Agent and Valuer |
c/o. Simon Jude & West Chartered Accountants, 11/13 Victoria St., Liverpool, 2. 8th.,December,1945. Dear Sir, SEFTON RUGBY FOOTBALL CLUB, Ground and Pavilion at Thornhead Lane Deysbrook, West Derby, Liverpool. Last known reference-CRWC/86832/6 LB. ----------------------------------------------------- My Committee have instructed me to ascertain the date on which the above ground and pavilion are likely to be de-requisitioned. In view of the return from the forces of many of the club’s members during the coming months it is the committees desire to restart the playing activities of the club at an early a date as possible. A considerable amount of work, however would appear to be necessary before the property is returned to the club in the same condition as at the time of requisitioning. Accordingly I have been directed to inquire whether it would be possible for the War Department, during the continuation of the requisition, to sublet to the Sefton Rugby Football Club a part of the ground, sufficient for one playing pitch and the use of the pavilion or of a hut for changing purposes, on Saturday afternoons. This to be without prejudice to any rights which the club possess to the return or its property in a proper condition. If such a sub-tenancy can be granted can I be informed, please, of the terms and conditions that would be required?.
yours faithfully,
J.F.Moore Hon.Secretary, Sefton Rugby Football Club. War Department Land Agent and Valuer, West Lancs. Area, Western Command, Chester. |
40 |
22-Jan-46 |
Letter |
Simon Jude & West |
War Dept. Land Agent and Valuer |
c/o. Simon Jude & West, Chartered Accountants, 11/13, Victoria St, Liverpool, 2. 22nd., January, 1946.
Your Ref..LB4/86832/6 ------------------------------ Dear Sir. Ground & Pavilion, Thornhead Lane, West Derby, Liverpool. --------------------------------------------------- With reference to your letter of the 12th. December, 1945 I have now been informed that it may be possible for my club to be granted the use of one pitch and changing- room on a Saturday afternoon during the continuance of the requisition of the ground. I am now awaiting official intimation from higher authority as to this. I shall be obliged, however, if you can inform me officially, and as soon as possible, of my Club’s position in relation to the continuance or otherwise of the requisitioning of the property, in order that I may inform my Committee of the prospect of re-organising the club on its former basis, and so that I can acquaint the trustees of the Club’s assets of their position. yours faithfully. J.F.M. Hon.Secretary, Sefton Rugby Football Club War Department Land Agentand Valuer, 12.
Liverpool Rd., . |
41 |
23-Jan-46 |
Letter |
War Dept. Land Agent and Valuer |
Simon Jude & West |
War Department Land Agent & Valuer, 12, Liverpool Rd., Chester. 23rd., January, 1946. In reply please quote LB4/86832/6. --------------------------
Dear Sir, Sefton Rugby Football Club Ground and Pavilion at Thornhead Lane, Deysbrook, West Derby. Liverpool, I regret delay in replying to your letter of the 8th.,December last although I understand that you have already been contacted in the matter by A.A. Headquarters. Apparently it is not possible at present to derequisition or sublet any portion of this site. I am informed, however, that you consider that there is sufficient space available for a playing pitch and I am informed that there is no objection to the use of this with the original pavilion belonging to your Club if you so require, although the permission must not be construed as precluding the use of the ground by troops by amicable arrangement if so desired and is subject to re-arrangement if at any time operational requirements render this necessary. If you wish to avail yourself of these facilities I should be much obliged if you could let me know in due course, although the actual arrangements should I think be carried out with the Officer you have apparently already contacted at Headquarters, 33rd A.A.Brigade, Crossacres, Woolton, Liverpool. Yours Faithfully, (Signed) A.Lowson, Capt., For Major, W.D.Land Agent & Valuer. The Hon.Secretary, Sefton Rugby Football Club.
P.S. Your letter of the 22nd. inst. has been received since dictating the above but I think my reply covers all your points. If you decide to avail yourself of the offer some set-off will have to be arranged in the compensation being paid to you. |
42 |
04-Mar-46 |
Letter |
Simon Jude & West |
War Dept. Land Agent and Valuer |
c/o. Simon Jude & West, 11/13 Victoria St., Liverpool,2. 4th.,March,1946. Your Ref .LB4/86832/6, AL/BS.
Dear Sir, SEFTON RUGBY FOOTBALL CLUB. -------------------------------------------- With further reference to your letter of the 23rd.,January,1946, my Committee have decided that in view of the short playing time remaining it would not be of advantage to accept the offer made as far as this season is concerned They desire, however, to accept the arrangement for the 1946/7 season, commencing on Saturday, 24th., August,1946, but they are anxious to be assured that there will be a reasonable security of tenure and that any rights which the Club possess as landlord will not be prejudiced by any facilities granted to the Club by the War Department. Perhaps, it will be possible for you to deal with these points when replying and at the same time to inform me of the amount of set—off required against the present compensation. I shall be obliged if you will inform me if any further information is available as to the cessation of the requisitioning as it is felt that it will not be possible to arrange fixtures satisfactorily for future seasons until such time as the Club is assured of permanent possession of its property. It would be of great assistance to me if you could reply to me before Thursday, l4th.,March.on which date my Committee next meet. Yours faithfully. J.F.M. Hon. Secretary, Sefton Rugby Football Club.
War Department Land Agent & Valuer, 12, Liverpool Rd., Chester. |
43 |
07-Mar-46 |
Letter |
War Dept. Land Agent and Valuer |
Simon Jude & West |
Tel: Chester 3760 War Department Land Agent & Valuer. 12, Liverpool Rd., Chester. 7th. March, 1946. In reply please quote: LB4/86832/6. AL/BS
Dear Sir, SEFTON RUGBY FOOTBALL CLUB. Ground and Pavilion at Thornhead Lane, Deysbrook, West Derby, L'pool . I am in receipt of your letter of the 4th., inst., the contents of which are noted. This site is being considered at higher level in connection with post—war requirements and I am not, therefore, in a position to give you any idea as to when the site is likely to be given up. My instructions are that it is to be retained under requisition for the time being. As regards your arrangements for next season at the present date I am afraid that I cannot enlarge the remarks conveyed in my letter of the 23rd, January, although I feel sure that if it so happens that the land is still retained at that time that everything possible - so long as military requirements are not affected - will be done to enable you to be able to use the ground, although obviously I cannot give you any guarantee. As regards any set-off against the present compensation I think it would be better in view of the fact that you do not propose to utilise the ground during the present season for this to be left to be settled at a later date. Any use to which the ground is put by your Club while still under requisition will not preclude the owners from making a damage claim under section 2(1(b)) of the Compensation (Defence) Act,1939, when the land is relinquished, but the Club obviously will be held responsible for any damage which is caused by their use or the ground. Yours faithfully, (signed) A.Lowson, Capt., for Major, W.D.Land Agent & Valuer. The Hon. Secretary, Sefton Rugby Football Club. |
44 |
30-Mar-46 |
Letter |
Sefton RUFC |
Lancashire County RFU |
SEFTON RUGBY FOOTBALL CLUB 1l, Guernsey Rd., Liverpool, 12. 30th., March, l946. Dear Sir, I enclose for your information copies of a letter to the English Rugby Football Union and of correspondence between my Club and the War Department relating to the requisitioning of the Club’s property. My Committee have asked me to state that they will appreciate any advice or assistance the Lancashire County Union can give on the matter, Yours faithfully, J.F.M. Hon. Secretary.
The Hon.Secretary, Lancashire County Rugby Football Union, 29, Stanneylands Road, Wilmslow, Lancs. |
45 |
30-Mar-46 |
Letter |
Sefton RUFC |
Rugby Football Union |
SEFTON RUGBY FOOTBALL CLUB ------------------------------------------- 11 Guernsey Road, Liverpool ,13. 30th. ,March,1946. Dear Sir, Ground and Pavilion at West Derby. ------------------------------------------ As you are aware the above property belongs to my Club and is subject to a mortgage securing a loan to the Club from the English Rugby Union. Since the outbreak of war in 1939 it has been held by the War Department under requisition, compensation being paid for it at the rate of £85-0-0 per annum. My Committee are of opinion that present circumstance warrant the cessation of the requisition and, I have been instructed. to write to you for any advice or assistance that you think can be given by the English Rugby Union. Copies of the correspondence between the Club and the War Department are enclosed, It is felt that until such time as the Club is assured of the possession of its property no proper re-organisation of its affairs can be made, and unless this is done it will prove difficult to maintain the interest of its past members. Failing any assurance that the property will be relinquished within a reasonable time it is thought that a considerable increase in the compensation paid should be made to enable alternative accommodation to be secured and to assist the Club in meeting its commitments, or that the requisitioning authorities should take steps to provide alternative and equivalent accommodation. Yours faithfully. J.F.M. Hon.Secretary. The Secretary, The English Rugby Football Union, Twickenham. |
46 |
05-Apr-46 |
Letter |
Lancashire County RFU |
Sefton RUFC |
April 5th 1946.
J.F.Moore, Esq, Hon. Sec. Sefton R.U.F.C. 11 Guernsey Rd, Liverpool. 13.
Dear Sir, Thank you for your letter of March 30th, and enclosed copy of correspondence between your Club and the War Dept Land Agent. For your information the Heaton Moor R.U.F.C. are having the same trouble, and they have taken up the matter with their local member of Parliament. I also have taken the matter up for them, asking the English Rugby Union to support them, which they are doing. So suggest you give all particulars to your member of Parliament asking him to take this matter up for you. If you will be good enough to let me have his name and address, I will also write to him. The member of Parliament who is taking the matter up for the Heaton Moor R.U.F.C. is Arnold Gridley K.B.E, and he is also getting in contact with Sir W.W. Wakefield M.P. who of course is on the Committee of the Rugby Football Union.
Yours faithfully,
J.B.G.Whittaker Hon.Secretary |
47 |
05-Apr-46 |
Letter |
Rugby Football Union |
Sefton RUFC |
RUGBY FOOTBALL UNION --------------------------------- TWICKENHAM ------------------ Secretary S.F.Coopper, Engineer Commander, R.N., 5th., April, 1946 Dear Sir, I thank you for your letter of the 30th.March, and regret to hear of the difficulties you are having to obtain the release of your ground from the Military Authorities. I am forwarding your letter and the correspondence to our Hon.Treasurer who deals with loans on mortgages to our Clubs. Yours Faithfully, (signed) S.F.Coopper Secretary. J.F.Moore, Esq., Sefton R.F.C. |
48 |
26-Apr-46 |
Letter |
Sefton RUFC |
Sir David Maxwell Fyfe, M.P |
26th. April, 1946. Dear Sir, Following correspondence with the Land Agent at the War Department and with the English and Lancashire Rugby Football Unions, on whose advice I am now acting, I have been instructed by my Committee to seek your assistance with regard to the de-requisitioning of my Club's property. For your information I enclose a copy of the relevant correspondence on the matter. Prior to the outbreak of war in 1939 my Club turned out five XV’s a week more or less regularly, but our activities ceased immediately war was declared owing to the number of members who volunteered for the forces or who were in the Territorial Army at that date. The ground was requisitioned as an A.A.gunsite soon after the declaration and, owing to the nature of the works carried out it will be some time before it is restored to its original condition even if it were to be relinquished immediately. In any event it is my Committee's desire to re-organise the Club on its former basis as soon as possible but it is thought that it will be impossible to do this effectively until such time as the Club is in possession of its property, and the offer of facilities by the war Department is so uncertain that it is feared that the interest of former members will be lost by the time the ground is restored to the Club. I hope that you will be kind enough to offer assistance in the matter. Yours Faithfully J.F.Moore Hon.Secretary.
The Right Honourable Sir David Maxwell Fyfe, M.P., B.A.F.C. 15, North Court, London, S.W.,1. |
49 |
27-May-46 |
Letter |
Rugby Football Union |
Sefton RUFC |
RUGBY FOOTBALL UNION. ___________ M. F. WATERS, HON. TREASURER, 9, LINCOLN’S INN FIELDS, LONDON. W.C2. 27th May 1946. Dear Sir, Ground and Pavilion, West Derby. Your letter of 30th March last addressed to the Secretary, Rugby Football Union, with copies of the correspondence between you and the War Department, has received careful consideration, but it does not seem that the Rugby Football Union can do much, if anything, to assist you in recovering possession of the property, unless perhaps you care to inform the War Department Land Agent that the Union views with grave concern the possibility of the ground being kept under requisition much longer, in view of the fact that they hold a mortgage on the property and look to your Club to keep down the mortgage repayments with interest from 1st September next, as from which date the interest will be charged at 2% instead of 2½% per annum as hitherto. Yours faithfully,
Mark F. Waters
J.F. Moore, Esq., 11, Guernsey Road, LIVERPOOL, 13. |
50 |
12-Jun-46 |
Letter |
War Dept. Land Agent and Valuer |
Simon Jude & West |
Tel. Chester 3760. WAR DEPARTMENT LAND AGENT & VALUER, 12, LIVERPOOL ROAD, CHESTER. 12th June, 1946. In reply please quote. LB 4/86832/6. KWH/EMW.
Dear Sir,
Sefton Rugby Football Club Ground and Pavilion.
I am advised by my Headquarters that you have made application for the release of the above site from requisition. I am instructed to inform you that release from requisition is still not possible but that the War Department is prepared to let back to you the pavilion and sufficient ground for one playing pitch. This letting would be subject to immediate termination should military requirements make this necessary, and will not take effect until the command posts and gun pits have been wired off, but I understand that this work will be carried out by the War Department. If you wish to take advantage of this arrangement will you please indicate on the enclosed plan the land which you consider should be let back to you.
Yours faithfully,
Major. W.D. Land Agent & Valuer.
J.F. Moore, Esq., Hon. Secretary, Sefton Rugby Football Club, c/o Messrs. Simon Jude & West, 11/13 Victoria Street, LIVERPOOL. 2. |
51 |
20-Jun-46 |
Letter |
Simon Jude & West |
War Dept. Land Agent and Valuer |
20th. June, 1946. Ref.LB4/86832/6. Dear Sir, Sefton Rugby Football Club Ground and Pavilion. I regret the delay in replying to your letter of the 12th. inst. I return herewith the plan of the land with the pitch we should like to be let back to us, if this is practicable. As a certain amount of work will have to be undertaken before it is possible to play on the pitch, it will be of great assistance to my Club if you could inform me as soon as possible of the date on which we can start to carry out such work, and in this connection, if it is possible for us to enlist the help of the Army authorities. I wou1d appreciate it if you could inform me as to whom I would approach in the matter. I think that my Committee would be prepared to pay a reasonable amount to get the pitch in playing condition. Yours faithfully,
J.F.Moore. Hon.Secretary.
The War Department Land Agent & Valuer, 12, Liverpool Rd., Chester. |
52 |
25-Jun-46 |
Letter |
Nathan of Churt, War Office |
Sir David Maxwell Fyfe, M.P |
L/13560 25 June, 1946.
Dear Maxwell Fyfe, You sent Lawson on the 15th May correspondence from the Sefton Rugby Union Football Club about the possibility of de-requisitioning their ground. Lawson asks me to express his regret that it is not yet possible to give you a definite reply, but we are making investigations to see how far we can meet the Club’s need by releasing the pavilion and part of the ground. I will write to you again as soon as I can let you know the outcome of these enquiries.
Yours Sincerely, Nathan of Churt (Nathan of Churt)
The Rt. Hon. Sir David Maxwell Fyfe, K.C., M.P. |
53 |
06-Jul-46 |
Letter |
Sefton RUFC |
Captain Scott, 33rd A.A.Brigade |
6th., July, 1946. Dear Sir, Ground and Pavilion at Thornhead Lane, West Derby, Liverpool, 12. ------------------------------------------------------ The War Department's Land Agent & Valuer at Chester has suggested that I contact you with a view to making some arrangements for preparing a playing pitch on the above ground. As you will, be aware the ground, which is the property of my Club, has been requisitioned by the War Office since l939. The Land Agent & Valuer has informed me that the war Department is not prepared to let my Club have the use of the Pavilion and or sufficient ground for one pitch, and I have indicated to him on a plan of the ground the area which we will require in the approaching season. The letting to the Club, however, will not take effect until the command posts and gun pits have been wired off. I understand that your headquarters will be responsible for this work, and as the 1946/7 playing season is fast approaching. It will be of great assistance to my Club if the matter could be appreciated, as a great deal of work is required on the pitch if it is to be in playing condition by the end of August. If you could let me know if it is possible for anything to be done in the near future I would greatly appreciate it, as I will then be immediately in a position to make arrangements for work to be started on the pitch. Yours Faithfully,
J.F.M. Captain Scott, 33rd.A.A.Brigade Headquarters, Crossacres, Woolton, Liverpool. |
54 |
10-Jul-46 |
Letter |
Garrison Engineer |
Sefton RUFC |
10th.July, l946. Dear Sir, Ground and Pavilion, West Derby, Site Mersey H7. ---------------------------------------- Headquarters, 33rd.A.A.Brigade, have informed me that the above ground, which is the property of my Club but under requisition to the War Department, has now been handed over to Home Command. I have been advised by the War Department Land Agent and Valuer at Chester that my Club may have the use or the pavilion and of sufficient land there for one playing pitch as soon as the gunsites and command posts have been wired off. Responsibility for the wiring off rests, I understand, with the Home Command, and the 33rd. Brigade H.Q. have informed me that an Officer from that H.Q. has already visited the site with the Clerk of Works to determine the position of the fence. I was advised to address further enquiries to you and in view of the imminence of the 1946/7 playing season I will greatly appreciate it if you could inform me of the earliest date on which my Club can take possession of the pavilion and of the portion of the ground agreed to be allotted for our use. This is desired as a considerable amount of work is required if the pitch is to be in a condition for playing on by the commencement of the season. An early reply would unable me to make immediate arrangements to put the work in hand. Yours Faithfully,
The Garrison Engineer, St.Mary’s Road, Huyton, Liverpool. |
55 |
23-Jul-46 |
Letter |
War Dept. Land Agent and Valuer |
Sefton RUFC |
Subject:— Ground and Pavilion, Deysbrook, West Derby, Liverpool. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Your Ref. LL/E/H/7-23 In reply please quote. L.B. 4/ 86832/61. D.C.R.E. LIVERPOOL. ----------------
With reference to your letter of the 12th instant to Mr. J.F. Moore at the Sefton Rugby Union Football Club, North West District have agreed that the pavilion and the playing pitch should be hired back to the Club. This hiring is contingent on the wiring of the Command Post and gun pits by the War Department. You stated in your memorandum to me of the 11th instant that action is now being taken to fence off the emplacement and I shall be obliged if you will keep both Mr. Moore end myself posted as to the progress of this wiring. It will be appreciated that the time factor is important in order that the ground may be prepared for the coming season. K.W. Hoyland Major. W.D. Land Agent & Valuer.
12, Liverpool Road, CHESTER. Tel. 3760. 23rd July, 1946. KHW/EMW Copy to:— Mr. J.F. Moore, Sefton Union Football Club, 11 Guernsey Road, Liverpool. 13. |
56 |
03-Aug-46 |
Letter |
War Dept. Land Agent and Valuer |
Sefton RUFC |
Tel. Chester. 3760 WAR DEPARTMENT LAND AGENT & VALUER, 12, LIVERPOOL ROAD, CHESTER. 3rd August, 1946. In reply
please quote. KHW/EMW Dear Sir, Sefton Rugby Football Ground. Liverpool.
I beg to advise you that a meeting will be held on Thursday, the 8th instant, at 2.30 p.m. at the Municipal Annexe, Dale Street, Liverpool, to consider the release of the above football ground from requisition, subject to certain conditions. The meeting will be attended by representatives of the Ministry of Town end Country Planning, the Local Authorities and the War Department. The lateness of this notice is regretted but it is hoped that representatives of the owners and of the Club will be able to attend. I have spoken to Mr.Munro on the telephone this morning but he informs me that he will be on holiday on the 8th instant. He can however be contacted on the telephone at Prestatyn 775 by the other gentlemen named. Yours faithfully,
K.W. Hoyland Major. W.D. Land Agent & Valuer. W.B. Croxford, Esq., 123 Leyfield Road, LIVERPOOL. Copy to:— Mr. F.J. Applebee, "Lingards", Twig Lane, Huyton, Liverpool. Mr. J.F. Moore, 11 Guernsey Road, Liverpool. 13. Mr. H.A. Munro, Woodland House, Cambrian Drive, Prestatyn, North Wales. |
57 |
09-Aug-46 |
Letter |
War Dept. Land Agent and Valuer |
Sefton RUFC |
Tel. Chester. 3760. WAR DEPARTMENT LAND AGENT & VALUER, 12, LIVERPOOL ROAD, CHESTER. In reply please quote. L.B. 4/86832/6. KHW/EMW. 9th August, 1946. Dear Sir, Sefton Rugby Union Football Club, West Derby, Liverpool. ---------------------------------------------------------- With reference to our previous correspondence and also Capt. Adams’ call upon you, I understand that you are prepared to agree to the following terms and conditions:— (1) One playing pitch to be let beck to the Club together with the use of the pavilion for a rent of £15 per annum. (2) The Club itself to undertake and to be responsible for such work as is necessary to make the ground fit for play, (3) The Club to take steps to avoid trespassers on to War Department property while the ground is in use and to take out suitable third party insurance cover. (4) The Schedule of present Condition to be agreed to safeguard the Club and the War Department. (5) The use of the ground end pavilion to be terminated at any time on a 48 hours notice by the War Department if the same are required for War Department purposes. I shall be glad to have your confirmation of these terms and conditions. With regard to the meeting yesterday I am sorry that such short notice was given but I was not myself advised until Saturday morning when I noticed that neither the owners nor the Club had been informed. Yours faithfully, K.W.Hoyland Major. W.D. Land Agent & Valuer . J.F. Moore, Esq., 11 Guernsey Road, LIVERPOOL. 13. |
58 |
16-Aug-46 |
Letter |
W.B.Croxford |
H.A.Munro |
123.Leyfield Rd., Liverpool.12. 16-8-46
Dear Munro, My thanks for yours. Not a lot has transpired since you wrote but I have picked up a certain amount of information and managed to contact Jack Parkinson. First, I gather from no less a person than Mrs.Braddock, who is interested in the settlers, that the idea is to get the people who have housing priorities into proper, or pre-fab, homes as soon as is possible, and then get the huts pulled down so that there is not a succession of settlement in unfit dwellings, which sounds pretty sensible, though how far the view is personal to the lady I can't say. Jack.P. went to the meeting, but did not learn much from it except that the proposal to let us have one pitch and the changing room still held. So the Club is to have a meeting next week, on day and place of which J.P. promised to ring me again last night and did not, and that two men are to start work on Monday licking our proposed part of the ground into shape. Who pays for that I don't know but have a very definite idea that it should be W.D. as ground had to be left as found. If we ever get back altogether again restoration is going to be a rare job for someone as the first team pitch is dotted with gun pits, erections and concrete ramps, and where we played has been turned into a series of humps and bumps by tractors and bulldozers, while all semblance of hedges and fences has vanished. I still have the idea that if Town Planning allows we should in co-operation with the Local Authority or otherwise consider again ground development for athletics, something that Liverpool very badly needs, and in which we are miles behind many smaller places with of course the centre used for Rugger in winter. At the moment it is perhaps just as well that the squatters are in, as they are definitely out to prevent further damage, there having been a lot since the troops got out, and to show that they can behave well enough to merit sympathetic consideration. Hope you have had a good if short break from the daily round. Yours sincerely, W.B.Croxford |
59 |
28-Aug-46 |
Letter |
Sefton RUFC |
War Dept. Land Agent and Valuer |
Your Ref. LB4/86832/6 KHW/EMW 28th August, 1946. Dear Sir, Sefton Rugby Union Football Club, West Derby, Liverpool. I regret the delay in replying to your letter of the 9th instant, but my absence from town and the difficulty on my return of arranging a committee meeting resulted in the delay. I am instructed to inform you that my committee is ready to agree to the terms and conditions set out in your letter, with the exception of clause 4. As you are no doubt aware, the whole of the camp has been occupied by squatters and our pavilion has now a tenant. It would appear that we have no hope of ejecting him under present circumstances and in view of the numerous trespassers on the whole of the property, we do not see that it would be possible for us to take any steps to avoid trespassers, or to take out suitable third party insurance cover in respect of it. I should be glad of your observations on this. Yours faithfully, JFM Hon. Secretary. War Department Land Agent & Valuer, 12 Liverpool Road, CHESTER. |
60 |
28-Aug-46 |
Letter |
Sefton RUFC |
The City Engineer |
28th August, 1946. Dear Sir, Sefton Rugby Union Football Club West Derby, Liverpool The ground of the above club which in situated at Thornhead Lane, off Leyfield Road, West Derby, was recently dealt with at a meeting of interested parties representing the War Department, the town planning authorities and representatives of this club, on the 8th instant at the Municipal Annexe. I now understand that the Corporation have applied for its release and should this be granted my committee are anxious to know whether you have any intentions regarding its future use. In order to allow us to recommence playing, the War Department have granted us the use of a pitch and the remains of our pavilion for dressing. The latter however, has since been occupied by a family of nine during the squatting movement. We do not intend this to prevent us from using the building and intend to partition off sufficient space for our own use each Saturday, until our unfortunate visitors are found accommodation more suitable for their requirements. When they have gone, we intend gradually to reinstate the remainder of the building to its former excellent condition, provided we are given some hope of having the full use of it for some years to come. Any information regarding our position if the War Department de-requisition the ground, will be very welcome. Yours faithfully, JFM Hon. Secretary. The City Engineer, Municipal Buildings, Dale Street, LIVERPOOL.
61 |
30-Aug-46 |
Letter |
War Dept. Land Agent and Valuer |
Sefton RUFC |
Tel. Chester 3760. WAR DEPARTMENT LAND AGENT & VALUER, 12, LIVERPOOL ROAD, CHESTER. In reply please quote. 30th August, 1946. L.B. 4/86832/6 KWH/EMW
Dear Sir, Sefton Rugby Union Football Club, West Derby, Liverpool. I thank you for your letter of the 28th instant and agree that under the present circumstances it would be impossible for you to prevent trespass on to the War Department property. I note your remarks in regard to third party cover. I had in mind originally the possibility of spectators receiving injury when wandering about on War Department property and while I appreciate that the position is complicated by the presence of squatters I presume that you will take out a third party cover against damage to spectators and others in connection with your occupation of the ground. I shall be glad to have your further views on this. Will you please let me know the date from which you suggest the agreement with the War Department should take effect. Yours faithfully, K.W.Hoyland Major. W.D. Land Agent & Valuer.
J.F. Moore, Esq., 11 Guernsey Road, LIVERPOOL. 13. ------------------------ |
62 |
31-Aug-46 |
Letter |
The City Engineer |
Sefton RUFC |
J.F. Moore, Esq., Honorary Secretary, Sefton Rugby Union Football Club, 11, Guernsey Road, Liverpool, 13. Dear Sir, Town Planning Scheme No.5. Proposed De-requisitioning of Gun Site, Leyfield Road. ------------------------------------------------- With reference to your letter of the 28th August 1946, I confirm that the Corporation have applied for the de-requisitioning of the above site. Their object in doing so was to prevent the area in the vicinity of the site from having to be sterilized from building developments and not because of any immediate intentions regarding the development of the site itself. I am unable to say at present whether the Council will eventually require this land for development purposes, but as far as can be seen at the present time, you are likely to have its full use for some years to come in the event of the Corporation’s application for de-requisitioning being successful. Yours faithfully, Herbert Stamer |
63 |
14-Sep-46 |
Letter |
Sefton RUFC |
War Dept. Land Agent and Valuer |
14th., Sept., 1946. Your ref. LB4/86832/6 KWH/EMW
Dear Sir, Sefton Rugby Union Football Club West Derby, Liverpoo1 ----------------------------------------- Thank you for your letter of the 30th.ult.. I am making arrangements for a 3rd Party Insurance policy and will inform you further about this. As my club have held a couple of practice games on the ground I suggest that the arrangement with the War Department should take effect as from the lst.September, 1946. In this connection, can the rental we have agreed to pay be offset against the compensation being paid to my Club? Yours Faithfully.
War Department Land Agent &Va1uer, 12, Liverpool Road, Chester. |
64 |
19-Sep-46 |
Letter |
War Dept. Land Agent and Valuer |
Sefton RUFC |
Tel. Chester 3760. WAR DEPARTMENT LAND AGENT & VALUER, 12, LIVERPOOL ROAD, CHESTER. 19th September, 1946.
In reply please quote. L.B. 4/86832/6. IWB/EMW
Dear Sir,
Sefton Rugby Union Football Club, West Derby, Liverpool. ----------------------------------------------------------- I am advised by the Quartering Commandant that the W.D. caretaker of the above site has reported that some argument has arisen between your Club and Mr. Wilson reference his grazing cattle on the above ground. I have to advise you that I have made arrangements for Mr. Wilson to graze that part of the land which is under requisition and not on loan to your Club. If he wishes to graze that part of the ground which has been loaned to your Club, arrangements must be made through you. Yours faithfully,
Ivor W. Brown Major. W.D. Land Agent & Valuer
J.F. Moore, Esq., The Secretary, Sefton Rugby Union Football Club, 11 Guernsey Road, LIVERPOOL. 13. Copy to:— Q.C. (South) Reference your N.W.D.R./B. 7. of the 18th Sept. 1946.
65 |
19-Mar-47 |
Letter |
War Dept. Land Agent and Valuer |
Sefton RUFC |
Tel. Chester 3200. Ext. 123. WAR DEPARTMENT LAND AGENT & VALUER, "THE MOORINGS", QUEENS PARK, CHESTER. 19th March, 1947. In reply please quote. L.B. 4/86832/6. IWB/EMW Dear Sir, Mersey Gun Site H.7. ‘F’, Sefton Rugby Union Football, West Derby, Liverpool. Consideration is being given to the transfer to the Ministry of Health of the portion of the land at the above occupied by hutting and the surrender of the remainder of the land from requisition. I attach a print taken from the 25" Ordnance Sheet showing edged blue the land under requisition from your Club and hatched red the approximate site of the playing pitch now on loan to your Club. Will you please mark on the plan by suitable hatching in a colour different to those already employed such land as your Club would like to have surrendered from requisition bearing in mind the requirements of the Ministry of Health in regard to the huts occupied by squatters. When you have marked the plan will you please return it to me.
Yours faithfully,
Ivor W. Brown Major. W.D. Land Agent & Valuer. J.F. Moore, Esq., The Hon. Secretary, Sefton Rugby Union Football Club, 11, Guernsey Road, LIVERPOOL. 13. (Encl.) |
66 |
Attached Map |
Ordnance Map of Ground Area |
67 |
22-Apr-47 |
Letter |
Davis, Berthen & Munro, Solicitors |
The City Engineer & Surveyor |
HM/CH. 22nd April, 1947.
The City Engineer & Surveyor, City Engineer & Surveyor’ s Office, Municipal Buildings, Liverpool, 2. Dear Sir, D/W/AD. 2640. 263/5. Town Planning Scheme No.5. Proposed De-requisitioning of Gun Site, Leyfield Rd Referring to the correspondence between yourself and Mr Moore and particularly your letter of 31st August 1946, I am one of the trustees of this property on behalf of the Sefton Rugby Football Club and am dealing with the matter on behalf of the owner. Recently Mr. Moore received a letter from the Land Agent dated 19th March 1947, copy of which I enclose, and before I reply I would be glad to have your department’s views, because naturally the Club feel that it would be desirable to retain this property as permanent op en space, which I understand was also proposed by the Planning scheme, and, while we cannot very well object to a ramp retention by the authorities of the portion occupied by the huts which are at present occupied by Squatters, we feel that it would be undesirable that the Ministry of Health should acquire permanently any part of the land. I propose to write to the Land Agent on these lines, but before doing so, as above-mentioned, it seemed to me that it would be desirable to obtain your views. Yours faithfully,
Herbert J.Davis, Berthen & Munro
68 |
28-Apr-47 |
Letter |
Davis, Berthen & Munro, Solicitors |
Simon Jude & West |
HM/CH. 28th April, 1947. Personal. J.F. Moore Esq., Messrs. Simon Jude & West, 15, Victoria St, Liverpool. Dear Mr. Moore, I am afraid that I will not be able to get to the meeting next Wednesday, but in connection with item 2b on the Agenda, I thought that I ought to report to you that I wrote to the City Engineer on the 22nd April, before writing to the Land Agent, but have not received his reply. As soon as I have it, I will communicate with you again. As you know, it gives me the greatest pleasure to be able to do something for the old club, quite apart from my own personal interest as a trustee. With kind regards, Yours sincerely, H.A.Munro (Hector Munro). |
69 |
07-May-47 |
Letter |
War Dept. Land Agent and Valuer |
Sefton RUFC |
Tel. Chester 3200. Ext. 123. WAR DEPARTMENT LAND AGENT & VALUER, "THE MOORINGS", QUEENS PARK, CHESTER. 7th May, 1947. In reply please quote. L.B. 4/86832/6. IWB/EMW
Dear sir, Sports Ground, Sefton Rugby Union Football Club, West Derby Liverpool. -------------------------------------------------------------- I do not appear to have heard from you in answer to my letter dated 19th March, 1947, and would point out that I have now addressed to you three letters on this particular subject. You advised me that your Club was holding a Committee meeting on the 14th April and that you would communicate with me immediately afterwards. It is in your own interests to deal with this matter forthwith and I shall be glad if you will please return to me the plan forwarded to you under cover of my letter referred to above duly marked as requested in that letter. Yours faithfully,
Ivor W. Brown Major. W.D.Land Agent & Valuer. J.F. Moore, Esq., The Hon. Secretary, Sefton Rugby Union Football Club, 11 Guernsey Road, LIVERPOOL. 13. |
70 |
08-May-47 |
Letter |
The City Engineer & Surveyor |
Davis, Berthen & Munro, Solicitors |
CITY ENGINEER & SURVEYORS OFFICE, MUNICIPAL BUILDINGS, LIVERPOOL 2. HENRY T. HOUGH M.I.C.E. M.T.P.I. CITY ENGINEER & SURVEYOR REF D/Mc/B. 264° .263/5. YOUR REF HM/CH. 8 May 1947 Messrs. Herbert J. Davis, Berthen and Munro, Prudential Buildings, 36, Dale Street, L I v e r p o o l, 2.
Dear Sirs, Town Planning Scheme No.5. Proposed De-requisitioning of Gun Site Leyfield Road. ------------------------------------------------- With reference to your letter of the 22nd April, I note that you are dealing with the above matter on behalf of the owners. Under the Planning Scheme the land is zoned for residential purposes, but of course it need not be used for that purpose unless the present owners wish to sell the land for development. The portion of land fronting Leyfield Road and partly occupied by huts is at present owned by the Corporation and it is proposed to build a County College on this site. Yours faithfully, Henry. T. Hough |
71 |
13-May-47 |
Letter |
Davis, Berthen & Munro, Solicitors |
Simon Jude & West |
HM/CH. 13th May, 1947. Personal. Messrs. J.F. Moore Esq., Messrs. Simon Jude & West, Liverpool.
My dear Moore, I have had a letter from the City Engineer, copy of which I enclose. Subject to your views, I now propose to write to the Lend Agent saying that the Club does not want any part of the land (even that occupied by huts) taken by the Ministry, but would you let me have your views on this.? For this purpose I am enclosing the Land Agent’s letter, together with the plan. Yours sincerely,
H.A.Munro (Hector Munro). |
72 |
18-May-47 |
Letter |
Sefton RUFC |
Davis, Berthen & Munro, Solicitors |
SEFTON RUGBY UNION FOOTBALL CLUB FOUNDED 1907 Hon. Treasurer: A.L. HULME 9 ELMSLEIGH ROAD LIVERPOOL, 18 Hon. Secretary: J.F.MOORE 11 GUERNSEY ROAD LIVERPOOL, 13 TELEPHONE: CENtral 7931 TELEGRAMS: MOORE c/o CHECKMATE 18th May, 1947. Dear Mr Munro, Thank you very much for your letter of the 13th, enclosing copy of letter from the City Engineer. It is comforting to know that it will be possible for us to retain the land for our purposes, and the news that a County College is to be built on the front land may mean that the Club will reap an ultimate advantage. I am in agreement with your proposal that the Club does not want any part of land, even that occupied by the huts, to be taken by the Ministry, and the Committee Meeting which recently considered the matter were of the opinion that the War Office should de-requisition the whole of the property, including the portion, so that the full compensation payable can be agreed upon. Any subsequent transactions that may become necessary should be a matter between the Club and the Ministry. I return the letter of the Land Agent and the plan of the ground. Yours sincerely
H.A.Munro, Esq.
73 |
27-Jun-47 |
Letter |
War Dept. Land Agent and Valuer |
Davis, Berthen & Munro, Solicitors |
Copy. War Department Land Agent & Valuer, "The Moorings", Queens Park, Chester. 27th June, 1947. Dear Sirs, Sports Ground, Deysbrook, West Derby. Liverpool. Mersey Gun Site H7. ------------------------ With further reference to your letter dated 23rd ultimo, I am now advised by my Headquarters that the above site has been placed on the redundant list. I propose to transfer to the Ministry of Health the site of the hutted camp which is now "Squatted" together with reasonable access thereto and surrender the remainder of the land from requisition. I am communicating with the Ministry of Health as to the area which that Ministry desires to take over and when this point has been settled I will communicate with you. Yours faithfully, (Signed) Major. W.D. Land Agent and Valuer.
Messrs. H. J.Davis, Berthen and Munro, 36, Dale Street, Liverpool. |
74 |
30-Jun-47 |
Letter |
Davis, Berthen & Munro, Solicitors |
War Dept. Land Agent and Valuer |
HM/EWB 30th June 1947. W.D. Land Agent & Valuer, "The Moorings", Queens Park, Chester, Cheshire.
Dear Sir, Sports Ground, Deysbrook, West Derby, Liverpool. Mersey Gun Site H7. Ref: L.B. 4/86832/6. IWB/EMW
We have received your letter, but we have not been able to follow what you say with regard to the transfer to the Ministry of Health. We made it perfectly clear in our letter of 23rd May that the Trustees and the Club are not in agreement with any such transfer. Are we to understand that you are disregarding these views, without even troubling to make any comment on them? If so, we are confident that the Trustees and the Club will have to take the matter up to higher quarters, and see what can be done. They will feel that they should least have had the courtesy of some observations on the views they hold. Yours faithfully, Herbert J.Davis, Berthen & Munro
(Herbert J.Davis, Berthen & Munro). |
75 |
02-Jul-47 |
Letter |
War Dept. Land Agent and Valuer |
Davis, Berthen & Munro, Solicitors |
Tel:No. Ext.123. Chester 3200. ----------------- WAR DEPARTMENT LAND AGENT & VALUER, "THE MOORINGS", QUEEN’S PARK, CHESTER. 2nd July, 1947. In reply please quote. 4/86832/6. IWB/JL
Dear Sirs, Sports Ground, Deysbrook, West Derby, Liverpool. Mersey Gun Site H.7. I acknowledge receipt of your letter dated the 30th ultimo for which I thank you and note your remarks. I must apologise for not having observed on the views put forward in the last sentence of your letter dated 23rd May, 1947, Let me briefly explain the position in regard to the above land held under requisition by virtue of Defence Regulation No.51 of the Defence Regulations 1939. The site was requisitioned by the War Department far its own peculiar needs and those needs having now been fulfilled, the War Department has no further use for the site. The Ministry of Health however, another Government Department is now interested in the site and the War Department proposes to transfer to that Ministry the benefit of the requisition in respect of the land in which tin Ministry of Health is now interested. You will appreciate that although the requisition was in the first case effected by the War Department, the land was in point of fact requisitioned for Government purposes and the Ministry of Health still require it for Government purposes. It is not necessary to have the Owner’s consent to a transfer of requisition benefit of a requisition from one Government Department to another and although I suppose that in effect the War Department is disregarding your views, let me assure you that it is not doing so in a discourteous manner. I have already apologised for my failure to comment upon your express views, and am afraid the matter must rest.
Yours faithfully, Ivor W. Brown Major. W.D. Land Agent & Valuer. Messrs. Herbert J.Davis, Berthen & Munro, Solicitors & Commissioners, Prudential Buildings, 36, Dale Street, LIVERPOOL, 2. -------------------------------------------------------
76 |
03-Jul-47 |
Letter |
Davis, Berthen & Munro, Solicitors |
Sefton RUFC |
HM/CH. 3rd July, 1947. J.F.Moore Esq., 11, Guernsey Road, Liverpool. 13.
Dear Moore, I have had another letter from the Land Agent, a copy of which I enclose. He is quite right in saying if one Ministry decides to transfer to another this can be done, and I fear we are in difficulty about this. Yours sincerely, H.A.Munro (Hector Munro).
Enc. |
77 |
20-Jul-47 |
Letter |
Sefton RUFC |
Davis, Berthen & Munro, Solicitors |
20th July, 1947. Dear Mr Munro, Thank you for your letters of the 30th June and 3rd July, and for copies of correspondence between yourselves and the War Department. I regret I have been unable to acknowledge them before now. I agree there is nothing very much that can be done with regard to the proposed transfer to the Ministry of Health, and I do not anticipate that it will have much effect on the Club's activities in the forthcoming season. I would, however, be pleased if some indication could be obtained of the War Department's intentions with regard to the restoring of the ground and/or portion to its former condition, as I would like to be in a position to advise the Club Committee. Thank you for your attention to this matter. Yours sincerely
H.A.Munro, Esq.
78 |
08-Aug-47 |
Letter |
War Dept. Land Agent and Valuer |
Davis, Berthen & Munro, Solicitors |
Tel:No. Ext.123. Chester 3200. ----------------- WAR DEPARTMENT LAND AGENT & VALUER, "THE MOORINGS", QUEEN’S PARK, CHESTER. 8th August, 1947. In reply please quote. L.B. 4/86832/6. IWB/EMW
Dear Sirs, Sports Ground, Deysbrook, West Derby, Liverpool. Mersey H.7. I acknowledge receipt of your letter, reference HM/CH, dated the 6th instant for which I thank you and note your remarks. I am still awaiting information as to the exact area of land in respect of which the Ministry of Health wish to assume the benefit of the requisition. Immediately this information is available I will surrender the redundant land. Regarding your query as to the War Department’s intention in regard to the restoring of the grounds and pavilion to their former condition, I would point out that your remedy is to submit to the War Department a claim under Section 2(1)(b) of the Compensation (Defence) Act, 1939, in the sum which you allege is necessary to restore the grounds and pavilion to the condition in which they were when requisitioned. In this connection however I would advise you that an interdepartmental Committee has been formed to deal with the restoration in full or in part of such sites as were requisitioned by Government Departments when such restoration is in the public interest. When I can ascertain as to the land which is redundant I will submit the question of restoration to the Committee for consideration and you will be advised as to the decision arrived at. Yours faithfully, Ivor W. Brown Major. W.D. Land Agent & Valuer.
Messrs. H.J. Davis, Berthen & Munro, Prudential
Buildings, Copy to:— Principal Housing You will note that the owners of the land are pressing for a decision and it will be appreciated if you can please give the information I require
79 |
14-Aug-47 |
Letter |
Davis, Berthen & Munro, Solicitors |
Sefton RUFC |
HM/CH. 14th August, 1947. J.F. Moore Esq., 11, Guernsey Road, Liverpool. 13.
My dear Moore, I have had a letter from the Land Agent, which I enclose for your information. I have not kept a copy of this. Yours sincerely,
H.A.Munro (Hector Munro).
Enc. |
80 |
20-Aug-47 |
Letter |
War Dept. Land Agent and Valuer |
Davis, Berthen & Munro, Solicitors |
Tel:No. Ext.123. Chester 3200. ----------------- WAR DEPARTMENT LAND AGENT & VALUER, "THE MOORINGS", QUEEN’S PARK, CHESTER. 20th August, 1947. In reply please quote. 4/86832/6.L.B. TRT/NM Dear Sirs, Sports Ground, Deysbrook, West Derby Further to my letter of the 8th inst. the portion of land on the attached plan marked blue has been referred to the appropriate department for clearance as explained in the above mentioned letter and will be released very shortly. The remaining portion is being transferred to the Ministry of Health. The portion to be released is approximately 8.236 acres and that to be transferred approximately 2.157. acres. I therefore suggest that the rental compensation be apportioned as follows:— 1. The portion to be released £67.10.0. p.a. 2. The portion to be transferred £l7.10..0.p.a. Kindly confirm your agreement as soon as possible. Yours faithfully, T.R.T. Capt. for Major. W. D. Land Agent & Valuer.
Messrs. H.J.Davis, Berthen & Munro, Prudential Buildings, 36 Dale Street, LIVERP00L.2. |
81 |
03-Sep-47 |
Letter |
Sefton RUFC |
Davis, Berthen & Munro, Solicitors |
SEFTON RUGBY UNION FOOTBALL CLUB FOUNDED 1907 Hon. Treasurer: A.L. HULME 9 ELMSLEIGH ROAD LIVERPOOL, 18 Hon. Secretary: J.F.MOORE 11 GUERNSEY ROAD LIVERPOOL, 13 TELEPHONE: CENtral 7931 TELEGRAMS: MOORE c/o CHECKMATE 3rd September, 1947. Dear Mr Munro, I regret the delay in acknowledging your letters of the 14th and 25th August, but I have been away on holiday. I return the letter from the War Department which you forwarded with yours of the 14th. From it I note that the question of restoration of ground and pavilion to their former condition may be referred to an interdepartmental Committee and that, if it is, you will be advised as to the Committee's decision. I do not see that much can be done until you are so advised. In the meantime I have informed my Committee of the War Department's proposals in their letter of the 20th August, and it will be in order to accept their proposals as to the areas to be derequisitioned and transferred and the apportionment of the rental compensation. I enclose receipt for your subscription. Yours sincerely
H.A.Munro, Esq.
82 |
24-Sep-47 |
Letter |
War Dept. Land Agent and Valuer |
Senior Reg. Officer, Min. of Health |
Tel. 3200 Ext. 124. WAR DEPARTMENT LAND AGENT & VALUER, "THE MOORINGS ", QUEENS PARK, CHESTER. In reply please quote: 4/86832/6 L.B. 24th September, 1947. Dear Sir, Part of sports Ground, Deysbrook, West Derby & Field O.S. 175 Leyfield Road, West Derby (MR.35/873141) I am advised by the Quartering Commandant that the benefit of the requisition on the above property has been transferred to your Department with effect from 23.9.47. I therefore attach the following documents:- Requisition Notice s. 1. and 2. Claim Form No.1.
Compensation Agreement. s.2. Insurance Undertaking. Letter of Authority. Letters re portion of Sports ground rental 2. Sketch Plan 1. Compensation under Section 2(1)(a) of the Compensation (Defence) Act, 1935, has been agreed in the sum of £42.10.0.
per annum
was paid to the owners on the requisition of the property under Section 2(1)(d) of the Act in respect of Surveyor's fees and £9.2.6. under ………2(1)(c)……………………….loss of grazing of grazing etc., Compensation is payable to: See overleaf. Works Services carried by the War Department amount to £17,250 in respect of hutting & services. All compensation up to and including the 28. 9.47. will be paid and it is assumed that you will accept financial liability for the property as from that date. I shall be obliged if you will acknowledge receipt of the above-mentioned documents and at the same time concur that you agree with the arrangements set out herein. Yours faithfully, T.R.T Capt. for Major. W.D. Land Agent & Valuer. Senior Regional Officer, Ministry of Health, Sunlight House, Quay Street, Manchester.3 (Enclosures). Copy to:- District paymaster, North-West District. War Agricultural Executive Committee, Headquarters, North-West District. District Claims Officer, North-West District. (Ref. your N.W.D.9/12.Q.Qr). Q.C. North-West District. Officer i/c Baracks, Liverpool. D.C.R.E. Liverpool. LL/E/H/7 - 40. Land Commissioner, Ministry of Agriculture & Fisheries. Treasurer Valuer. Command Land Agent. - together with plan. Liverpool. |
83 |
24-Sep-47 |
Overleaf |
Transfer Notice |
A) 2.157 acres approx. - part of 10.393 acres 1939 @ £85 p.a. Agreed compensation under 2(1)(a) on 2.157 acres £17/10/- p.a. War Department will pay 2(1)(a) compensation on remainder until released. Owners: Trustees of Sefton Rugby Football Club. Agents: H.J.Davis & Co. B) 4.493 acres under 2(1)(a) £25 to Tenant Owners: Liverpool Corporation. Tennant: J.Jackson, 19 Leyfield Rd, Liverpool,12.
84 |
15-Oct-47 |
Letter |
Sefton RUFC |
Davis, Berthen & Munro, Solicitors |
SEFTON RUGBY UNION FOOTBALL CLUB FOUNDED 1907 Hon. Treasurer: A.L. HULME 9 ELMSLEIGH ROAD LIVERPOOL, 18 Hon. Secretary: J.F.MOORE 11 GUERNSEY ROAD LIVERPOOL, 13 TELEPHONE: CENtral 7931 TELEGRAMS: MOORE c/o CHECKMATE 15th October, 1947. Dear Mr Munro, I regret the delay in replying to your letter of the 25th, Sept, 1947, which enclosed copy of letter from War Department to Ministry of Health dated 24 Sep 47. I return this copy herewith. I note in it, by the way, a reference to Compensation having been agreed in the sum of £42/10/-. per annum. As far as I am aware the amount was £85-0-0 per annum, and this amount was definitely received each year. The whole business is very complicated, but I presume the War Department will advise you in due course as to the position we are in with regard to compensation for the portion now released, and the procedure to be followed to secure it. Kind Regards Yours sincerely
H.A.Munro, Esq.
85 |
21-Oct-47 |
Letter |
Ministry of Works |
Davis, Berthen & Munro, Solicitors |
Telephone Number : CENTRAL 2191 MINISTRY OF WORKS, 76 NEWTON STREET, MANCHESTER, 1. 21st October, 1947.
Our Ref. PO/CAA/EW Sirs, Gun Site, Deysbrook, West Derby, Liverpool - 10/TDW/152 I am directed by the Minister of Works to say that he has received from the Regional Committee, entrusted with the consideration of the extent to which restoration of the land is expedient in the public interest, a recommendation that the temporary defence works on the above land shall in the main be removed ultimately and the land restored so far as is practicable. No particular urgency is indicated in the recommendation and while demands on labour and plant etc., persist no active steps to carry out the Committee's recommendation can be taken. In the meantime, the Department responsible f or the construction of the works, will, therefore, be unable to proceed with negotiations for a final compensation settlement under the appropriate Sections of the Compensation (Defence) Act 1939. You should, however, approach the Department concerned with regard to the continued payment of such annual compensation under Section 2 (1) (a) or 3 (2) of the Compensation (Defence) Act 1939 as you may have been accustomed to receive from them in the past. You will be notified when, in the Department’s view, it is practicable for the actual works of restoration to proceed.
I am, Sirs,
Your obedient Servant,
(Sgd) C.A.Atkinson.
for Principal Officer
The Trustees of the Sefton Rugby Football Club. c/o. Messrs. Herbert J. Davies. Berthen & Munro, 36 Dale Street, Liverpool. |
86 |
22-Oct-47 |
Letter |
Davis, Berthen & Munro, Solicitors |
War Dept. Land Agent and Valuer |
HM/CH 22nd October, 1947 The War Department Land Agent & Valuer, The Moorings, Queens Park, Chester. Dear Sir, Your Reference 4/86832/6. L.B. Part of Sports ground Deysbrook, West Derby.
Referring to your letter or 24th September, our clients are not quite clear on this. Is it correct that the rent for the part of the property upon which the huts stand, is to be £42.10.0. If so, how is this fixed ? Yours faithfully, Herbert J.Davis, Berthen & Munro (Herbert J.Davis, Berthen & Munro); |
87 |
22-Oct-47 |
Letter |
Davis, Berthen & Munro, Solicitors |
Sefton RUFC |
HM/CH 22nd October, 1947
J.F. Moore Esq., 11, Guernsey Road, Liverpool. 13.
Dear Mr. Moore, Sefton Rugby Football Club. Thank for your letter with its enclosure. I have written the valuer on this, but is not the position that part of the land has been released, or is going to be released, and that the rent for the rest of the land, which is being retained, is going to be reduced to £42.l0.0. per annum ? Yours sincerely, H.A.Munro (Hector Munro)
P.S. Since writing the above I have received a letter from the Ministry of Works, copy of which I enclose, with a carbon. I have not acknowledged it. H.M. Enc. |
88 |
23-Oct-47 |
Letter |
War Dept. Land Agent and Valuer |
Davis, Berthen & Munro, Solicitors |
Tel: Chester 3200. Ext. 124.
WAR DEPARTMENT LAND AGENT & VALUER, "THE MOORINGS", QUEENS PARK, CHESTER. 23rd October, 1947. In reply please quote: 4/86832/6 L.B. TRT/BS.
Dear Sirs, Part of Sports Ground, Deysbrook, West Derby. --------------------------------- With reference to your letter of the 22nd Inst., and my transfer notice of the 23rd September which was copied to you. It is shown on the back of the transfer Notice that the rental for the portion of land transferred and owned by your clients is £17.l0.0. per annum. This is the portion on which is situated the hutting and is the amount agreed by your clients. I have now heard from the Ministry of Works that the work of clearing the remainder of the site is classified ‘B’ which means it will be some little time yet before the work is put in hand. If your clients are prepared to accept release on the condition that they allow the Ministry of Works to enter for the purpose of this clearance at a later date, I should be agreeable to de-requisition the land, and I should also be prepared to accept a claim under Section 2(1)(b) of the Compensation (Defence) Act, 1939, for any work not satisfactorily finished by that Ministry and also to arrange a Rehabilitation allowance to cover the period taken to reinstate. Kindly confirm whether or not your clients are agreeable. Yours faithfully,
T.R.T. Capt. For W.D. Land Agent & Valuer
Messrs. Herbert S. Davis, Berthen & Munro., Prudential Buildings, 36, Dale Street, LIVERPOOL. 2. |
89 |
31-Oct-47 |
Letter |
Davis, Berthen & Munro, Solicitors |
Sefton RUFC |
HM/LN 31st October 1947.
J.F.Moore Esq., 11 Guernsey Road, Liverpool 13.
Dear Moore, Sefton Rugby Football Club. Since writing you on the 22nd, I have received the enclosed letter from the Land Agent, dated the 23rd instant, which perhaps you will consider and let me know what we should reply. I have not kept a copy. It has occurred to me again, recently, that there is really no defined position at all about who among the members owns the ground (i.e. for whom the Trustees hold the ground) and in what shares. This situation might lead to litigation some time or other, and I think we ought to consider it. Probably there ought to be a Declaration of Trust by myself, Croxford and Applebee, defining the interests and shares for which we are Trustees, but it is somewhat difficult to know how this should be done. I leave you to think about the problem. With kind regards, Yours sincerely,
H.A.Munro (Hector Munro) |
90 |
09-Dec-47 |
Letter |
Architecture and Housing Dept. |
Sefton RUFC |
Dear Sir, Sports Ground - Leyfield Road I have to acknowledge your letter of the 4th instant, and note your remarks regarding the Hut formerly used by your Club as a Pavilion. The Contractors carrying out the work of clearance on this Estate have been notified accordingly.
Yours faithfully,
L.H.Keay City Architect and Director of Housing |
91 |
06-Jan-48 |
Letter |
Rugby Football Union |
Davis, Berthen & Munro, Solicitors |
Dear Sir, Thank you for your letter of the 30ult, with enclosures from the Club. As the ground is about to be released from requisition, and the War Department are unlikely to carry out any work, the Owners of the land are entitled to recover as compensation the cost of removing any erections or emplacements carried out by the W.D. and re-instating the Ground to its condition at the time of requisition. They should also receive rental compensation for the period this work will take to complete. The W.D. will pay Surveyors fees in addition, so the Club will be well advised to employ a competent Surveyor to prepare and negotiate the claim for compensation, including work already carried out by Club members, and generally to protect the Club’s interests. I well appreciate the difficulties with which this Club have been subject and that they are doing their best to get going again. I suggest that your County Committee should recommend to this Union that provided the Sefton Club pay the interest as it becomes due, they should be granted a moratorium in respect of Capital repayments for a further period of three years to the 29.9.47. and recommence capital repayment on the 29.9.48. which will have the effect of extending the period of repayments by another three years. Yours sincerely, Mark F.Waters Hon. Treasurer |
92 |
30-Jan-48 |
Letter |
Lancashire County RFU |
Sefton RUFC |
Jan 30th 1948.
J.F.Moore, Esq. 11 Guernsey Rd, Liverpool. 13. Loan to Rugby Union.
Dear Moore, I enclose Copy of letter received from the Hon. Treasurer of the R.F.U. dated Jan 6th, as you are aware this letter was brought up at the Committee meeting of the County last night, with the result that, I am writing to the Hon. Treasurer the recommendation which he suggests in his letter, and was passed by our Committee.
Yours sincerely, J.B.G.Whittaker Hon. Secretary. |
93 |
19-Apr-48 |
Letter |
Town Clerk |
Davis, Berthen & Munro, Solicitors |
TOWN CLERK 19th April, 1948. TELEPHONE No. CENTRAL 8433 Please quote ---------C/2/l15. PLEASE ADDRESS LETTERS THE TOWN CLERK
Dear Sir, Requisitioned Land & War Works Act 1948. ----------------------------------------------------- As requested I enclose herewith forms of Claim No.12 which I shall be glad if you will complete and return to me in triplicate as soon as possible. Yours faithfully T.Alker. Town Clerk. H.A.Munro Esq., 36, Dale Street, LIVERPOOL, 2.
94 |
26-Apr-48 |
Letter |
Davis, Berthen & Munro, Solicitors |
War Dept. Land Agent and Valuer |
HM/CH 26th April, 1948. The War Department Land Agent and Valuer. The Moorings, Queens Park, C H E S T E R.
Dear Sir, Sefton Rugby Football Club. 4/86832/6.L.B. As you know, we act for the Trustees of the Sefton Rugby Football Club. As we understand the position, the War Department pay the rent of £l7.5.9d per quarter in respect of the portion of the property still under the control of the Department, but a question will arise as to an increase of the rent under the provisions of the Requisitioned Land and War Works Acts 1945 and 1948 and we should be glad if in due course you would kindly let us have in triplicate, forms of notice of claim under section 9 of the 1948 Act. We are making a similar claim against the Liverpool Corporation in respect of the other portion of the property. Yours faithfully, Herbert J.Davis, Berthen & Munro (Herbert J.Davis, Berthen & Munro). |
95 |
28-Apr-48 |
Letter |
War Dept. Land Agent and Valuer |
Davis, Berthen & Munro, Solicitors |
Tel. Chester 3200. Ext. 123. WAR
In reply please quote. 28 April, 1948. L.B. 4/86832/6.
Dear Sir/Madam,
Claim under Section 9 of the Requisitioned Land and War Works Act, 1948, for increase in compensation payable under Section 2(l)(a) of the Compensation (Defence) Act. 1939. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sefton Rugby Football Club.
Reference your enquiry dated 26th April, 1948. I enclose herewith Form No. 12 in triplicate, two copies to be completed and returned to this office, the third copy is for retention by you. Yours faithfully, W.Moffit W.D. Land Agent & Valuer
Trustees of the Sefton R.F.C. c/o Messrs. Davies, Berthen & Munro, 36 Dale Street, LIVERPOOL. 2. (Encl.)
96 |
20-Aug-48 |
Letter |
Davis, Berthen & Munro, Solicitors |
Edmund Kirby & Sons |
HM/CH 20th August, 1948 D.Y.Pitts Esq., Messrs. Edmund Kirby & Sons, 5, Cook Street, Liverpool. 2.
Dear Mr. Pitts, Sefton Rugby Football Club. There is a question here of reclaiming as compensation the cost of removing any erections or emplacements carried out by the War Department, and also the cost of reinstating the Ground to its condition at the time of requisition. The Rugby Football Union has advised that the War Department "will pay Surveyor's fees in addition, so the club will be advised to employ a competent Surveyor to prepare and negotiate the claim for compensation, including work already carried out by Club Members, and generally to protect the Club's interests". I know how busy you are, but would it be possible to enlist you in this matter ? With kind regards, Yours sincerely
Hector Munro (Hector Munro). |
97 |
28-Aug-48 |
Letter |
Edmund Kirby & Sons |
Davis, Berthen & Munro, Solicitors |
HM/CH 28th August, 1948.
Dear Mr Moore, I have had a letter from Mr. Pitts which I am enclosing. As I am going to Brussels, it might be a good thing if you could see him. Yours sincerely.
Hector Munro (Hector Munro).
P.S. Since writing the above Mr. Munro has left for Brussels, and we have received the attached letter about a Declaration of Trust which we think you might care to see. Unless anything has to be done without delay, we propose to leave the matter over until Mr. Munro is back. (Herbert J.Davies, Berthen & Munro). Encs. |
98 |
10-Sep-48 |
Letter |
District Valuer |
Davis, Berthen & Munro, Solicitors |
DISTRICT VALUER. (LIVERPOOL 1 DISTRICT), BURTON CHAMBERS, CHURCH ALLEY, CHURCH STREET, LIVERPOOL 1. Tel.: Royal 5443 Please quote CD.6255.JED/FAS 10th September 1948 Without Prejudice Messrs. H. J. Davis, Berthen & Munro, 36, Dale Street, LIVERPOOL, 2. Gentlemen, Liverpool County Borough Council Compensation (Defence) Act, 1939 Requisitioned Land. & War Works Acts, 1945 & 1948 Land — 2.157 acres, part of Sports Ground, Leyfield Road. West Derby ----------------------------------------------------------------- Claim Form in respect of the above land, for increased compensation rental, have been forwarded to me by the Town Clerk, Liverpool. I am of opinion that the fair rental under the provisions of the Requisitioned Land & War Works Act 1948, is £28 net per annum, and I am prepared to recommend the appropriate Authority accordingly to increase the existing compensation rental of £17.10. 0, net per annum to this amount. Will you kindly state if you are agreeable to my assessment of amended compensation. I am, Gentlemen, Your obedient Servant,
W.B For District Valuer. R. |
99 |
11-Sep-48 |
Letter |
Davis, Berthen & Munro, Solicitors |
Sefton RUFC |
HP/CH 11th September 1948.
J.F.Moore Esq., 11, Guernsey Road, Liverpool.13.
Dear Moore, Sefton Rugby Football Club. Mr. Munro will be back next week, but in the meantime we have heard from the District Valuer to whom the increased compensation rental claim has been referred. He says that he thinks that the fair rental under the 1948 Act is £28 net and he is prepared to recommend an increase of the existing rental of £17.10. 0. to this figure. He asks whether we agree to this new figure. Yours sincerely, (Herbert J.Davies, Berthen & Munro).
100 |
29-Sep-48 |
Letter |
War Dept. Land Agent and Valuer |
Davis, Berthen & Munro, Solicitors |
Tel: CHESTER 3200 Ext. 123. WAR DEPARTMENT LAND AGENT & VALUER, "THE MOORINGS" QUEEN’S PARK, CHESTER. 29 September, 1948. In reply please quote: 4/86832/6 L.B. WGM/BS Dear Sirs, Sports Ground Deysbrook, West Derby. ------------------------------
With reference to your HM/CH., dated the 28th inst., I wish to inform you that consideration has now been given to your claim under Section 9 of The Requisitioned Land and War Works Act, 1948, and I am prepared to increase the rental compensation to £100 per annum, the amount claimed. I should be pleased therefore if you would return the form of agreement to me in order that same may be endorsed accordingly. Yours faithfully, W.G.Moffit W. D. Land Agent & Valuer.
Messrs. Herbert J. Davis, Berthen & Munro, Prudential Buildings, 36, Dale Street, LIVERPOOL, 2. |
101 |
30-Sep-48 |
Letter |
Davis, Berthen & Munro, Solicitors |
Sefton RUFC |
HM/EWB 30th September1948.
J.F.Moore, Esq., 11, Guernsey Road, Liverpool 13. My Dear Moore, Sefton Football Club. I am enclosing:— (1) Cheque in favour of my firm for £ 4.7.6. from the Corporation of Liverpoo1, in respect of part of the ground let to the Corporation. This has been endorsed. (2) Cheque in favour of the trustees of Sefton R.F.C. f or £ 17.5.9. being in respect of the portion of the ground retained by the Army. I have also heard today from the Army that they are prepared to increase the rental compensation to £100 per annum which is the amount claimed. This, I think, will be satisfactory to you. I have written to the Liverpool Corporation saying that we are prepared to agree to the increase to £28 a year.
Yours sincerely, Hector Munro
(Hector Munro)
Encls. |
102 |
05-Oct-48 |
Letter |
Davis, Berthen & Munro, Solicitors |
Sefton RUFC |
5th October, 1948. J.F.Moore Esq., 11, Guernsey Road, Liverpool.13. Dear Moore, Sefton Rugby Football Club. Since writing you on the 30th September I have received from the Army Authorities a new Agreement in duplicate. This seems all right to me, and subject to your views, I will sign it if you will kindly return one copy. The other copy you could keep.
Yours faithfully, Hector Munro (Hector Munro).
Enc. . |
103 |
Attached Agreement |
Compensation Act |
104 |
24-Dec-48 |
Letter |
Davis, Berthen & Munro, Solicitors |
Sefton RUFC |
HM/CH 24th December, 1948.
J.F.Moore Esq., c/o Simon Jude & West, 11/13 Victoria Street, L I V E R P O O L.
Dear Moore, Sefton Football Club. As arranged I am enclosing the cheques herewith. With best regards, Yours sincerely,
Hector Munro (Hector Munro).
Enc. |
Transcripts of letters supplied by Central Liverpool Library
All Aliens RFC, Sefton RUFC photographs, programmes and memorabilia Copyright © 2012 Sefton RUFC