
McDonalds bars Ackers (they only serve Happy Meals)

Ousted Street Traders move to Sefton's training pitch

Ollie Reed and Jonesy go out for a quiet night on the ale



Annie Wood thanks Barry Wilkes for Teletubbies idea

Chip starts up Animal Sanctuary with abandoned Moose

Woodsy hurt in an Ale Bomb attack on Soho Gay Bar

The Seftimes

Basher confident !

Do we really believe he has copped off with a Liz Hurley look-a-like ?





Seftimes’ is a bit of a larf, all characters in this newsletter are hopeless and any association in real life is purely coincidental. If you don’t like it ‘tough titties’, if you can you feed the Editor with ‘scoops’ feel free to E-mail on:-davidbohl@compuserve.com or you can visit the new Internet Web site www.seftonrufc.co.uk