
Rick to become Liverpools new Cultural Ambassador

Stag Night Venue – Barry charters Easyjet for the boys

Millwall Fans book club for Sportsmans Dinner



Players wanted for fixture with ‘a Les Jackson XV’

First team get new Lock Forward for 150 Pounds, Jim Turner !

Ammo gets job looking after Duncan Fergusons pigeons

The Seftimes

Secret Table Ender in Cape Town

Best Mates miss out again on a Stag Night, Engagement Party and Wedding



Prenton 0 Sefton 0

A rare rugby no score draw gave Sefton a valuable point in their bid to stay out of the Cheshire/Lancs South League relegation zone.



Seftimes’ is a bit of a larf, all characters in this newsletter are hopeless and any association in real life is purely coincidental. If you don’t like it ‘tough titties’, if you can you feed the Editor with ‘scoops’ feel free to E-mail on : - davidbohl@compuserve.com or you can visit the new Internet Web site at olympia.fortunecity.com/relay/207/