Beef on the bone back in fashion – Steve Teale dropped
AP Charity Night - Christies head hunt auctioneer Mario
New Honda for Treasurer – is this a Civic Reception ?
Sefton Heads go to Ireland-England at Glansdowne Rd
Andy Walsh to have late fitness test for Wigan Cup
Altcar rocket launch – Merriman not injured in landing
SeftimesFirst Team winger fails to turn up !
Goalkeeper Steve Smith injured in Fireman’s kick about
20 Bolton 0Both Sefton and West Park reached the Lancashire Trophy 3rd round on Sunday 21st February.
Sefton disposed of visiting Bolton 20-0 with Matty Thomas and Gareth Rogerson leading the way. They each scored a try with the other coming from Willie Coulter. Paul Walker added a conversion and a penalty.
19 Shell 9Terry McKibbin and Lee Warwick stole the show in a powerful all round performance by Sefton.
Mark Tyms and Warwick scored the tries with Warwick adding three penalties.
Shell replied with two penalties by Paul Millington and Kevin Mason.
‘Seftimes’ is a bit of a larf, all characters in this newsletter are hopeless and any association in real life is purely coincidental. If you don’t like it ‘tough titties’, if you can you feed the Editor with ‘scoops’ feel free to E-mail on : - davidbohl@compuserve.com or you can visit the new Internet Web site at olympia.fortunecity.com/relay/207/