The "F" Site Saga
researched and written by David Bohl
The Cast:-
J.F.Moore (Hon. Secretary 1934-58) |
W.B.Croxford (President 1928-30 and County Rep.) |
F.J.Applebee (President 1930-32 and Founder Member) |
For the Solicitors |
Herbert J.Davis, Berthen & Munro (Hill Dickinson as a firm merged with the firm of Davis Campbell some years ago. Davis Campbell was an amalgamation of two firms, Herbert J Davis Berthen Munro, and Campbell & Co. ) |
Hector A. Munro (President 1932-34 and Fixture Sec.) |
For the Surveyors
D.Y.Pitts |
The Command Land Agent |
W.H.Carder |
Captain Critchton |
Lancashire County RFU |
Captain Lancashire County Champions 1947/48 |
J.B.G.Whittaker |
(Post War) |
Rugby Football Union
Mark F. Waters |
Surrey 1923/24 |
Engineer Commander, RN |
The War Dept, Land Agent and Valuer |
Captain A. Lawson |
Labour Hereditary Peer, Under-Sec.of State for War |
The Member of Parliament |
M.P, Conservative West Derby |
The Dairy Farmer |
Mr Wilson |
The Squatting Tennant |
J.Jackson and the nine children |
Website Links for Anti-Aircraft Gun Sites |
Ref. No |
Date |
Type |
Description |
From |
To |
1 |
04-Apr-40 |
Letter |
Davis, Berthen & Munro, Solicitors |
Edmund Kirby & Sons |
Munro writes to the Surveyors asking for help in drafting up the claim for compensation. There seems to be some doubt as to when possession was actually taken. Mr Croxford would be glad to meet Mr Pitts from the Surveyors at the ground. |
2 |
23-Apr-40 |
Letter |
Edmund Kirby & Sons |
Davis, Berthen & Munro, Solicitors |
Surveyors tell Munro to lodge the claim form with the Town Clerk and suggests adding on Surveyor's charges and Solicitors costs. Surveyors recommend asking for £100 p.a which is twice the assessment of £50 p.a. He says the lower assessment was probably due to the seasonal nature of our occupation. District Valuer has suggested £10 per acre for smaller and more central sites for allotment purposes. The raised banking for spectators reduces the value for allotment purposes so we may have to accept a lower rental. There is no harm in claiming £100 p.a. |
3 |
Attached |
Compensation (Defence) Act, 1939 |
4 |
10-May-40 |
Letter |
Davis, Berthen & Munro, Solicitors |
Command Land Agent |
Mersey Gun Site "F" Munro writes to the Command Land Agent (CLA) saying we have received a demand note from Liverpool Corporation Rating Authority apportioned up to 27th September 1939 for £20.2.8d. (Here is the first reference to Sefton being known as Mersey Gun Site "F", db) This date was given by the former Treasurer (probably A.L. Hulme, db) as to when possession was taken. |
5 |
14-May-40 |
Letter |
Command Land Agent |
Davis, Berthen & Munro, Solicitors |
Mersey Gun Site "F" CLA writes to Munro to say they have written to the military authorities to find out the precise date of possession. |
6 |
29-May-40 |
Letter |
Command Land Agent |
Davis, Berthen & Munro, Solicitors |
Mersey Gun Site "F" CLA writes to Munro with copy of a letter from Headquarters, 33rd Brigade 4th A.A. |
7 |
Attached Letter |
4th A.A. Division |
H.Q said it was not occupied by 70th HAA Regiment in November of 1939, nor was it occupied as a V.P (I think this is a Navy Patrol Squadron, db). |
8 |
05-Jun-40 |
Letter |
Davis, Berthen & Munro, Solicitors |
Command Land Agent |
Mersey Gun Site "F" Munro writes to the CLA and says Mr Croxford met with Mr Wilson, the Dairy-man who said his cattle were put on the field until the end of October 1939. A fortnight earlier occupation of the ground had taken place and a gun pit dug. Mr Wilson was told he could graze his cattle until full occupation place, from then on not even his dog would be allowed on. This statement was supported by Mr Wilson's foreman. |
9 |
08-Jun-40 |
Letter |
Command Land Agent |
Davis, Berthen & Munro, Solicitors |
Mersey Gun Site "F" CLA write to Munro to say a gun pit was dug in mid-October but this did not interfere with our grazing tenant, possession was not taken until March 1940. CLA suggest as a compromise his department should pay rent from 1st January 1940. |
10 |
14-Jun-40 |
Letter |
Davis, Berthen & Munro, Solicitors |
Command Land Agent |
Mersey Gun Site "F" Munro writes to the CLA to say we do not agree with the rent starting on 1st January 1940 as our rates are assessed to 27th September 1939. Our position is mainly because most of our members joined the T.A before the War and the digging of the gun pit constitutes possession. We feel rent should start from 1st November 1939. |
11 |
16-Jun-40 |
Letter |
Command Land Agent |
Davis, Berthen & Munro, Solicitors |
Mersey Gun Site "F" CLA writes to Munro asking for the dates when sub-tenants last used the ground after 1st October 1939. |
12 |
18-Jun-40 |
Letter |
Davis, Berthen & Munro, Solicitors |
Command Land Agent |
Mersey Gun Site "F" Munro writes to the CLA to re-iterate that our ground was not used by our Club at all after the start of the War and Mr Wilson's cattle were grazed until the end of October 1939. |
13 |
19-Jun-40 |
Letter |
Command Land Agent |
Davis, Berthen & Munro, Solicitors |
Mersey Gun Site "F" CLA writes to Munro and offers a rent of £75p.a starting from the 1st November 1939. |
14 |
25-Jun-40 |
Letter |
Davis, Berthen & Munro, Solicitors |
Edmund Kirby & Sons |
Munro writes to the Surveyors with a copy of the completed Compensation Claim Form but states that £75p.a would not cover our capital re-payment and interest on the two mortgages. The Claim Form is drafted by Munro and signed by W.B.Croxford, F.J.Applebee and H.A.Munro as owner occupiers. The Form also shows that the ground is sub-let to:- Mr Wilson for grazing. Liverpool Education Committee for use by Oulton School during the winter for £30p.a (Wednesday's only) St Margaret's Baseball Club for Summer use at £25p.a |
15 |
27-Jun-40 |
Letter |
Edmund Kirby & Sons |
Davis, Berthen & Munro, Solicitors |
Surveyors write to Munro and are not hopeful of obtaining the rent claimed for the following reasons:- Owing to the partial abandonment of club activities it is not easy to say from what direction one could anticipate competition for tenancy of a football ground during the period of the war. There is, of course, a possibility that such grounds might be required for recreation purposes for members of H.M. Forces but his might be said to represent a value enhanced but the war which must not be taken into account. In point of fact we happen to know that the Liverpool Rugby Football Ground has been rented by Naval Authorities at a rent inclusive of rates and some services which in our opinion represents a higher figure than the offer you have received. This tenancy was not arranged, of course, by the Western Command Land Agent. For any other purpose than a sports ground the banking for the spectators would be rather a detriment than an advantage but while we considered that £100 was a full rental we are inclined to agree with you that £75 errs in the other direction. You might like us to add our arguments to yours and see if we can obtain any advance from the Land Agent in his offer. As a matter of fact there is an additional reason why we should like to carry out some negotiation and this is that he may refuse to pay surveyor's fees if he does not actually meet a surveyor. This has actually happened in another case we had with the Western Command. We note the £75 a year would not be sufficient to cover the out-goings of the Club including the capital repayment of the two mortgages. We do not think this last item can be put forward as a reason for a higher rent because in fact it is not in the nature of rent. We believe it would be possible for the Club to arrange a partial moratorium if they found it impossible to keep up these capital repayments in full. We should hesitate to advise arbitration in a case like this though we have had no experience as yet of the Tribunal appointed to deal with such cases. |
16 |
28-Jun-40 |
Letter |
Davis, Berthen & Munro, Solicitors |
Edmund Kirby & Sons |
Munro writes to the Surveyors saying we did not agree to the CLA's offer of £75p.a compensation, we did not quarrel violently but remember saying the sum of £100p.a was about right. |
17 |
30-Jun-40 |
Letter |
W.B.Croxford |
Davis, Berthen & Munro, Solicitors |
W.B.Croxford writes to Munro and says he met with Wilkinson of Sefton Committee who had been in touch with Hulme (former Treasurer, db) and a official who is concerned with conveyancing. The man that "knew the job" was of the opinion the claim should have bee £150p.a not £100p.a Croxford met with the Surveyors and went over their letter of the 27th June. Croxford pointed out that Mr Gibbs, Headmaster of Oulton School wanted to let the ground for the duration as the school had lost its ground. He was willing to pay for it. We had received £30p.a for the use of just one pitch on a Wednesday. For use of two pitches weekdays and Saturdays all year round was a different matter. Mr Pitts (the surveyor, db) seems to think as no actual figure was discussed, accepting this point had a fatal obstacle. Pitts also questioned the banking as it reduced the potential area for allotments. Croxford said as a building site the banks could be used to fill in the ditches that run along the ground and was an asset. From a military point of view the banking was also an asset. Apparently we have to count up the minus points and none of the plus ones. "Sounds too much like Munich to me !" |
18 |
02-Jul-40 |
Letter |
Edmund Kirby & Sons |
Command Land Agent |
Mersey Gun Site "F" Munro writes to the CLA to re-iterate that our ground was not used by our Club at all after the start of the War and Mr Wilson's cattle were grazed until the end of October 1939. |
19 |
03-Jul-40 |
Letter |
Edmund Kirby & Sons |
Davis, Berthen & Munro, Solicitors |
Mersey Gun Site "F" Surveyors write to Munro regarding the meeting at the ground last Saturday with Croxford. He explains that although Oulton School wanted the ground, no rent had actually been fixed and the school were not in the market last October and November as the school had been evacuated. He also pointed out to Croxford that the banking might come in useful if it were to become a building site but not for the purpose of allotments. He asks Munro to re-assure Mr Croxford that he wasn't ignoring the plus items. The amount claimed was reasonable and would like to enter into negotiation. |
20 |
03-Jul-40 |
Letter |
Command Land Agent |
Edmund Kirby & Sons |
CLA write to the Surveyors expressing their surprise at the rejection of their offer of £75p.a compensation. He will meet up next time he is in Liverpool. |
21 |
31-Aug-40 |
Letter |
Edmund Kirby & Sons |
Davis, Berthen & Munro, Solicitors |
Surveyors write to Munro saying they had met up with Mr Carder from the CLA and after some trouble managed to get £85p.a off him beyond which he would not go. CLA think this is a reasonable offer and would cover our costs. |
22 |
30-Sep-40 |
Letter |
Davis, Berthen & Munro, Solicitors |
Edmund Kirby & Sons |
Munro writes to the Surveyors to say that Croxford and Applebee want no settlement under £100p.a and would like to know the CLA's position on Surveyor's fees and Solicitors costs. Munro says Liverpool Corporation are pressing for settlement of rates and we would rather go to arbitration rather than settle for the offered £85p.a. |
23 |
02-Oct-40 |
Letter |
Edmund Kirby & Sons |
Davis, Berthen & Munro, Solicitors |
Mersey Gun Site "F" Surveyors write to Munro to say that the rates are payable by the Requisitioning Authority and not the owners. Since this is the Crown they will probably not be rateable, however they may contribute the corresponding sum to the Rating Authority. |
24 |
02-Oct-40 |
Letter |
Edmund Kirby & Sons |
Command Land Agent |
Surveyors write to the CLA to ask for re-consideration on the £100p.a figure which will include both Surveyor's and Solicitors costs. He mentions the fact that the Rating Authority have fixed the date of possession as 29th September 1939 and Sefton reserve the right to claim rent from that date. |
25 |
06-Oct-40 |
Letter |
Command Land Agent |
Edmund Kirby & Sons |
Mersey Gun Site "F" CLA write to the Surveyors regretting our rejection of the £85p.a offer. Apparently "we do not seem to appreciate that there are two sides to every argument." Agricultural land is no more than £1 per acre and rental of the pavilion say £15. With regard to the date of possession Mr Wilson had his cattle grazing until the end of October. |
26 |
11-Oct-40 |
Letter |
Davis, Berthen & Munro, Solicitors |
W.B.Croxford |
Munro writes to Croxford to say it looks like we are at a dead end and we should not get more than £85p.a if we went to arbitration, perhaps even less. Munro and the Surveyors do not want to settle for a smaller figure. He suggests we all meet with Mr Pitts and press for arbitration. |
27 |
21-Oct-40 |
Letter |
Davis, Berthen & Munro, Solicitors |
Edmund Kirby & Sons |
Munro writes to the Surveyors to say we have accepted the offer of £85p.a. This offer will be subject to your proper fees and of course ours which we put at 18 guineas as there has been a lot of work. |
28 |
22-Oct-40 |
Letter |
Edmund Kirby & Sons |
Command Land Agent |
Mersey Gun Site "F" Surveyors write to the CLA to say we have reconsidered our decision and are becoming more reconciled to the idea of a settlement at their figure. Before agreeing we want to be quite sure our costs will be paid. Surveyors ask for the scale of Surveyors fees and state that Solicitors fees are £18.18.0. |
29 |
24-Oct-40 |
Letter |
Command Land Agent |
Edmund Kirby & Sons |
Mersey Gun Site "F" CLA writes to the Surveyors to say he is pleased we have accepted the offer of £85p.a. CLA says surveyors fees are tied at £5.5.0 per cent up to £300, but he is not allowed to pay solicitors fees as well unless a legal point arises out of the claim. In this case there was no legal point but he can recommend the War Department should contribute £3.3.0 towards any charge made against us. Enclosed in the correspondence is the 'Form of Agreement.' |
30 |
Attached form |
Compensation Agreement |
31 |
28-Oct-40 |
Letter |
Edmund Kirby & Sons |
Command Land Agent |
Mersey Gun Site "F" Surveyors write to the CLA asking if he was able to increase the surveyors and solicitors charges of £5.5.0 and £3.3.0 per cent respectively. |
32 |
31-Oct-40 |
Letter |
Command Land Agent |
Edmund Kirby & Sons |
Mersey Gun Site "F" CLA writes to the Surveyors to say the War Office has laid down a scale of charges in preparing claims, including negotiation for settlement. In this case the claim was prepared by Munro and negotiated by your good selves. Five guineas per cent should be payable to your firm and the Solicitors. The War Office considers two guineas is ample payment for solicitors. The only sticky point was the date of possession. |
33 |
05-Nov-40 |
Letter |
Lancashire County RFU |
Davis, Berthen & Munro, Solicitors |
Lancashire RFU write to Munro to say that at a meeting held last September a moratorium would be granted on interest payments by Clubs with loans. Capital repayments may be made at the Clubs discretion. |
34 |
11-Nov-40 |
Letter |
Rugby Football Union |
Davis, Berthen & Munro, Solicitors |
The RFU write to Munro to acknowledge Seftons ground requisition and the rent of £85p.a from the War Office. |
35 |
04-Dec-40 |
Letter |
Command Land Agent |
Edmund Kirby & Sons |
Mersey Gun Site "F" CLA writes to the Surveyors returning the 'Form of Agreement' signed by H.M Principal Secretary of State for War. He has applied for payment in the sum of £77-13-6 made up as follows:-
Rent 1-11-39 to 24-12-39 (54 days) Rent 25-12-39 to 28-9-40 (3 quarters) Solicitors' Fees Surveyors' Fees £5-5-0% of £85 Motor Mileage & out-of-pocket expenses
Less Income Tax |
= = = = = |
£12-11-6 £63-15-0 £3-3-0 £4-10-0 £1-1-0 ________ £85-0-6 £7-7-0 ________ £77-13-6 ________ ________ |
36 |
05-Dec-40 |
Letter |
Edmund Kirby & Sons |
Command Land Agent |
Mersey Gun Site "F" Surveyors write to the CLA to say £5.5.0 percent of £85 is £4.14.6 not £4.10.0. |
37 |
05-Dec-40 |
Letter |
Edmund Kirby & Sons |
Davis, Berthen & Munro, Solicitors |
Surveyors write to Munro returning the 'Form of Agreement.' Explaining the figures he says the £5.5.0 per cent has been reduced to £4.10.0 but has made up the difference with £1.1.0 for motor mileage and out of pocket expenses. If you have no objections we would still like to render an account of £5.5.0 per cent which will leave you 6/- towards expenses. |
38 |
07-Dec-40 |
Letter |
Command Land Agent |
Davis, Berthen & Munro, Solicitors |
Mersey Gun Site "F" Munro writes to the Surveyors to disagree with their calculations. £5.5.0 percent of £85 is £4.9.4, perhaps you have rounded up to the nearest half guinea. Papers have however been passed in to the Command Paymaster. |
39 |
08-Dec-45 |
Letter |
Simon Jude & West |
War Dept. Land Agent and Valuer |
Accountants submit a letter from J.F Moore(JFM) to the War Dept Land Agent and Valuer (WDLAV) asking for a date when the ground and clubhouse are to be d-requisitioned. He also asks if we could sub-let sufficient land for one pitch and the use of the pavilion or a hut for changing purposes. |
40 |
22-Jan-46 |
Letter |
Simon Jude & West |
War Dept. Land Agent and Valuer |
JFM writes to the Accountants to say we have been granted permission to use one pitch and a changing room on Saturday afternoons. |
41 |
23-Jan-46 |
Letter |
War Dept. Land Agent and Valuer |
Simon Jude & West |
WDLAV writes to JFM via the Accountants to say it is not possible to de-requisition or sub-let any portion of the site at present. He gives formal permission for us to use one pitch and we should make arrangements with H.Q, 33rd A.A Brigade. |
42 |
04-Mar-46 |
Letter |
Simon Jude & West |
War Dept. Land Agent and Valuer |
JFM writes to the WDLAV via the Accountants to say due to the short playing time remaining we would not be taking up his offer but would like to accept the arrangements for the start of the 1946/47 season starting on 24th August. He presses again for a date of de-requisition. |
43 |
07-Mar-46 |
Letter |
War Dept. Land Agent and Valuer |
Simon Jude & West |
WDLAV writes to JFM via the Accountants to say he has had instructions to retain requisition of the ground. For next season as long as the military requirements were not affected, use of the ground may be possible but not guaranteed. He also states that if we use the ground while still requisitioned we can still claim compensation, however we will be responsible for any damage done. |
44 |
30-Mar-46 |
Letter |
Sefton RUFC |
Lancashire County RFU |
JFM writes to Lancashire RFU with copies of correspondence between us and the WDLAV asking for assistance and advice on the matter. |
45 |
30-Mar-46 |
Letter |
Sefton RUFC |
Rugby Football Union |
JFM writes similarly to the English RFU with copies of correspondence between us and the WDLAV. He informs them of the £85p.a compensation but says unless the ground is returned to them, maintaining the interest of past members will prove difficult. Failing de-requisition the amount of compensation paid must be increased considerably to enable alternative accommodation being secured. |
46 |
05-Apr-46 |
Letter |
Lancashire County RFU |
Sefton RUFC |
Lancashire RFU write to JFM to say Heaton Moor RUFC have had similar trouble and that they have written to their local M.P. Their M.P is Arnold B. Gridley K.B.E and he is getting in contact with Sir W.W Wakefield M.P who is on the committee of the RFU. |
47 |
05-Apr-46 |
Letter |
Rugby Football Union |
Sefton RUFC |
Secretary S.F Cooper of the English RFU writes to JFM to say he has forwarded his letter to the Hon. Treasurer who deals with loans on mortgages to clubs. |
48 |
26-Apr-46 |
Letter |
Sefton RUFC |
Sir David Maxwell Fyfe, M.P |
On the advice of the RFU and the WDLAV, JFM writes to MP Sir David Maxwell-Fyfe with regard to the de-requisitioning of the clubs property. He says that prior to the war we put out five XV's but activities ceased as a number of members volunteered for the forces. "I hope you will be kind enough to offer assistance in the matter." |
49 |
27-May-46 |
Letter |
Rugby Football Union |
Sefton RUFC |
RFU write to JFM to say they can't really do much but will reduce interest on our loans from 2.5% to 2% on the 1st September. |
50 |
12-Jun-46 |
Letter |
War Dept. Land Agent and Valuer |
Simon Jude & West |
WDLAV write back to JFM to say de-requisitioning is still not possible but they are prepared to let back the pavilion and sufficient land for one pitch. This letting would be subject to immediate termination if military requirements make this necessary and will not take effect until the command posts and gun pits are wired off. |
51 |
20-Jun-46 |
Letter |
Simon Jude & West |
War Dept. Land Agent and Valuer |
JFM writes to the WDLAV to ask for a date when we can start work on preparing a pitch. He encloses a plan of the land. |
52 |
26-Jun-46 |
Letter |
Nathan of Churt, War Office |
Sir David Maxwell Fyfe, M.P |
A letter from the War Office signed by Nathan of Churt is sent to Sir Maxwell Fyfe to say that they are making investigations to see if they can release the pavilion and part of the ground. |
53 |
06-Jul-46 |
Letter |
Sefton RUFC |
Captain Scott, 33rd A.A.Brigade |
JFM writes to Captain Scott at 33rd A.A Brigade Headquarters to ask if they could expedite the request for wiring off the gun pit and command posts. |
54 |
10-Jul-46 |
Letter |
Garrison Engineer |
Sefton RUFC |
JFM writes to the Garrison Engineer as the War Department has handed over the ground to the Home Command. He says an Officer from HQ had been down with the Clerk of Works to determine the position of the fence. With the imminence of the 1946/47 season, a date on which work can commence would be greatly appreciated. |
55 |
23-Jul-46 |
Letter |
War Dept. Land Agent and Valuer |
Sefton RUFC |
WDLAV writes to The Royal Engineers setting out the fact that the pavilion and a playing pitch be hired back to the Club. He asks to be kept informed as to the progress of the wiring. |
56 |
03-Aug-46 |
Letter |
War Dept. Land Agent and Valuer |
Sefton RUFC |
WDLAV writes to Croxford, Applebee, Moore and Munro advising them of a meeting on the 8th August at 2.30pm at the Municipal Annexe, Dale St. Representatives of the Ministry of Town and Country Planning, the Local Authorities and The War Department will be present to discuss the releasing of the ground. |
57 |
09-Aug-46 |
Letter |
War Dept. Land Agent and Valuer |
Sefton RUFC |
WDLAV writes to JFM with the five terms and conditions of release. He asks for confirmation of these T & C. (1) One playing pitch to be let back to the Club together with the use of the pavilion for a rent of £15 per annum. (2) The Club itself to undertake and to be responsible for such work as is necessary to make the ground fit to play. (3) The Club to take steps to avoid trespassers on to War Department property while the ground is in use and to take out suitable third party insurance cover. (4) The Schedule of present Condition to be agreed to safeguard the Club and the War Department. (5) The use of the ground and pavilion to be terminated at any time on 48 hours notice by the War Department if the same are required for War Department purposes. |
58 |
16-Aug-46 |
Letter |
W.B.Croxford |
H.A.Munro |
Croxford writes to Munro to get him up to date with proceedings. Sefton Captain Jack Parkinson had a meeting with non other than Mrs Braddock whose interests lay with the settlers in the huts. Two men were to start work on Monday licking our proposed part of the ground into shape. He says restoration of the first team pitch is going to be a rare job for someone as it was dotted with gun pits, concrete ramps, humps and bumps and all semblance of hedges and fences have vanished. He says we should consider again the ground development for athletics, something that Liverpool very badly needs. We are miles behind smaller places in this matter. He notes that the squatters are probably a good thing and are preventing further damage since the troops moved out. |
59 |
28-Aug-46 |
Letter |
Sefton RUFC |
War Dept. Land Agent and Valuer |
JFM writes to the WDLAV to say we are ready to agree to the terms and conditions with exception of clause 4. He explains that the whole camp is occupied by squatters and the pavilion has a tenant. Due to the number of trespassers taking out acceptable 3rd party insurance would not be possible. |
60 |
28-Aug-46 |
Letter |
Sefton RUFC |
The City Engineer |
JFM writes to the City Engineers to say that Liverpool Corporation has applied for the grounds release and we are anxious to know whether they have any plans for its future use. At present a family of nine has moved into the pavilion during the recent squatting movement. This does not prevent us from using the building and intend to partition off sufficient space on Saturdays until accommodation is found for our unfortunate visitors. We hope to reinstate the building to its former excellent condition as long as we have some hope of having use of the building for some years to come. |
61 |
30-Aug-46 |
Letter |
War Dept. Land Agent and Valuer |
Sefton RUFC |
WDLAV writes to say he agrees we cannot prevent trespass on the property, but would like us to take out 3rd party insurance for spectators. |
62 |
31-Aug-46 |
Letter |
The City Engineer |
Sefton RUFC |
City Engineer writes to JFM to say that they have no immediate plans for the site itself and we are likely to have full use of it for the years to come. |
63 |
14-Sep-46 |
Letter |
Sefton RUFC |
War Dept. Land Agent and Valuer |
JFM writes to the WDLAV to say we have made 3rd party insurance and since we've already had some practice games he suggests that the agreement should take effect from 1st September 1946. He broaches the subject of the rental being offset by the compensation being paid to the Club. |
64 |
19-Sep-46 |
Letter |
War Dept. Land Agent and Valuer |
Sefton RUFC |
WDLAV writes to JFM saying the Quartering Commandant has reported that some argument has arisen between the Club and Mr Wilson with respect to the grazing of cattle on the ground. He advises that arrangements have been made with Mr Wilson so that he can use that part of the land currently not on loan to the Club. |
65 |
19-Mar-47 |
Letter |
War Dept. Land Agent and Valuer |
Sefton RUFC |
Mersey Gun Site H.7. 'F' WDLAV informs JFM that the land being occupied by the hutting is to be transferred to the Department of Health and the remainder of the land is to be de-requisitioned. He attaches the 25" Ordnance Map asking us to hatch out such areas that the club would like to be surrendered bearing in mind the requirements of the Department of Health. |
66 |
Attached Map |
Ordnance Map of Ground Area |
67 |
22-Apr-47 |
Letter |
Davis, Berthen & Munro, Solicitors |
The City Engineer & Surveyor |
Munro writes to the City Engineers to say as a Trustee of the Club he would like the property to remain as a permanent open space and that it would be undesirable for the Department of Health to acquire permanent use of any part of the land. |
68 |
28-Apr-47 |
Letter |
Davis, Berthen & Munro, Solicitors |
Simon Jude & West |
Munro writes to JFM to say he has written to the City Engineer to express his views. It gives him the greatest of pleasure to do something for the old Club. |
69 |
07-May-47 |
Letter |
War Dept. Land Agent and Valuer |
Sefton RUFC |
WDLAV writes to JFM asking him why he hasn't replied to the letter of the 19th March with the Ordnance Map. |
70 |
08-May-47 |
Letter |
The City Engineer & Surveyor |
Davis, Berthen & Munro, Solicitors |
Munro writes to the City Engineer to say that although the Planning Scheme has our land zoned for residential purposes it need not be used for that purpose unless the present owners wish to sell the land. He states that the land fronting Leyfield Road and partly occupied by huts is at the present time owned by the Corporation and it is proposed to build a County College on the site. |
71 |
13-May-47 |
Letter |
Davis, Berthen & Munro, Solicitors |
Simon Jude & West |
Munro writes to JFM and asks for his views on not asking for any of the land occupied by the huts. |
72 |
18-May-47 |
Letter |
Sefton RUFC |
Davis, Berthen & Munro, Solicitors |
JFM writes to Munro to say how pleased he is to hear that we can retain the land for our purposes. He agrees that the Club does not want any part of the land occupied by the huts and that all the land should be de-requisitioned so as to maximise the compensation. |
73 |
27-Jun-47 |
Letter |
War Dept. Land Agent and Valuer |
Davis, Berthen & Munro, Solicitors |
WDLAV writes to Munro to inform us the site has been placed on the redundant list. The hutted camp occupied by the squatters together with reasonable access being transferred to the Ministry of Health. The remainder of the land is to be de-requisitioned. |
74 |
30-Jun-47 |
Letter |
Davis, Berthen & Munro, Solicitors |
War Dept. Land Agent and Valuer |
Munro writes to the WDLAV to point out that our Committee has never agreed to the transfer of the land to the Ministry of Health. Are they totally disregarding their views, if so we will be taking the matter to higher quarters. |
75 |
02-Jul-47 |
Letter |
War Dept. Land Agent and Valuer |
Davis, Berthen & Munro, Solicitors |
WDLAV writes to Munro to put the facts in order. The site was requisitioned by the War Department and they do not need the owners consent to transfer the requisition from one Ministry to another. He says the matters must rest. |
76 |
03-Jul-47 |
Letter |
Davis, Berthen & Munro, Solicitors |
Sefton RUFC |
Munro writes to JFM to explain that the transfer can be done and we are in difficulty about this one. |
77 |
20-Jul-47 |
Letter |
Sefton RUFC |
Davis, Berthen & Munro, Solicitors |
JFM writes to Munro and says despite the transfer it will have little effect on the coming season. He asks if they could find out the War Departments intentions regarding restoration of the ground, or a portion to its former condition. |
78 |
08-Aug-47 |
Letter |
War Dept. Land Agent and Valuer |
Davis, Berthen & Munro, Solicitors |
WDLAV writes to Munro to say we should claim under Section 2(1)(b) of the Compensation Act 1939 for the sum we allege is necessary to restore the ground and pavilion to the condition they were when requisitioned. He also points out a Inter-Departmental Committee decide when restoration will commence, this is usually when it is in the public interest. |
79 |
14-Aug-47 |
Letter |
Davis, Berthen & Munro, Solicitors |
Sefton RUFC |
Munro writes to JFM with a copy of the letter from the WDLAV dated 8th August. |
80 |
20-Aug-47 |
Letter |
War Dept. Land Agent and Valuer |
Davis, Berthen & Munro, Solicitors |
WDLAV writes to Munro to say the area requested on the Ordnance Map will be released shortly, the remaining portion is being transferred to the Ministry of Health. The portion released to us is 8.236 acres with 2.157 acres transferred to Ministry of Health. Rental Compensation is to be apportioned as follows:- Portion released £67.10.0. Portion transferred £17.10.0. |
81 |
03-Sep-47 |
Letter |
Sefton RUFC |
Davis, Berthen & Munro, Solicitors |
JFM writes to Munro with instructions to accept the Rental Compensation. |
82 |
24-Sep-47 |
Letter |
War Dept. Land Agent and Valuer |
Senior Reg. Officer, Min. of Health |
WDLAV writes to the Ministry of Health with the Transfer of Requisition Notice with copies to amongst others Munro. |
83 |
24-Sep-47 |
Attached |
Transfer Notice |
84 |
15-Oct-47 |
Letter |
Sefton RUFC |
Davis, Berthen & Munro, Solicitors |
JFM writes to Munro querying the Transfer Notice which states a compensation figure of £42.10.0. As far as we are aware the figure paid was £85p.a. |
85 |
21-Oct-47 |
Letter |
Ministry of Works |
Davis, Berthen & Munro, Solicitors |
Ministry of Works write to Munro to say they have heard from the Regional Committee and the temporary defence works on the land will be removed and the land restored so far as is practicable. However there is no indication as to the urgency of the matter. Meanwhile the Department responsible for construction of the works will be unable to proceed with the final compensation settlement, you should continue to receive payment you are accustomed to under Annual Compensation from the Compensation Act 1939. (JFM put a handwritten note on this letter saying work commenced September 1948 and completed in April 1949, db) |
86 |
22-Oct-47 |
Letter |
Davis, Berthen & Munro, Solicitors |
War Dept. Land Agent and Valuer |
Munro writes to the WDLAV asking why the rent for the part of the property upon which the huts stand is to be £42.10.0. |
87 |
22-Oct-47 |
Letter |
Davis, Berthen & Munro, Solicitors |
Sefton RUFC |
Munro writes to JFM with a copy of the letter received from WDLAV dated 23rd October. |
88 |
23-Oct-47 |
Letter |
War Dept. Land Agent and Valuer |
Davis, Berthen & Munro, Solicitors |
WDLAV writes to Munro to state that on the back of the Transfer Notice the rental for the portion of the land transferred and owned by us is £17.10.0p.a, this amount was agreed by us. WDLAV have also heard from the Ministry of Works who have categorized our restoration as "B" which means it will be some time before work is in hand. If we are prepared to accept release on the condition we allow the Ministry of Works to enter for the purpose of clearance at a later date, the WDLAV would be prepared to accept a claim under the Compensation Act 1939 for any work not satisfactorily finished by that Ministry and arrange Rehabilitation allowance to cover for the period taken to reinstate. |
89 |
31-Oct-47 |
Letter |
Davis, Berthen & Munro, Solicitors |
Sefton RUFC |
Munro writes to JFM expressing his concern as to who amongst the Members owns the ground and in what shares. This situation might lead to litigation at sometime or other. He recommends we draw up a Declaration of Trust between himself, Croxford and Applebee defining the interests and shares for which they are Trustees. |
90 |
09-Dec-47 |
Letter |
Architecture and Housing Dept. |
Sefton RUFC |
Architects and Housing Department inform JFM that contractors have been notified to carry out clearance work. |
91 |
06-Jan-48 |
Letter |
Rugby Football Union |
Davis, Berthen & Munro, Solicitors |
The RFU write to the Lancashire RFU laying out our position. They say the War Department are unlikely to carry out any work, therefore we are entitled to recover compensation for the cost of removing any erections and emplacements. We should receive rental compensation for the period this work will take to complete. The War Department will pay surveyors fees so the Club will be well advised to employ a competent surveyor. They suggest the County Committee should recommend to the RFU that Sefton should be granted a moratorium in respect of capital repayments and recommence on 29th September 1948. |
92 |
30-Jan-48 |
Letter |
Lancashire County RFU |
Sefton RUFC |
Lancashire RFU write to JFM with a copy of the letter dated the 6th January from the RFU. The Lancashire Treasurer has written to the RFU Treasurer with the recommendations. |
93 |
19-Apr-48 |
Letter |
Town Clerk |
Davis, Berthen & Munro, Solicitors |
Thomas Alker, the Town Clerk writes to Munro with the Compensation Claim Form No.12 and asks for us to complete it in triplicate as soon as possible. |
94 |
26-Apr-48 |
Letter |
Davis, Berthen & Munro, Solicitors |
War Dept. Land Agent and Valuer |
Munro writes to the WDLAV to ask form the Forms to claim increased rent under the Requisition Land and War Works Acts of 1945 and 1948 for the part of the property still under the control of the Department. |
95 |
28-Apr-48 |
Letter |
War Dept. Land Agent and Valuer |
Davis, Berthen & Munro, Solicitors |
WDLAV send Munro Form No.12 to be completed in triplicate. |
96 |
20-Aug-48 |
Letter |
Davis, Berthen & Munro, Solicitors |
Edmund Kirby & Sons |
Munro writes to the Surveyors to say the RFU have advised them that the War Department will pay for Surveyor's Fees in addition to the cost of removing any erections and emplacements and reinstate the ground to its original condition. |
97 |
28-Aug-48 |
Letter |
Edmund Kirby & Sons |
Davis, Berthen & Munro, Solicitors |
Munro writes to JFM to ask him if he could meet up with the Surveyors whilst he is away in Brussels. He encloses the Declaration of Trust for his perusal. |
98 |
10-Sep-48 |
Letter |
District Valuer |
Davis, Berthen & Munro, Solicitors |
The District Valuer of Liverpool Corporation writes to Munro to say in his opinion an increased rental compensation of £28p.a is a fair one. |
99 |
11-Sep-48 |
Letter |
Davis, Berthen & Munro, Solicitors |
Sefton RUFC |
Munro writes to JFM asking if he agrees with the figure of £28p.a for the increased compensation rental. |
100 |
29-Sep-48 |
Letter |
War Dept. Land Agent and Valuer |
Davis, Berthen & Munro, Solicitors |
WDLAV writes to Munro to say that he has accepted the claim for £100p.a in respect of the Requisition of Land and War Works Act 1948. |
101 |
30-Sep-48 |
Letter |
Davis, Berthen & Munro, Solicitors |
Sefton RUFC |
Munro writes to JFM enclosing two cheques:- (1) in favour of his firm for £4.7.6 from the City of Liverpool which he has endorsed. (2) Cheque for £17.5.9 off the Army. He also informs JFM that the Army have accepted our claim for £100p.a for increased rental compensation and that he has written to Liverpool Corporation agreeing the figure of £28p.a for rental compensation. |
102 |
05-Oct-48 |
Letter |
Davis, Berthen & Munro, Solicitors |
Sefton RUFC |
Munro writes to JFM asking him to sign the Agreement Form for rental compensation. |
103 |
Attached Agreement |
Compensation Act |
104 |
24-Dec-48 |
Letter |
Davis, Berthen & Munro, Solicitors |
Sefton RUFC |
To the sound of Tchaikovsky's 1812 Overture Jack Moore carefully slits open a letter from Hector Munro and as the curtains drop down the cheques for Rental Compensation fall on the Clubhouse floor. THE END |
Letters and transcripts supplied by Central Liverpool Library
All Aliens RFC, Sefton RUFC photographs, programmes and memorabilia Copyright © 2012 Sefton RUFC