From August 31st 1920
Committee Meeting held at The Clubmoor Hotel Thursday 10th October 1912
Present Messrs Knipe, Greenwood, O.E Bayliss, J Milbourn, Ellis, Williams, Applebee
O.E.Bayliss |
J.Milbourn |
J.Williams |
The minutes of the previous meeting were read and confirmed.
Mr Bayliss reported that he had arranged for tea to be supplied to home and visiting teams at a charge of 5/-. If there were no game, no charge would be made.
A Hearty vote of thanks to Mr Bayliss was passed on motion of Mr Knipe seconded by Mr Ellis.
As the assistant secretary suspected a leakage of gate money in the Preston Grasshoppers match it was resolved to keep a more efficient check on the tickets and receipts in future.
Mr Bayliss undertook to ask Wilkinson to replace the barbed wire which has been removed from fence.
The following new playing members were elected.
P.C.Kinns |
proposed by |
F.J.Applebee |
seconded by |
J.Williams |
F.King |
" |
S.J.Kay |
" |
F.J.Applebee |
D.Bellamy |
" |
F.H.Crebbin |
" |
H.N.Ellis |
The secretary reported that he had arranged with the Oldham club to visit Clubmoor on March 15th.
Mr Ellis reported that the Entertainments Committee proposed to hold a.Whist Drive for members and friends on Saturday November the 9th.
The committee approved of this, and gave the entertainments committee a free hand in the matter.
Mr Milbourn proposed and Mr Williams seconded "That the treasurer order 6 new club jerseys."
Mr Knipe and Mr Ellis between them kindly promised to supply the club with a new set of "touch" flags.
The best thanks of the meeting were tendered to them for their offer, and also to Mr Knipe for making the flags.
Committee Meeting held at The Clubmoor Hotel 25.10.12
Present Messrs Milbourn, H.Bayliss, Ascroft, Greenwood, Ellis, Helme, Knipe, Applebee
The secretary read a letter from Mr H.Flenley, advocating purchase of boxes for spectators to stand upon. Mr Milbourn offered to go round and report on their suitability or otherwise.
The City Council demanded the sum of £4.5.0 for use of dressing rooms from 1st Sept. 1912 to April 30th 1913. Money was to be refunded for occasions on which the rooms were not actually used.
It was decided that the agreement should be signed by Mr Bayliss.
Committee Meeting held at Clubmoor Hotel 6.12.12
Present Messrs Ascroft, Greenwood, H.Bayliss, O.E.Bayliss, Croxford, Milbourn, J.Williams, Ellis, Applebee
The following members were elected.
M.Grieu(P) |
proposed by |
D.J.Sloss |
seconded by |
F.J.Applebee |
G.M.Lloyd(H) |
" |
H.Viner |
" |
" |
H.B. 'Turk' Ellis(H) |
" |
H.N.Ellis |
" |
" |
G.Parry(H) |
" |
W.Parry |
" |
O.E.Bayliss |
F.Andrews(H) |
" |
H.Bayliss |
" |
" |
Use of ground was granted to schools' Rugby Committee for match between North Liverpool Schools and Birkenhead Hr Elementary School on Dec. 14th, K.O. 1.45p.m.
It was also decided to give the proceeds of the "gate" in the University match on Jan. 25th to the schools' Rugby Committee and to allow a North v South L'pool Boys' match to precede the above match.
As Southport Olympic had written asking us to play a weak team against them on Jan. 18th it was decided to try to arrange a first team match with Hamilton for that date, the game to be played at Clubmoor. If successful in arranging this, it was decided to send the second team to Southport to fulfil the fixture with Olympic.
The Entertainments Committee reported that they had arranged a Bohemian Concert for Dec. 14th. The general committee approved of their arrangements.
Committee Meeting held at Clubmoor Hotel Decr.19th 12
Present Messrs Knipe, Applebee, Jones, Williams, Flint, O'Donnell, Ellis, Milbourn
The following members were elected.
D.Parry(hon) |
proposed by |
W.Parry |
seconded by |
F.J.Applebee |
R.Thornton(playing) |
" |
J.Williams |
" |
O.E.Bayliss |
The Eccles club wrote declining fixtures for next season as they were offering dates to another club.
The secretary reported that he had arranged with the Hamilton Club to visit Clubmoor on Jan. 18th, and that the second team would visit Southport on that date.
It was decided to have a Hot Pot supper on Feb. 1st, arrangements to be made by the entertainments committee.
Committee Meeting held at Clubmoor Hotel Feb.26th 1913
Present Messrs Knipe, Applebee, Croxford, Ascroft, O.E.Bayliss, H.Bayliss, Flint, O'Donnell, Helme, Williams,
The following members were elected.
G.G.Armit |
proposed by |
F.J.Haney |
seconded by |
F.J.Applebee |
J.Curran |
" |
H.V.Clark |
" |
" |
The resignation of E.B.Ringrose was accepted with regret.
It was decided to hold a Whist Drive and Dance on Mar. 7th 1913.
Committee Meeting held at Clubmoor Hotel April 4th 1913
Present Messrs Knipe, Croxford, O.E.Bayliss, H.Bayliss, Jones, Williams, Ellis, Applebee
The resignations of the following members were accepted
R.F.Harding and Sergeant Paterson.
A letter was also read from A.W.Cocks thanking the members of the club for their parting gift to him on his leaving for Canada, and resigning his membership of the club.
It was decided to place on the agenda for the general meeting, the following rule instead of rule 5.
The annual subscription shall be 15/- (12/6 if paid in full before Nov 1st or within two months of election) for playing members, and 2/6 for existing members. Future hon. members subscriptions will be 5/-. Ticket holders 2/6.
Report for season 1912-13
The first team played 24 matches, 9 of which were won, 3 drawn and 12 lost. They scored 221 points against 281 by their opponents. The chief scorers were W.B.Croxford 14 tries, W.J.Trist 11 tries and R.W.Jones 7 tries.
The second team played 20 matches, won 7 drew 3 and lost 10, scoring 159 points against 234. Their chief scorer was F.King, 6 tries.
During the season the club held four social gatherings, with fair results financially. Great credit is due to the Entertainments Committee for their work - work which should help to bring the men more in touch with each other, and also strengthen the "club" feeling between the members. While all have worked well to this end, I wish to draw your attention to the vast amount of hard work which has been cheerfully done by the entertainments secretary, H.N.Ellis, and to ask you to join with me in a very hearty vote of thanks to him for the efficient way in which these socials were managed.
Annual General Meeting held at Elm Bank, Oakfield May 27th 1913
Mr Knipe was voted to the chair.
The minute of the previous general meeting were read and confirmed.
The secretary's report for the season 1912-13 was adopted.
The cash statement was adopted.
The Election of Officers resulted as follows
President. |
Mr Legge |
Vice Presidents |
Messrs Adams, Booth, Camidge, Hendrie, Flenley, Johnstone, Kay, Knipe, Kearns, Morgan, Milbourn, Patterson, Nicholas, Rochester, Röhrs, Smith, Stringer, Madoc-Jones, Waldron, I.R.Williams, R.W.Jones |
Captain 1st team. |
W.B.Croxford |
Sub-capt. " |
R.A.O'Donnell |
Captain 2nd team |
W.G.Flint |
Hon.Sec. |
F.J.Applebee |
Hon. Treas. |
O.E.Bayliss |
Committee. |
Messrs H.Bayliss, H.N.Ellis, Helme, Trist, J.Williams, E.Roberts, Haney |
Representative on County Committee |
Mr Ellis formally moved "that rule 5 now read"
The annual subscription shall be 15/- for playing members and 5/- for honorary members. Playing members subscriptions fully paid by November 1st or within two months of election shall be reduced by 2/6. Season tickets (admitting to all matches) 2/6.
The subscription for existing hon. members will remain at 2/6.
The formation of a third team was left in the hands of the committee.
The following names were struck off the list of members
Stein, Keely, Manning, Blanchett
The meeting terminated with a vote of thanks to Mr Knipe for presiding.
Supper was then served, and afterwards several of the members participated in a small whist drive, prizes being kindly provided by Mr Ellis.
Members Present. Messrs Applebee, Knipe, H.B.Ellis, Outhwaite, Andrews, H.Bayliss, H.N.Ellis, Kay, Milbourn, O.E.Bayliss, Haney, Jones, Croxford, Ringrose, Taylor, Owen, Griffiths, W.G.Thomas, H.W.Thomas, Bishop, O'Donnell, T.Madoc-Jones, R.A.Roberts, E.Roberts, Johnstone, Marshall, Helme, King.
Committee Meeting held at Clubmoor Hotel Tuesday Aug. 19th 1913
Present Messrs Applebee, Knipe, Croxford, Milbourn, Haney, Williams, Ellis, O.E.Bayliss
It was decided to take the old ground on the same terms as for previous seasons.
It was decided to run a third team if possible, the Sport's Committee of the N.U.T to be approached re the letting of a portion of their ground as a playing pitch for same. Rent not to exceed £3.
The Treasurer was instructed to interview Mr Stringer, and report to the secretary who would then make formal application to the Sport's Committee.
Committee Meeting held at Bee Hotel Aug. 28th 1913
Present Messrs Knipe(chairman), Applebee, Marshall, Ringrose, Helme, Lindsay, S.J.Kay, Outhwaite, King, Facey, W.H.Kay, O'Donnell, H.N.Ellis, Bishop, R.T.Robinson, D.Sloss, H.Bayliss, Venmore, Milbourn, E.Roberts, T.Madoc-Jones, W.G.Thomas, Flenley, Tolson, O.E.Bayliss, Croxford, Kearns, J.Williams, J.R.Williams.
The minutes of the previous General Meeting were read and confirmed.
With regard to the third team Mr Croxford proposed that and Mr R.T.Robinson seconded that:
"Those actively connected with the schoolboy movement hold a meeting next week and if a sufficient number of boys be obtainable, they be empowered to run a third team, at a rental of £5 for ground."
It was proposed and carried that These boys, up to the age of 17 be admitted to the club as junior members, without the right to vote, and at a subscription to be fixed by the committee.
No junior member to be played in the 2nd (or 1st team unless in case of shortage of players during coming season).
The same entertainments committee which did duty last season was again elected with the exception of that Mr Morgan was to be asked to take the place of Mr Cocks.
Committee Meeting held at Townsend Lane Schools September 6th 1913
Present Messrs Knipe, Applebee, O.E.Bayliss, Croxford, Milbourn, H.Bayliss, Haney, Williams, Ellis
The minutes of the previous meeting were taken "as read".
The following members were elected as selection committee
Messrs Helme, Knipe, Williams, Jones with captains, sub-captains and secretary.
The following resignations were accepted.
W.Johnston, J.W.A.Taylor, H.W.Thomas
The following members were elected
Proposed |
Seconded |
W.J.Facey |
S.J.Kay |
F.J.Applebee |
W.H.Kay |
" |
" |
H.Bateman |
J.Williams |
" |
J.H.Weights |
W.B.Croxford |
" |
R.F.Owens |
F.J.Applebee |
W.B.Croxford |
I.B.Humphrey |
G.Madoc-Jones |
F.J.Applebee |
J.R.Whittle |
F.J.Applebee |
W.B.Croxford |
E.B.Ringrose |
" |
" |
E.Kendrick |
" |
" |
Committee Meeting held at Clubmoor Hotel 11.12.13
Present Messrs Knipe, Milbourn, Flint, H.Bayliss, E.Roberts, Williams, Applebee
Minutes of previous meeting read and confirmed.
The following resignations were accepted.
Players. J.H.Helme G.G.Armit
G.S.Corkhill R.W.Jones
G.Madoc-Jones O.E.Bayliss
The following members were elected
Players |
Proposed |
Seconded |
H.Porter & R.P.Scaddan |
H.Tolson |
F.J.Applebee |
S.Dumbell |
E.Kendrick |
" |
C.N.Cooke |
D.Sloss |
S.J.Bishop |
S.R.Irving |
F.J.Applebee |
J.H.Owen |
G.H.Mudge |
E.B.Ringrose |
W.J.Trist |
H.A.Smith |
" |
" |
W.Johnson |
F.J.Applebee |
H.N.Ellis |
S.S.Jones |
W.B.Croxford |
F.J.Applebee |
E.G.Brash |
F.J.Applebee |
R.L.Knipe |
G.Madoc-Jones, J.H.Helme, G.S.Corkhill
O.E.Bayliss, R.W.Jones, Taylor, H.W.Thomas
Committee Meeting held at Clubmoor Hotel 2.3.14
Present Messrs Applebee, Knipe, Milbourn, Flint, Jones, O'Donnell, H.Bayliss, Williams, Ellis
Minutes of previous meeting were taken as read.
The business consisted solely of a discussion as to best means of getting in outstanding subscriptions.
It was decided that various members of the committee should interview members whose subs. were outstanding.
Com. Mtg held at Clubmoor Hotel 8.4.14
Present Messrs Applebee, Croxford, Knipe, Ellis, H.Bayliss, Jones, Smith, Bishop
Minutes of previous meeting read and confirmed, and committee promised to interview those whose subs were still outstanding.
Season 1913-14
The past season has been a disastrous one both as regards finance and results. We finished the season with a deficit of £13.1.5, the first team won 8 matches lost 19 scoring 165 against 395, and the second team won 5 drew 1 lost 14 scoring 145 points against 292.
The experiment of running a 3rd team resulted in failure.
The season however was not without its bright side. We had in our teams many men who were new to the game. They were not expected to win many games and they certainly fulfilled those expectations. Still they have youth on their side and among the novices are some men, who with a little luck, will go far in the game. They will commence next September with the advantage of a season's experience and with the advent of several new men, coupled with the retention of the services of most of the older hands the future of the club looks very bright. If only a little more keenness can be infused into the teams, the report at the end of the season will be much pleasanter to write and to read.
This year the entertainments committee has not been supported as it might have been. Our entertainments should be a source of considerable revenue to the club, and they will be if the members will give us their whole hearted support.
In conclusion I wish to thank those officers who have given up so much time for the well being of the club, in particular that much maligned body the selection committee, the entertainments committee and its secretary, Mr Knipe for turning out so frequently in all weathers to referee the second team games, Mr Milbourn for many actions which have lightened up my own work, and to Mr H.Bayliss for taking over the duties as treasurer when his brother had so unfortunately to give them up.
Hon. Sec.
General Meeting held at Criterion Hotel June 18th 1914
Present Messrs Croxford(chairman), Applebee, S.J.Kay, W.Kearns, J.H.Weights, H.Bayliss, J.R.Williams, D.Sloss, H.Bateman, J.H.Owen, H.Cowper, G.L.Orchard, H.N.Ellis, W.G.Thomas, F.Outhwaite, R.T.Robinson, J.Milbourn
Minutes of previous general meeting were read and confirmed.
The Secretary's Report and Cash statement were adopted
The election of officers resulted as follows.
President |
Mr J.G.Legge |
Vice-Presidents. |
Messrs |
Captain |
1st team |
S.S.Jones |
" |
2nd " |
W.G.Flint |
Sub-capt. |
1st " |
H.N.Ellis |
" |
2nd " |
T.Madoc-Jones |
Hon.Sec. |
F.J.Applebee |
Hon.Treas. |
J.Milbourn. |
Committee. |
Messrs. H.Bayliss, E.Roberts, J.R.Williams, S.J.Kay, H.Cowper, J.H.Weights, W.G.Thomas. |
Mr Williams proposed and Mr Bateman seconded
"That the playing members should be asked to contribute 2/6 each towards wiping off the deficit" Carried.
Mr Ellis proposed, Mr Kay seconded and Mr Milbourn supported
"That in addition a watch competition be held to wipe off remainder of deficit" Carried.
The next general meeting was fixed for August 18th at the Criterion Hotel.
General Meeting held at Criterion Hotel Aug. 25th 1914
Present Messrs Ringrose, Mudge, Smith, McCarthy, O'Donnell, R.A.Roberts, E.Roberts, J.R.Williams, T.Madoc-Jones, Orchard, Johnson, D.Sloss, Bateman, Weights, H.N.Ellis, Cowper, S.J.Kay, Croxford, R.T.Robinson, R.W.Jones, S.Thomas, Upward, Milbourn, Knipe, Applebee.
In the event of the County Club agreeing to guarantee us against a loss of £10 on the seasons working, and if a minimum of ten matches could be arranged it was decided to continue the club, subject to considerable reduction in rental of ground.
Mr Milbourn, on account of pressure of business, was compelled to resign the treasurership of the club. The resignation was accepted with regret and Mr H.Cowper was elected to fill the vacant position, Mr Smith filling vacancy on the committee.
Mr Milbourn announced that the watch competition ha realised a profit of over £7. The winner was Mr Raby, 54 Mackfield Rd, Bootle
The meeting closed with hearty votes of thanks to Mr Milbourn for his efforts in connection with the above competition, and to Mr Knipe for taking the chair.
* The best wishes of the meeting were sent to those members of the club who have volunteered for active service.
Committee Meeting held at Clubmoor Hotel 3.9.14
Present Messrs Knipe, Applebee, Cowper, H.N.Ellis, T.Madoc-Jones, Smith
It was decided that as so many of the playing members had volunteered for active service, that the club should be suspended during the period of the war.
Decorations won in the war
Lieutenant |
Captain |
R.W. Jones |
Military Cross & bar |
Serjeant |
S.J. Kay |
Military Medal & bar |
Serjeant |
F. King |
Military Medal |
Private |
R.A. Roberts |
Military Medal |
(list probably incomplete)
Four years 7 months interval
General Meeting held at 'The Bee Hotel' 1.4.19
Present Messrs R.W.Jones, Applebee, Helme, Milbourn, S.J.Kay, Reid, Upward, Croxford, Marshall, O'Donnell, Outhwaite, R.A.Roberts, H.N.Ellis, J.R.Williams
Minutes of previous general meeting were read and confirmed.
The meeting decided that an effort should be made to continue the club, the secretary being asked to make arrangements for ground for coming season and to arrange a list of fixtures for first and second teams, on the proposition of H.N.Ellis, seconded by Mr S.J.Kay.
Mr Croxford proposed and the secretary seconded "That the name of the club be changed to 'The Tuebrook Rugby F.C.' "
The meeting decided that this proposition should appear in the agenda paper summoning the next general meeting.
The lack of beer and the price of substituted beverage having shell-shocked the majority of the members present, the customary vote of thanks to Captain R.W.Jones for occupying the chair was omitted.
List of Members Fallen in Action.
Private |
full back |
" |
(* now known to be I.B) |
" |
Lieut. |
" and forward |
" |
2nd Lieut. |
" |
Sgt |
" |
Lieut. |
" |
L'Cpl |
Lieut. |
It is a singular fact that every one of our fallen playing members had occupied the full back position
Pte |
Forward |
missing in Flers Oct. 1916 |
2nd Lieut. |
Wing 3/4 |
" |
General Meeting held at The Bee Hotel 12.9.19
Present Messrs Milbourn, Waldron, R.A.Roberts, O'Donnell, Reid, Bellamy, Upward, Kay, King, Helme, Flint, Outhwaite, H.N.Ellis, Barrow, D.Sloss, D.J.Sloss, Applebee
Mr Milbourn was appointed chairman.
Minutes of previous general meeting were read and confirmed.
The secretary reported that he had been unable to obtain a suitable ground.
Mr Flint proposed and Mr King seconded "That the L'pool Old Boys' Club be approached with a view to amalgamation of the two clubs." Carried
A sub committee of three was appointed to make further efforts to secure a ground, in the event of failure to amalgamate the two clubs. Messrs Milbourn, Ellis and Williams were elected on the sub committee.
Mr Croxford was elected as the clubs' representative on the County Committee.
The election of further officers was left over for another general meeting to be held in about a fortnight's time.
The meeting terminated with a vote of thanks to Mr Milbourn for occupying "the chair"
General Meeting held at 'The Bee Hotel' 3.10.19
Present Messrs Croxford, Marshall, Thomas(S.R), Owen, Bellamy, Kay, Ellis, Helme, D.Sloss, Taylor, Milbourn, Knipe, Outhwaite, J.R.Williams, Upward
Mr Knipe was appointed chairman.
Minutes of previous general meeting were read and confirmed.
The 'ground committee' reported failure to obtain a suitable ground.
Mr Croxford proposed and Mr Helme seconded 'That the season be started with one team, and whenever possible all matches be played 'away' until such time as a ground be obtained.' Carried
The Election of Officers resulted as follows
President. Mr J.G.Legge
Vice Presidents Messrs Croxford, Flenley, Johnstone, R.W.Jones, J.Kay, Knipe, Kearns, R.Madoc-Jones, Morgan, Milbourn, Nicholas, Raus, W.R.Smith, Stringer, Waldron, I.R.Williams, Fox, Marshall, Taylor and Harding
Captain |
J.H.Helme |
Vice-capt. |
F.Outhwaite |
Secretary |
F.J.Applebee |
Team Sec. |
W.B.Croxford |
Treasurer |
J.Milbourn |
Committee. |
J.R.Williams, D.Sloss, S.J.Kay, D.Bellamy, H.N.Ellis, R.A.O'Donnell, Upward, Owen |
It was also decided to interview old members of the club asking for a subscription of 2/6 from each to clear off the small debt which the club has incurred.
The Meeting terminated with a vote of thanks to Mr Knipe for acting as chairman.
General Meeting held at Victoria Hotel October 17th 1919
Present Messrs Sloss, Croxford, Snape, Owen, Applebee, Bellamy, Knipe, Ringrose, Jones, Williams, Milbourn, R.T.Robinson, J.Robinson, Bate, Hemmingway, T.H.Gaskell, W.Gaskell, Taylor, Helme
Chairman Mr R.L.Knipe
Mr D.Sloss kindly promised to see that forms were supplied for use in the changing rooms and was duly thanked by the meeting for doing so.
Playing Members: 21/-
Junior " (under 20 years of age) 10/6
Honorary " 5/-
'That Mr H.E.Snape be elected on the committee of the club'. Carried
Emergency Committee Meeting at 40 Inigo Rd, Stoneycroft 23.10.19
Mr W.B.Croxford the clubs' representative on the county committee received from the county secretary 27.10.19 a letter of which the following is a copy.
Lancs. Country F.C.
28 Brazenose St.
Dear Croxford,
I am informed that Outhwaite, Aliens, Lancashire probably played for Runcorn last year. Can you please verify whether this is so or not, as a member of selection committee, as such I tell you confidentially it has come to me by wire today from Mr James Milnes who says his informant is Baxter (of Cheshire I presume)
Chas Fletcher
An emergency committee consisting of Messrs Applebee, Croxford, Knipe and Milbourn was summoned, and Outhwaite was asked to appear before them. Mr Knipe could not attend.
The Vice-Captain was questioned by the committee and stated that the charge was absolutely unfounded. He added that he was prepared to state on oath, in a court of law if necessary, that since joining the Aliens R.F.C the only matches he has played have been for the Aliens, for Mr Croxfords' Liverpool and District Side, for Lancashire County Trials, and two scratch matches, one at Canterbury and one in France whilst serving with His Majestys' Forces'.
The committee expressed their delight that Mr Outhwaite was able to deny the charge, and left the matter in Mr Croxford's hands for the time being.
The general committee of the club will decide what further steps are to be taken in the matter.
Committee Meeting held at Gainsboro' Cafe October 31st 1919
Present Messrs Sloss, Williams, Croxford, O'Donnell, Bellamy, Knipe, Applebee, Milbourn
Mr Knipe, the secretary and the treasurer had made every offer in their power to induce him to keep to his promise, but he refused.
The committee decided that the only thing to be done was to look for another ground, Mr Knipe and Mr Milbourn each undertook to make immediate inquiries.
Proposed by |
Seconded by. |
J.McDiarmid |
F.J.Applebee |
W.B.Croxford |
W.J.Barber |
W.B.Croxford |
F.J.Applebee |
A.Robinson |
F.Outhwaite |
" |
F.G.Bellamy |
D.W.Bellamy |
" |
R.K.Dixon |
" |
" |
H.Munro |
" |
" |
H.Daulman |
H.E.Snape |
" |
F.J.Applebee |
W.B.Croxford withdrawn |
H.Halewood |
R.L.Knipe withdrawn |
R.L.Knipe |
F.J.Applebee withdrawn |
" |
" withdrawn |
R.Hemmingway |
F.A.Bate |
H.N.Ellis |
W.G.Humphreys |
J.Williams |
F.J.Applebee |
Committee Meeting held at Gainsboro' Cafe 17.12.19
Present Messrs Knipe(chairman), Applebee, Milbourn, Outhwaite, D.W.F.Bellamy, S.J.Kay, Sloss, Croxford, J.R.Williams, O'Donnell
Proposed by |
Seconded by. |
J.Gall(hon) |
F.J.Applebee |
W.B.Croxford |
W.J.R.Watts(hon) |
H.E.Snape |
F.J.Applebee |
G.Stead |
H.V.Clark |
" |
M.Cass |
" |
" |
E.Cass |
" |
" |
J.R.Hand |
" |
" |
E.Hudson |
F.J.Applebee |
R.L.Knipe |
Oswyn Jones |
R.A.Roberts |
J.Williams |
D.Roberts |
" |
" |
E.Martinez |
W.M.Kay |
S.J.Kay |
T.H.Reid |
H.N.Ellis |
F.J.Applebee |
H.C.Astle |
" |
" |
J.Lewis |
H.E.Snape |
" |
D.K.Finlay |
W.B.Croxford |
" |
C.L.Lawford( |
H.Daulman |
" |
G.Younger |
" |
H.E.Snape |
N.Herbert(hon) |
R.A.Roberts |
F.J.Applebee |
Geo. Williams |
J.Gall |
" |
J.Dugdale |
R.L.Knipe |
" |
J.Lysaght |
W.B.Croxford |
" |
A.L.Stephens |
J.Milbourn |
" |
F.J.Behn |
" |
" |
R.R.Jones |
" |
" |
N.J.Crawford |
" |
" |
T.Nelson |
R.L.Knipe |
" |
G.Martinez |
W.M.Kay |
" |
Committee Meeting held at Gainsboro' Cafe 6.2.20
Present Messrs Knipe, Applebee, Kay, Bellamy, Outhwaite, Williams, Taylor, Milbourn
The following new members were elected.
Proposed by |
Seconded by. |
J.Thomas |
G.Younger |
H.E.Snape |
*J.S.C.McFeely |
F.J.Applebee |
J.Milbourn |
G.W.Browne |
" |
W.B.Croxford |
*P.Cubbin |
S.J.Kay |
F.J.Applebee |
H.H.Rowlands |
F.J.Applebee |
J.Milbourn |
G.Martinez |
E.Martinez |
F.J.Applebee |
K.S.Bradshaw |
R.Kaye Dixon |
" |
(* old members rejoining).
It was decided to open a banking account for the club, cheques to be signed by J.Milbourn. (Proposed by J.R.Williams seconded by S.J.Kay)
The election of an entertainments committee was confirmed.
Committee Meeting held at Gainsboro' Cafe 16.4.20
Present Messrs Knipe, Milbourn, Kay, Williams, O'Donnell, Taylor, Applebee
Minutes of previous meeting read and confirmed.
The following new members were elected.
Proposed by |
Seconded by. |
N.Hutchings |
H.Daulman |
F.Outhwaite |
D.Leff |
F.J.Applebee |
M.Cass |
A.L.Roberts |
F.J.Applebee |
F.Outhwaite |
The resignations of S.P.G.Upward (who has removed to Carlisle), and J.H.Owen were accepted with regret.
Messrs J.R.Williams and R. Kaye Dixon were appointed auditors.
One of our members R.A.O'Donnell played for Lancashire v Northumberland and scored two tries. His play was highly commended in the press. S.Dumbell, and Alien trained player, now with University appeared v Durham, and F.Outhwaite was first reserve v Cheshire.
Season 1919-20
The past season opened under depressing circumstances. After making the necessary arrangements for the continuation of the club we were faced with unexpected difficulties. We failed to find a suitable ground with convenient dressing accommodation. Our playing members numbered eight but we raised the number to fifteen and commenced our matches. As there had been no preliminary matches we were heavily beaten. In the first half of the season, the first team played 8, lost all and scored 14 points against 152. In the second half season they won 4, drew 1 and lost 7 scoring 82 pts against 79. Three of the 7 losses were by a narrow margin of a goal kick.
The second team had somewhat similar results. They won 4, lost 12 and scored 108 points against 333, but as this team contains some very promising and very young players, the prospects for the team are decidedly bright.*
We were very fortunate in numbering amongst our members several players of the old Hamilton club, and it was mainly due to their accession, together with a good influx of old boys from Liverpool College that the club was enabled to continue.
We have a small balance in hand but as there are several subscriptions outstanding we have decided to present the cash statement at the next general meeting.
General Meeting held at "Bee" Hotel 16.6.1920
Present Messrs Applebee, Bayliss, Bellamy(D), E.Cass, M.Cass, Daulman, Dunsmuir, Hutchings, G.Martinez, Milbourn, A.L.Roberts, A.Robinson, D.Sloss, O'Donnell, Stead
Mr O'Donnell was appointed chairman.
The minutes of the previous meeting were taken "as read".
The secretary read his report for the season 1919-20.
The following resignations were accepted with regret. H.W.Mitchell, J.G.Waldron, D.Relf
The names of several old members of the club were struck off the roll as it was evident that interest in the club had died out.
A proposal to change the name of the club, in view of the small attendance, was left over till the August meeting. It was decided after some discussion to place the following resolutions (proposed by M.Cass) on the agenda for the next meeting.
"That the name of the club be The Mersey Rugby Union Football Club."
The meeting terminated with a vote of thanks to Mr O'Donnell for taking the chair.
General Meeting held at Bee Hotel August 31st 1920
Present Messrs Knipe, Marshall, A.Robinson, Munro, Kay-Dixon, O'Donnell, R.W.Jones, A.L.Roberts, D.Roberts, E.Roberts, E.Martinez, F.J.Applebee, J.Milbourn, E.Cass, M.Cass, S.J.Kay, Croxford, Daulman, Snape, Sloss, Helme, Hutchings, Taylor, Williams
Mr Knipe was elected chairman.
The minutes of the previous general meeting were read and confirmed.
The Cash statement was brought before the meeting and was adopted with congratulations to the Hon. Treas. on the balance in hand.
The Election of officers resulted as follows.
President. |
R.L.Knipe |
Vice-presidents messrs |
W.B.Croxford, R.F.Harding, R.W.Jones, J.Kay, H.Marshall, J.Milbourn, H.J.Morgan, L.Stringer, J.W.A.Taylor, I.R.Williams, W.G.Flint, A.E.Harris, Dr W.H.Broad, Dr Rumjahn, J.H.Helme, W.Deacon, S.Lees, H.Lees and Dr H.J.Knox. |
Captain. |
R.A.O'Donnell |
Vice Capt. |
N.Hutchings |
Capt (A Team) |
J.R.Williams |
Hon.Sec. |
F.J.Applebee |
Hon.Team Sec. |
J.H.Helme |
Hon.Treas. |
J.Milbourn |
Hon.Asst.Treas. |
J.W.A.Taylor |
Representative on the County Committee. |
W.B.Croxford. |
Committee. |
H.Bayliss, F.Outhwaite, H.E.Snape, R.K.Dixon, S.J.Kay, H.Porter, H.Daulman, D.W.F.Bellamy, V.A.Bellamy. |
The meeting decided that the change in the name of the club was desirable from many points of view, and while regretting the passing of the old name, it was agreed that from the date of the meeting the club should be called The "Sefton" Rugby Union Football Club.
The meeting closed with a vote of thanks to the chairman for his services.
Committee Meeting held at Hare and Hounds Hotel 18.9.20
Present Messrs Applebee, Milbourn, Croxford, Helme, Hutchings, Kay, Outhwaite
The following were elected to the selection committee.
Messrs J.W.A.Taylor, F.Outhwaite, S.J.Kay, H.Daulman, H.E.Snape.
It was agreed to accept offer of the Hare and Hounds Hotel to provide dressing room at 10/- per occasion. Large room to be used for changing, and kitchen at back for washing. In addition hot water for tea will be provided.
The resignation of F.King who has gone to S.America was accepted with regret.
Committee Meeting held at Bee Hotel 17.11.20
Present Messrs Knipe, Marshall, J.W.A.Taylor, Applebee, Outhwaite,
Hutchings, Kay, Daulman
Minutes of previous meeting taken as read.
It was decided to use every endeavour to secure a more suitable ground for season 1921-22. Each member of the committee present undertook to look out for suitable grounds and dressing rooms.
It was also decided that some form of instruction on 'tactics' was very necessary for the teams, but unfortunately at present it was found to be impossible to get the players together for such instruction.
The following resignations were accepted with regret. W.M.Kay on account of injury at Bowdon; J.Lysaght, rejoined army; G.Stead, gone to sea; J.Thomas, injury; V.A.Bellamy and T.H.Reid left city; T.Nelson, W.Nelson, P.Cubbin, Geo Williams, N.Herbert, H.H.Rowlands.
The following members were elected.
Member |
Proposer |
Seconder |
H.A.Cole |
E.Martinez |
G.Martinez |
C.L.Cannock |
" |
F.J.Applebee |
C.Fittock |
H.Munro |
" |
J.Graves |
M.Cass |
E.Cass |
W.D.Herring |
J.Milbourn |
F.J.Applebee |
F.H.Crease |
" |
" |
R.C.Jenkins |
S.J.Kay |
" |
E.Jennins |
F.J.Applebee |
J.Milbourn |
J.McFall |
" |
R.L.Knipe |
W.T.Cubbin |
F.Outhwaite |
H.Daulman |
R.K.Lascelles |
J.Kay |
S.J.Kay |
J.Lewis |
D.Sloss |
F.J.Applebee |
J.E.Linton |
J.Milbourn |
A.L.Stephens |
J.Younger |
H.Daulman |
H.E.Snape |
J.Stredder |
" |
" |
E.S.Miller |
N.J.Crawford |
R.R.Jones |
K.J.Mouncey |
G.W.Browne |
F.J.Applebee |
C.H.Mackenzie |
N.J.Crawford |
" |
W.J.Watts |
H.E.Snape |
H.Daulman |
L.Pratt |
F.J.Applebee |
J.Milbourn |
A.C.McClenaghan |
" |
J.W.A.Taylor |
C.Walker |
A.L.Stephens |
R.R.Jones |
J.H.Roberts |
F.J.Applebee |
J.Milbourn |
T.F.Scotson |
N.J.Crawford |
F.J.Applebee |
W.A.Taylor |
J.W.A.Taylor |
" |
J.A.Williams |
H.N.Ellis |
" |
C.S.Levy |
E.Martinez |
R.A.O'Donnell |
A.G.Mazarachi |
" |
F.J.Applebee |
The vacancy on the Committee caused by the resignation of V.A.Bellamy was filled by the election of E.Martinez.
Committee Meeting held at Gainsboro' Cafe 22.12.20
Present Messrs Knipe, Croxford, O'Donnell, Bayliss, Milbourn, K.Dixon, Hutchings, Applebee
The minutes of the previous meeting were read and confirmed.
The following name was struck off the list of members: H.C.Astle.
The following were elected playing members of the club.
J.H.C.Daulman |
proposed by |
H.Daulman |
seconded by |
F.J.A |
K.C.D.Fraser |
" |
J.McFall |
" |
H.N.Ellis |
H.H.Nuttall |
" |
W.Herring |
" |
F.J.A |
H.H.Perrin |
" |
" |
" |
J.McFall |
T.B.Rimmer |
" |
J.McFall |
" |
J.H.Helme |
A.Williams boy member without subs |
" |
W.B.Croxford |
" |
F.J.A |
J.McGregor |
" |
" |
" |
" |
J.S.Sogan |
" |
complimentary Collegiate School Hon. Mem. |
It was decided to have a Hot Pot Supper at the Victoria Café on Jan.14th 1921, the price of the tickets being fixed at 4/6 each.
It was also decided to have a Smoker at the Hare and Hounds, if possible on Feb.19th. Mr K.Dixon undertook responsibility for arrangements.
Permission was granted to Secretary to order 600 "selected to play" postcards, and a supply of club stationery.
Committee Meeting held at Hare and Hounds Hotel, West Derby 20.1.21
Present Messrs Marshall, Smith, Dixon, Croxford, Helme, O'Donnell, Milbourn, Bayliss, Applebee, Martinez, J.R.Williams
Mr Marshall was elected chairman.
The minutes of the previous meeting were read and confirmed.
The vacancy on the committee, caused by the resignation of D.W.Bellamy, was filled by the election of W.J.Smith of the Bristol and Gloucestershire County Committees, a gentleman who will probably prove to be the most valuable acquisition that the club has ever made.
The secretary proposed that a message be sent to Bellamy wishing him every success in his new venture - and reminding him that his subscription to the club is overdue. Seconded and carried.
Mr Dixon read his report of the "Hot Pot" Supper and presented his balance sheet which showed the handsome profit of £4.16.7.
It was agreed that Mr Dixon should make himself responsible for a Hot Pot Supper to be held at the Hare and Hounds on February 19th, tickets 5/- each.
Mr Dixon undertook to make this proposed Hot Pot as big a success as the previous one.
The Secretary reported that the club had been forced to leave their playing field at a day's notice, but another ground had fortunately been found at Meadow Lane. It was agreed that the ground was the best to be obtained under the circumstances.
A postcard from the county committee re the Rugby Union's Scheme to lend money (on good approved security) to clubs for the development of their grounds was read. It was agreed to leave the matter over for the present, and to watch the developments of events in the local athletic world, a development which may closely affect a Rugby Union Club.
The following new members were elected.
E.J.Maitland |
proposed by |
H.Bayliss |
seconded by |
F.J.A |
J.Marsh |
" |
A.Robinson |
" |
W.B.Croxford |
Dr O'Sullivan |
" |
Dr Rumjahn |
" |
J.H.Helme |
S.H.A.Wareham |
" |
H.Bayliss |
" |
F.J.A |
The following names were struck off the roll of members.
W.T.Cubbin, Evans,
S.R.Thomas, W.A.Taylor, J.Dugdale, Finlay,
McFeely, G.Younger, H.A.Cole
The resignations of D.W.F.Bellamy and J.Younger were accepted with regret.
Dr McFall, subject to the consent of Mrs McFall, kindly offered to place his dining room at the disposal of the club for a series of lectures on the game by W.J.Smith, but as Mr Milbourn also offered the use of the Smoke Room at the Victoria Café, it was unanimously decided that the latter room was the better of the two, and it was decided to start the instruction there on Tuesday the 20th inst. at 7 p.m.
The secretary reported that he had written to the Collegiate School offering to make all their first team colourmen honorary members of the Sefton Club, as several of them had intimated their intention of joining Sefton on leaving school.
The meeting terminated in the usual manner.
Committee Meeting held at Hare and Hounds Hotel. February 10th 1921
Present Messrs Marshall, Bayliss, Milbourn, Smith, O'Donnell, Snape, Applebee
The minutes of the previous meeting were taken "as read".
The secretary reported that he had taken over the arrangements for the Hot Pot Supper, as Mr Dixon was on a course (Bullet and Bayonet) at Orford Barracks, Warrington.
The Hot Pot arrangements were very much in the air as Mr Hudson was leaving the Hotel on the 15th inst. It was decided to carry on in the hopes that the new manager would be able to carry out the arrangements.
The resignation of the club's vice-captain N.W.Hutchings was accepted with greatest of regret. In losing him the club has suffered a great loss as he was a first class player in any position in the back division. The committee sent him their best wishes for his future success both in his new work and with his new club at Pembroke Dock.
Mr Snape proposed and the secretary seconded "That J.Marsh be elected vice-capt in his place." Carried unanimously.
The following were elected members of the club.
Hon.Members |
Proposer |
Seconder |
W.J.Barnes |
R.K.Dixon |
F.J.A |
R.Woods |
" |
" |
C.G.Stein |
F.J.A |
H.Bayliss |
Playing Member |
R.S.Watson |
E.Martinez |
F.J.A |
Committee Meeting held at Hare and Hounds Hotel 10.3.21
Present Messrs Helme, O'Donnell, Williams, Milbourn, Bayliss, Applebee, Snape
The minutes of the previous meeting were read and confirmed.
Hot Pot
R.A.O'Donnell proposed and H.E.Snape seconded "That a Hot Pot Supper be held at the Victoria Café on Friday April 1st." Carried.
The secretary read through a list of names of members whose subscriptions were unpaid. Members of committee volunteered to interview them on the matter.
Messrs J.E.Linton and W.J.R.Watts were elected honorary auditors for the season.
Season 1920-21
From the point of view of results the past season has been the most unsatisfactory in the history of the club. The first team played 26 matches, won 3, drew 2 and lost 21 scoring 85 points against 337. The second team played 20, won 8, lost 11 and drew 1, scoring 150 points against 276. For the first time in our career we have been able consistently to run a third team, which played practically all its matches away. This team it is pleasing to note was the most successful of our sides. It played 14 games, winning 8 and losing 6, scored 123 points against 124.
The old difficulties re grounds and dressing rooms are still with us, and I am afraid will continue to be with us until some scheme is developed by means of which we get a ground of our own. Otherwise the future of the club is bright. We have a larger number of playing members that at any previous date; they are mostly very young and will grow both in size and experience; and I feel confident they will in a few seasons time be able to hold their own with the best teams in the district. Training and practice is all that is needed.
The thanks of the club are due especially to those older and more experienced players who have turned out so frequently for the 2nd and 3rd teams, and to out latest "acquisition" W.J.Smith, whose advice was most useful as we hope it will in the future.
In conclusion I wish to point out to the young members that the future of the club is in their hands, and a little thought on their part will make the working of the club much easier. There are many little 'jobs' for which they may volunteer instead of leaving them all in the hands of the officers. This will increase the efficiency of the arrangements, and 'efficiency of the arrangements' usually means that and efficient team is put on the field.
Committee Meeting held at Bee Hotel May 20th 1921
Present Messrs H.B.Ellis, Smith, O'Donnell, Marshall, Marsh, A.Robinson, J.A.Williams, Jenkins, Bayliss, A.L.Roberts, Nuttall, Linton, Walker, McClenaghan, Hemmingway, Milbourn, Applebee
Mr W.J.Smith was elected chairman.
The minutes of the previous meeting were read and confirmed.
The secretary's report for past season was adopted.
The cash statement was adopted without discussion.
J.Milbourn proposed and R.A.O'Donnell seconded "That a sub-committee be appointed to look out for a suitable ground for season 1921-22. Such committee to report to secretary and if a suitable ground be found a general meeting to be called immediately." Carried unanimously.
The following members were elected on the sub-committee. R.Hemmingway(secretary), W.D.Herring, H.Bayliss, J.E.Linton, and J.A.Williams with power to co-opt any further members.
The secretary reported on the proposed county cup competition and stated that he had expressed himself in favour of such a competition. The meeting unanimously endorsed his views on the matter.
It was decided to hold the next general meeting at the Bee Hotel the first week in August.
It was also decided on the proposition of R.Hemmingway that the agenda for the meeting recommend the purchase of an army hut for the use as a dressing room.
The meeting terminated with a vote of thanks to Mr Smith for taking the chair.
General Meeting held at Bee Hotel 12.8.21
Messrs Rimmer, Mackenzie, J.A.Williams, J.R.Williams, Herring,
Hemmingway, Snape, Stephens, Bayliss, Marshall, Taylor, Smith,
Milbourn, Barber, Knipe,
Wilson, Linton,
Munro, A.L.Roberts, M.Cass, A.Robinson, Marsh, F.S.Porter, Nuttall,
McClenaghan, Spence, Watts, Applebee, Jenkins, Leff, Bond, Dixon,
O'Donnell, Radcliffe, with Mr Knipe in the "chair".
The sub-committee appointed to look out for a new ground reported that they had been unsuccessful.
The election of the officers resulted as follows:-
President. |
R.L.Knipe |
Vice-presidents messrs |
E.E.Bond, Dr W.H.Broad, W.B.Croxford, W.Deacon, W.G.Flint, R.F.Harding, A.E.Harris, J.B.Herring, J.H.Helme, R.W.Jones, J.Kay, Dr H.J.Knox, S.Lees, H.Lees, H.Marshall, J.Milbourn, Dr McFall, H.J.Morgan, Dr Rumjahn, L.Stringer, J.W.A.Taylor, I.R.Williams, J.R.Williams, R.A.O'Donnell, W.J.Smith |
County Representative. |
W.B.Croxford. |
Hon.Sec. |
F.J.Applebee |
Hon.Treas. |
J.Milbourn |
Hon.Team Sec. |
R.Hemmingway |
Captain 1st team |
H.E.Snape |
Vice Capt " |
R.C.Jenkins |
Captain 2nd team |
H.Bayliss |
Vice Capt " |
E.Martinez |
Captain 3rd team |
H.Daulman. |
Committee. Messrs |
S.J.Kay, H.A.Munro, W.J.R.Watts, H.N.Ellis, R.K.Dixon, F.Outhwaite, J.A.Marsh, A.Robinson |
A Ground Committee of 3. Messrs Marshall, Taylor and Watts was appointed to see that the arrangements on match days are carried out in a satisfactory manner.
The Secretary and Treasurer were asked to obtain two grounds if possible at a combined rental of about £40. Failing that and any alternative ground, the old ground to be rented at £25.
A suggestion by Mr Croxford "That in order to make the honours go round, the president should hold office for not more than two years" was agreed to.
The meeting closed with the usual vote of thanks to the chairman.
Committee Meeting held at "Hare and Hounds" Hotel 16.8.21
Present Messrs Knipe, McFall, Milbourn, Jenkins, Watts, Snape, Smith, Marshall, Marsh, Munro, Robinson, Outhwaite, O'Donnell, Taylor, Dixon, Croxford, Applebee
Grounds Mr Watts proposed and Mr Taylor seconded "That the two pitches inspected be taken at a rental of £50." Carried unanimously.
Dressing Accommodation for third team was fixed at Allens Team Rooms, 19 Almonds Green at 10/- per occasion.
Practices The members of the committee agreed to meet on Friday 19th inst. at 7p.m to erect one set of posts.
Mr Smith undertook to coach the players on Saturdays, Tuesdays and Thursdays commencing Sat. 20th August.
In order to reassure the Honorary Treasurer Mr Smith proposed and Mr Taylor seconded "That this committee pledges itself to see that any deficit which may be incurred during the coming season, is met." Carried unanimously.
It was decided to buy a pair of Flesh Gloves for club use. Mr Smith was requested to obtain same, and Dr McFall promised to supply the club with any bandages required.
Selection Committee The following gentlemen were appointed to serve on the selection committee with captains and vice-captains of teams, and team secretary. Messrs Smith, O'Donnell, Watts, Taylor.
The following names were added to the Ground Committee: Messrs Knipe, A.L.Roberts, Helme with J.Milbourn as sec. of committee.
It was agreed that a more elaborate type of fixture card would add to the "tone" of the club and the secretary was requested to see could be done at a reasonable expense.
The following new members were elected.
Proposer |
Seconder |
H.F.Bateman |
W.B.Croxford |
F.J.A |
C.J.Davies |
" |
R.L.Knipe |
C.G.Haley |
C.A.McCleneghan |
F.J.Applebee |
G.C.Ledger |
W.B.Croxford |
F.J.A |
F.S.Porter |
F.J.A |
W.J.Smith |
L.Radcliffe |
R.K.Dixon |
F.J.A |
R.R.Spence |
F.J.A |
W.B.Croxford |
R.A.Wilson |
J.Milbourn |
F.J.A |
F.Burrell |
" |
" |
J.F.Dalton |
W.J.R.Watts |
H.E.Snape |
L.J.Loewenthal |
F.J.Applebee |
J.Milbourn |
T.Lancaster(Hon.) |
J.Milbourn |
F.J.A |
Committee Meeting held at Hare and Hounds Hotel 19.9.21
Present Messrs Knipe(chairman), Smith, Dixon, Munro, Hemmingway, Marshall, Kay, Bayliss, Milbourn, Applebee
Mr Snape kindly promised to supply the club with a set of goal-posts (complete) delivered at Birkenhead Ferry, and Mr Milbourn kindly undertook to see them delivered to the ground.
This offer was gratefully accepted on behalf of the club.
Mr Hemmingway undertook to look out for a Pole Auger and Rammer.
The following new members were elected.
Proposer |
Seconder |
W.Millington |
H.Nuttall |
F.J.A |
J.Gayter |
J.Milbourn |
" |
G.Stead |
F.J.A |
J.Milbourn |
E.K.Atherton |
" |
R.Hemmingway |
J.Overend |
H.E.Snape |
F.J.Applebee |
T.Robinson |
C.A.McClenaghan |
" |
H.Cotter |
C.H.Mackenzie |
" |
B.Porter |
F.S.Porter |
" |
R.C.Gubbins |
E.Martinez |
" |
A.T.Ascroft |
" |
" |
H.J.Thompson |
F.J.A |
W.B.Croxford |
J.S.Logan |
" |
" |
B.Leask |
E.Martinez |
F.J.A |
" |
Ward |
J.Milbourn |
" |
T.Lancaster |
" |
" |
G.H.Chadwick |
T.B.Rimmer |
" |
H.S.Damsell |
" |
" |
W.Shackley |
F.S.Porter |
" |
" |
H.W.Scotson(Junior) |
F.J.A |
J.Milbourn |
The following resignations were accepted.
J.McDiarmid, E.S.Miller, J.Streddar, F.G.Bellamy, Watson, Lawford,
Hands, Maitland, and
Committee Meeting held at Hare and Hounds Hotel 29.9.21
Present Messrs W.J.Smith (chairman), Applebee, Taylor, Marshall, Snape, Dixon, Munro, Marsh, Martinez, Milbourn, Hemmingway, O'Donnell, Kay
The following new members were elected.
Member |
Proposed by |
Seconded by |
R.Andrews(hon.) |
H.Bayliss |
J.Milbourn |
J.H.Brownbill |
J.Milbourn |
F.J.A |
A.M.Brown |
L.Radfcliffe |
R.Dixon |
C.H.Cook |
" |
" |
A.E.Cain |
W.J.Smith |
F.J.A |
F.A.Evans |
L.Radfcliffe |
R.Dixon |
J.Gross |
J.S.Logan |
H.J.Thompson |
Theo Jones |
W.J.Smith |
F.J.A |
H.S.Readhead |
" |
" |
C.A.Readhead |
" |
" |
J.McGregor |
W.B.Croxford |
" |
D.Simpson |
" |
" |
W.B.Croxford received from Perkins, the secretary of St Helens O.B. a communication from which the following is an extract:-
" At our general meeting the other evening questions were asked and I was instructed to approach the county committee re A.J.Marsh who was suspended from R.U. games by the committee having played under N.U. auspices, and is now playing, and has played for Sefton, I am told."
For your information Marsh was not allowed to play for us or for the Varsity by order of the county committee.
Oct. 23rd 19.
Dear Sir,
The R.U. Committee have refused Marsh's application for reinstatement
(signed) Chas. Fletcher
A.E.Perkins Esq
St Helens O.B.
Marsh was asked to make a statement as to the facts of the case. He stated
The committee (Sefton) decided that on the facts submitted Marsh could no longer be played in the Sefton team, but they would do their best to procure permission for him to play R.U. football again. They considered that St Helens O.B. had broken the R.U. rules in playing against him, and they also doubted whether St Helens had made out the best possible case for him.
It was decided to ask Mr Croxford to see the County Secretary and ask to see the correspondence in the case. On his report the committee will decide on their further action.
The chairman then declared the meeting closed.
Committee Meeting held at Hare and Hounds Oct 21.21
Present Messrs Marshall (chairman), Milbourn, Applebee, Dixon, Hemmingway, O'Donnell
Minutes of previous meeting were read and confirmed.
The secretary reported that he had gone carefully into the "Marsh" case and had reluctantly come to the conclusion that Marsh could no longer be a member of the club.
The committee agreed that this was the only course open to the club and Marsh's name was struck off the list of members.
Mr Dixon was asked to form an entertainments committee and to act as secretary to this committee. He agreed to do so.
It was decided to hold a Hot Pot Supper on Dec. 10th at the Hare and Hounds Hotel.
The following new members were elected.
Member |
Proposed by |
Seconded by |
G.J.Bulmer |
H.Thompson |
J.S.Logan |
R.Illingworth |
" |
" |
C.Bridden |
W.B.Croxford |
F.J.A |
C.H.Cook |
L.Radcliffe |
R.K.Dixon |
E.O.Dubourg |
H.S.Damsell |
T.B.Rimmer |
W.H.Dubourg |
" |
" |
C.E.Moore |
G.McGibbon |
F.J.A |
R.F.Owens |
J.Milbourn |
" |
W.Rimmer |
T.B.Rimmer |
H.W.Seaton |
L.T.Pearce |
Dr McFall |
F.J.A |
P.S.Hoseason |
" |
" |
V.Jones |
J.A.Williams |
" |
H.McGrath |
E.Martinez |
G.Martinez |
G.B.White |
R.Hemmingway |
H.Bayliss |
The offer of Mr Cain's services as club trainer was accepted with very great pleasure.
Committee Meeting held at Hare and Hounds Hotel Novr. 25th '21
Present Messrs Marshall (chairman), Smith, Cain, Dixon, Robinson, Bayliss, Milbourn, Applebee
Minutes of previous meeting were read and confirmed.
Mr A.E.Cain was elected on the committee.
A letter from the Westmoreland County club, exonerating E.D.Graham from knowingly contravening the R.U. bye-laws as to professionalism, was read, and the player in question was elected a member of the club.
Dr McFall had sent to the secretary a letter which was placed before the committee. In it he made several interesting criticisms and suggestions re the working of the club, particularly in the selection of teams.
The committee thoroughly appreciated the spirit in which the letter had been written but were of the opinion that the suggestion, if carried out, would be of no real benefit to the club.
The Treasurer reported that he had about £20 in hand, but much more than that sum would be required before the end of the year.
The arrangement of fixtures for next season was left in the hands of the secretary.
The resignations of the following were accepted.
C.Fittock (joined Birkenhead Park)
R.R.Jones ( " Waterloo)
Dr O'Sullivan (returned to Ireland)
The resignation of Dr O'Sullivan was accepted with real regret.
The following new members were elected.
Member |
Proposed by |
Seconded by |
Dr W.Howell Evans |
H.N.Ellis |
F.J.Applebee |
" |
" |
W.S.Gill |
A.G.Ascroft |
B.S.Jarvis |
" |
" |
H.Kidd |
J.Milbourn |
" |
E.C.Levey |
H.T.Ascroft |
" |
J.R.Taylor |
F.A.Evans |
L.C.Radcliffe |
C.E.Unsworth |
Dr Macfall |
F.J.A |
E.D.Graham |
A.Davison |
" |
W.J.Brassil |
H.N.Ellis(Dr O'Sullivan) |
" |
The following names were struck off the list of members.
W.J.Barber, Atherton, Wilson.
Committee Meeting held at Hare and Hounds Hotel Jan. 27th '22
Present Messrs Knipe, Smith, J.R.Williams, Robinson, Dixon, Milbourn, Applebee, Hutchings
Apologies for absence had been sent by Messrs Munro and Croxford.
The minutes of previous meeting were read and confirmed.
The secretary reported that over £50 had been paid out and at least another £60 would be required before the end of the season.
The committee undertook to ask members whose subscriptions were unpaid to let the treasurer have them immediately.
The secretary reported that the marker was useless for rough ground but would be serviceable for a tennis court. It was decided to offer same for sale at 10/-. Mr Dixon promised to examine it and if suitable, purchase it for that price.
The resignation of A.E.Harris(V.P.) was accepted with regret.
The following were elected members of the club.
Member |
Proposer |
Seconder |
F.P.Arthur |
L.Radcliffe |
R.K.Dixon |
A.G.S.Browne |
J.F.Dalton |
F.J.Applebee |
H.S.Symons |
" |
" |
E.A.Comer |
R.Hemmingway |
" |
A.L.Mullen |
" |
" |
J.E.Dixon |
J.Milbourn |
" |
O.D.Price |
F.D.Porter |
" |
W.D.Price |
" |
" |
H.Wickes |
W.J.Smith |
" |
W.H.Scott |
" |
" |
Hon. Members(V.P.s) |
" |
" |
C.F.Fraser |
K.C.D.Fraser |
" |
E.R.Myers |
J.Milbourn |
" |
The committee expressed their sympathy with H.S.Readhead and A.McGrath who broke their arm and collar bone respectively v Birkenhead Park teams on Dec 31st.
As H.N.Ellis had not been able to attend any committee meetings he was deemed to have resigned and F.S.Porter was elected in his place.
W.J.Smith proposed and the secretary seconded "That a watch competition be held in order to augment the club funds." This was carried. Arrangements were left in the hands of Mr Milbourn.
The committee had with them N.W.Hutchings (who had just returned from Ebbw Vale) and had the greatest of pleasure in welcoming him back to the club.
Committee Meeting held at Hare and Hounds Hotel 17.2.22
Present Messrs Knipe, Smith, Dixon, Daulman, Porter, Bayliss, Hemmingway, Applebee
The minutes of previous meeting were read and confirmed.
Mr C.K.Dixon was elected an honorary member of the club. Proposer R.K.Dixon seconder R.Hemmingway.
Mr Hemmingway reported that ha had made inquiries re a hall, for a dance. After a long discussion it was decided to hold a dance at the Britannia Rooms on Friday March 17th, provided that the members of the various teams would guarantee the sale of sufficient tickets to make the affair a financial as well as social success.
Committee Meeting held at Hare and Hounds Hotel 28.4.22
Present Messrs Applebee, Cain, Dixon, Hutchings, Linton, Marshall, Milbourn, Munro, Porter with Mr W.J.Smith chairman.
The minutes of previous meeting were read and confirmed.
Proposed by the Chairman seconded by Mr Marshall "That the Annual General Meeting be held at the Victoria Café on Friday May 26th". Carried.
It was decide that the following should appear on the agenda for the meeting. Proposed alteration of rule.
Proposed by F.J.Applebee
Seconded by W.J.Smith
Proposer H.A.Munro
Seconder F.S.Porter
The treasurer reported that he had insufficient cash in hand to meet the expenses due, but that if all outstanding subscriptions materialised, the club would show a profit on the year's working.
Mr Marshall proposed and Mr Dixon seconded "That the following letter be sent to playing members whose subscriptions are outstanding."
Dear Sir, At a meeting held on April 28th your committee passed a resolution urgently calling upon all members whose subscriptions are outstanding to forward same to the Hon. Treasurer, J.Milbourn, 165 Moscow Drive, by May 7th at the latest, there is insufficient cash in hand to meet heavy expenses already overdue.
The secretary reported that a match advertised as Liverpool and District v Birkenhead Park and District had been played on the ground of Waterloo Club on Thursday April 20th. The players on the Liverpool and District side were chosen from the Liverpool and Waterloo clubs only. Sefton had no official notice of the game.
Mr Cain proposed and Mr Hutchings seconded "That a letter be sent to the County Committee asking for a inquiry into the method of selecting the L'pool and District team for the game; if the county authorised the game to be played, and if so whether they allow any club or clubs to select a team and advertise it as a "District" side without consulting all other clubs in that district"
Owing to Mr Hemmingway's absence discussion re the finances of the dance held at the Britannia rooms was postponed till the next meeting.
After some informal discussion re nominations for executive and committee the chairman declared the meeting closed.
Copy of letter sent to Lancs Football Club.
Sefton F.C.
40 Inigo Rd
Dear Sir,
On Thursday April 20th a match was played on the ground of Waterloo F.C. under the title Liverpool and District v Birkenhead Park and District. As far as my committee are aware the Liverpool team was drawn from Liverpool and Waterloo clubs only. As the teams which actually turned out could not be considered to represent the full playing strength of each either side of the river, it seems desirable that, in the interests of the public, and also to preserve a spirit of good feeling between the different clubs, there should be some definite ruling on the use of the title which is usually connected with representative games. My committee wish me to bring the matter to your notice for they feel that such games should be played only with the consent of the County Club, and after consultation with all the District Clubs.
Yrs faithfully
Hon. Sec.
T.J.Bradburn Esq.
Hon. Sec.
Lancs F.C
The past seasons record shows a great improvement on that of the previous one. We were enabled to increase the number of teams from three to four, and on one occasion we turned out a fifth XV.
The records of the various teams were as follows.
Played |
Won |
Drawn |
Lost |
Pts for |
Pts agst |
1st Team |
27 |
9 |
- |
18 |
148 |
331 |
2nd " |
26 |
7 |
5 |
14 |
113 |
214 |
3rd " |
19 |
7 |
- |
12 |
123 |
245 |
4th " |
16 |
5 |
2 |
9 |
138 |
174 |
5th " |
1 |
1 |
- |
- |
13 |
11 |
'A'' " |
1 |
- |
1 |
- |
3 |
3 |
Of their 9 victories, the first tem obtained 7 after Xmas, thus showing a very marked improvement during the course of the season.
Several of the younger players have made their places secure in the first XV, and there is much latent ability in the junior sides. Enthusiasm was never at such a high pitch in the history of the club. This is proved by the fact that on several; occasions when playing "away" we provided players, referee and linesman for the home teams.
I wish to draw your attention to the unselfish manner in which captains of the junior teams have sacrificed their chances of playing for the 'first', and have changed mere collections of players into enthusiastic teams; to the shorting actions of the reserves who so cheerfully answered the call to fill vacancies in the first team in away matches; and to the action of some of the younger members who voluntarily ran a dance, at their own risk, with the avowed intention of augmenting the ground fund.
The number of playing members at present is 90, and there are 57 honorary members. We have the nucleus of a very powerful club, and if all will act up to the club spirit, we can look forward to the future with every confidence.
You will see by the balance sheet that we owe the Treasurer the sum of £6.12.3. This deficit should be cleared before the commencement of another season.
A Watch Competition has been run with the idea of starting a ground fund. The exact figures are not yet available, but the result has been a splendid success. For this, while many members have worked excellently, we are chiefly indebted to Mr W.J.Smith who has disposed of close to £40 worth of tickets.
During the season a hot pot supper was held at the Hare and Hounds Hotel, over 70 members and friends being present. The affair showed a profit of £3.17.6. A Dance was also held at the Britannia Rooms, but up to the present no balance sheet has been produced for this.
In conclusion I wish you to consider very seriously nominations for your officers for the coming season. The work in the past has fallen too heavily on the shoulders of the "faithful" few.
With efficient officers and a real working committee the work will be lightened for individuals and the "running" of the club will be smoother than ever.
General Meeting Victoria Café Friday May 26th 1922
Present Messrs N.W.Hutchings, A.J.Marsh, J.A.Williams, F.S.Porter, A.E.Robinson, W.H.Scott, H.Kidd, R.Illingworth, J.Bulmer, F.Burrell, F.P.Arthur, Robert Jones, C.H.Mackenzie, H.S.Damsell, J.Dixon, H.A.Munro, S.H.Chadwick, C.H.Lock, W.H.Dubourg, W.B.Croxford, H.Marshall, R.Leigh Knipe, W.J.Smith, A.E.Cain, H.E.Snape, N.Lowe, J.T.Briggs, C.A.Readhead, C.A.McCleneghan, Wm.Brassil, H.Daulman, H.F.P.Bayliss, S.J.Kay, E.E.Bond, J.E.Linton, J.W.A.Taylor, E.Jones, F.J.Applebee, Harold B.Ellis, John Milbourn, Thomas Lancaster, J.Morrissey, G.Martinez, E.A.Martinez, G.C.Ledger, T.B.Rimmer
The chair was taken by the President.
The minutes of the previous General Meeting were read, and confirmed on motion of W.J.Smith seconded by W.B.Croxford.
The secretary's report for the past season was read, and adopted on motion of W.B.Croxford seconded by R.W.Jones.
J.W.A.Taylor proposed and J.A.Williams seconded the adoption of the Cash Statement for the season. Carried.
The treasurer announced that while the returns were not complete, the "watch competition" showed a profit of over £100.
The watch was then opened by the President and was found to have stopped at 6 hours 18 minutes 5 seconds, the winner being Mr W.Benson, 12 Goree Piazzas, L'pool, who had purchased the coupon from one of W.J.Smith's books.
The secretary proposed and W.J.Smith seconded "That nominations for the Executive and Committee be sent in writing to the secretary before the August General Meeting each year".
J.W.A.Taylor proposed as an amendment that the words, "the consent of the nominees having previously been obtained" be added.
The amendment was accepted by the proposer and seconder of the original motion; was put as a substantive motion and carried.
H.A.Munro proposed and F.S.Porter seconded "That Playing Members' Subscriptions be paid on or before December 1st, or in case of new members within one month of election". Carried.
The President gave an official welcome to Messrs Briggs and Lowe who have promised to become Vice-Presidents next season. Mr Lowe replied on behalf of Mr Briggs and himself.
Messrs H.Bayliss, J.A.Williams, W.J.Smith, W.Lowe and J.Morrissey, with F.J.Applebee and R.L.Knipe ex officio were appointed a sub-committee to take up duties re ground immediately. They were empowered to clinch bargain for suitable ground up to a rental of £50. Any further negotiations to be brought before the General Committee.
Deficit on balance sheet was wiped out by "whip round".
W.B.Croxford proposed and J.Milbourn seconded "That profit of Watch Competition be banked as a Trust Fund". Carried.
W.J.Smith and H.A.Munro were elected trustees.
The chairman then declared the meeting closed.
Committee Meeting held at Hare and Hounds Hotel Friday June 9th 1922
Present Messrs Applebee, Milbourn, Smith, Munro, Kay, Croxford, Outhwaite, Marshall, Hutchings, Robinson, Porter, Bayliss, Cain, with R.L.Knipe in the chair.
Business transacted.
Mr Smith intimated his ability to attend the meeting in question, and Mr Marshall proposed and Mr Robinson seconded "That the admission card to the meeting be forwarded to A.D.Stoop with instruction to "our" representative to vote also in favour of the Kent resolution. Carried.
The secretary's action in the matter was confirmed.
Mr Smith proposed and Mr Croxford seconded "That the secretary be instructed to write to the Lancs.F.C, pointing out to them that common courtesy demands an acknowledgement of the letter, and pressing for the ruling already asked for. Carried.
It was also agreed that Mr Croxford should write to Lancs F.C. challenging the constitution of the meeting.
It was decided to call a meeting of the ground committee at the Victoria Café Friday 16th inst at 7.30 p.m.
The chairman then declared the meeting closed.
Extra-Ordinary General Meeting held at Victoria Café June 30th 1922
Present Messrs Applebee, Hutchings, Outhwaite, F.S.Porter, A.Robinson, Munro, Bulmer, J.E.Dixon, Linton, Lowe, Smith, Bond, Kidd, Bayliss, Lancaster, Gubbins, W.D.Price, Humphreys, C.A.Readhead, Ledger, Croxford, with the President in the chair.
The Chairman opened the meeting with a brief explanation of the "Ground Scheme". The idea was to unite with the Westdale Cricket Club as a General Sports Club, purchase a ground in the West Derby District, and cater for a large number of possible members for Tennis and Bowling Sections.
Mr Lowe enlarged upon this and the meeting decided unanimously in favour of continuing the scheme.
After much discussion on the ways and means of raising the necessary funds Mr Gubbins proposed "That a further General Meeting be called".
The meeting agreed to this and it was decided to draw up a circular calling the meeting for July 21st at the Victoria Café, and giving a brief outline of the scheme in its present state.
In the meantime, the members present, on the suggestion of Mr Gubbins, agreed to press the urgency of the business upon members who were not at the meeting, to consider the matter earnestly, and to endeavour to attend the next meeting with 'definite' suggestions for the successful carrying out of the scheme.
The chairman then declared the meeting closed.
Ground Scheme
General Meeting held at Victoria Cafe Friday July 21st 1922
Present Messrs Knipe(chairman), Bayliss, Humphreys, Smith, Kidd, W.D.Herring, Bulmer, Munro, Linton, Damsell, Chadwick, Rimmer T.B., Mackenzie, Applebee, Illingworth, J.E.Dixon, Outhwaite, Brownbill, Hutchings
The minutes of the previous meeting were read and confirmed.
Mr Bayliss reported that the ground in view would be available December 1923.
Mr Smith proposed "That a sub-committee be appointed, and authorised to go into the scheme and issue circulars on lines of those issued by the Casuals F.C" (which were on view at the meeting.)
The proposal was carried unanimously. The following members were eleceted to serve on the sub-committee.
Messrs Lowe, Smith, Linton, Croxford, with Messrs Taylor and Waddell of the Westdale C.C. and Mr Wilkinson of Marlborough College Tue Brook.
The General Meeting for the Election of Officers and for the coming season was fixed for August 18th at the Victoria Café.
The chairman declared the meeting closed.
Committee Meeting held at Hare and Hounds Hotel July 28th 1922
Present Messrs Smith(chairman), Applebee, Milbourn, Cain, Bayliss, Outhwaite, Robinson, Dixon, Hemmingway
The minutes of previous meeting were read and confirmed.
The secretary produced and read a copy of letter he had sent to Lancs. F.C and also reply from the Lancashire secretary.
It was considered that, up to a certain point, we had achieved what we had set out to do, viz we had in our possession an acknowledgement from the Lancashire Committee that they had very little jurisdiction over their clubs.
On the motion of Mr Smith it was decided to let the matter stand for the being.
Mr Hemmingway explained his statement of accounts for the Dance at the Britannia Rooms on March 17th. The committee then considered the matter closed and unanimously proposed a vote of thanks to Mr Hemmingway for his efforts to make the affair a success.
The committee decided to send the following nominations to the General Meeting.
Proposer Hemmingway Seconder Robinson.
Senior Vice-President. Mr John Kay.
Additional V.P's (to those already holding that position)
Mr Cain |
proposed by W.J.Smith |
seconded F.J.A |
F.A.Bate |
" F.J.A |
" J.Milbourn |
Mr H.N.Ellis |
" " |
" J.Milbourn |
In the event of Mr Kay being unable to accept the office of senior v.p. it was unanimously agreed to invite Mr J.W.A.Taylor to accept the position.
Secretary |
F.J.Applebee |
Treasurer |
J.Milbourn |
Captain |
N.W.Hutchings |
" 2nd |
H.E.Snape |
" 3rd |
H.Daulman |
" 3rd |
H.F.Bateman |
Committee |
R.K.Dixon, S.J.Kay, F.S.Porter, A.Robinson, W.J.R.Watts, Hemmingway, W.H.Dubourg, Mackenzie, Bayliss. |
Team Sec. |
H.A.Munro |
Asst. " |
H.Brownbill |
It was proposed from the chair that the following should be added to the rules of the club. "That life membership of the club may be conferred, on occasion, on members who have rendered exceptional service to the club"
and That Mr F.Outhwaite be made the first life member. Carried.
Mr Outhwaite was manoeuvred out of the room, and in his absence the committee decided to circularise the members with a view to making him a presentation on the eve of his departure for South Africa.
The chairman then declared the meeting closed.
Copy of Letter to Lancs F.C. as instructed at Committee Meeting 9.6.22
Sefton F.C.
40 Inigo Rd
Dear Sir,
On a certain date last month I sent to you on behalf of my club a communication suggesting the advisability of the county formulating a rule with regard to the use of the "District" Title for any R.U. games in the county.
Up to the present time I have received no reply to my communication. My committee strongly resent this, considering they have been treated in a most discourteous manner, and have instructed me to write you once again for a reply, as they do not consider the matter closed, but on the contrary are considering what further steps to take in the matter.
Yrs faithfully
Hon. Sec.
T.J.Bradburn Esq.
Hon. Sec.
Lancs F.C.
Reply to Lancashire RFU regarding the use of 'District' title in county games
Dear Sir,
Your letter of May 6/22 Re the use of the 'District' title after a match played at Waterloo during the past season was brought before my committee at a meeting held in Manchester on May 20th, + they consider the matter is a very trivial one, + one over which they have no jurisdiction.
As regards your letter June 30/22 I can only say that your representation was present at the said meeting, + I cannot see any reason why he did not convey my Committees' decision to your Committee.
Yours faithfully
TJ Bradburn
Hon. Sec.
General Meeting Victoria Café Friday Aug. 18th 1922
W.J.Smith G.C.Ledger
S.J.Kay J.A.Williams
H.A.Smith J.F.Dalton
H.Bayliss F.P.Arthur
T.Lancaster G.Bulmer
J.Milbourn J.E.Linton
F.S.Porter D.Gow
R.Hemmingway H.A.Munro
C.H.Mackenzie A.E.Cain
G.G.Haley N.W.Hutchings
S.H.Chadwick N.Lowe
H.L.Damsell F.Outhwaite
C.K.D.Fraser R.L.Knipe
H.Bateman F.J.Applebee
H.E.Wickes A.S.Roberts
C.A.Redhead J.W.A.Taylor
The minutes of the previous general meeting were read, and confirmed on motion of S.J.Kay seconded by N.W.Hutchings.
Mr Milbourn presented his balance sheet in connection with the Watch Competition. A balance of £103.2.6 was shown and it was decided to hand over £100 to the trustees, remaining £3.2.6 being placed to the club's account.
The secretary reported that he had taken the grounds in West Derby at a rental of £50 for the season. His action was confirmed on motion of W.B.Croxford seconded by W.J.Smith. A Vote of thanks to retiring officers and committee was carried.
The election of Officers and Committee resulted as follows.
President. |
W.J.Smith |
Senior Vice-President. |
J.Kay. |
Vice Presidents. |
Messrs Bond, Broad, Croxford, Deacon, Flint, Herring, Helme, Jones, Knox, S.Lees, H.Lees, Marshall, Milbourn, MacFall, Morgan, O'Donnell, Rumjahn, Stringer, J.W.A.Taylor, J.R.Williams, I.R.Williams, J.W.Taylor, Fraser, Bate, Myers, Ellis, Dixon, Rae. Briggs, Lowe, Cain. |
Ex-President. |
R.L.Knipe |
Hon.Treas. |
J.Milbourn |
Hon.Sec. |
F.J.Applebee |
Hon.Team Sec. |
H.A.Munro |
Asst. " " |
H.Brownbill |
Captain 1st team |
N.W.Hutchings |
" 2nd team |
H.E.Snape |
" 3rd team |
H.Daulman |
" 3rd team |
H.F.Bateman |
Committee. |
Messrs Kay, Porter, Dubourg, Mackenzie, Robinson, Hemmingway, Bayliss. |
Mr Smith proposed that "life membership may be conferred on members who have rendered exceptional service to the club" Carried unanimously.
Mr Croxford proposed that the secretary and F.Outhwaite be elected life-members. Carried unanimously.
It was decided to place the order for jerseys in the hands of D.Williams, Hall, Kensington
The president on behalf of the members of the club made a presentation of a gold watch and chain to Mr Outhwaite who, prior to his departure to take up a new post in South Africa.
After several of the older members had spoken appreciatively of Mr Outhwaite, as a man both on and off the field, and after everyone had wished him the best of luck in his new sphere of work, Mr Outhwaite replied, touching on the happy times he had spent with the members of the club and expressing his best wishes for the success of the Sefton Club, to which, as life member he would always belong.
The secretary announced that practices would be held each Tuesday and Thursday at 6pm and Saturdays at 3p.m.
The Chairman then declared the meeting closed.
Committee Meeting held at Hare and Hounds Hotel 9.9.22
Present Messrs Applebee, Croxford, Mackenzie, Munro, Brownbill, Hutchings, Robinson.
W.B.Croxford proposed and F.J.Applebee seconded "That messrs W.H.Dubourg, Brownbill, Linton and Mackenzie be elected as an entertainments committee, with power to co-opt." Carried.
Committee Meeting held at Hare and Hounds Hotel Sept 21st 1922
Present Messrs Smith(chairman), Applebee, Milbourn, Marshall, Kay, Knipe, Hemmingway, Dubourg, Brownbill, Munro, Croxford, Cain, Mackenzie and Bayliss.
The minutes of the previous meeting were read and confirmed.
The resignations of the following members were accepted.
G.W.Browne R.C.Jenkins O.D.Price
A.G.S.Brown K.S.Bradshaw M.Cass
E.Cass C.S.Cannock A.Davison
A.Williams L.F.Pearce E.D.Graham
H.Cotter C.S.Levey J.S.Logan
F.J.Behn K.J.Mouncey D.Leff
W.S.Gill A.G.Mazarachii H.A.Symons
T.B.Rimmer W.Rimmer C.G.Stein
H.Perrin R.R.Spence R.Woods
W.J.Barnes R.A.Roberts A.M.Brown
D.Sloss J.McFall Dr McFall
F.A.Evans E.Hudson W.J.Brassil
The following were elected members of the club.
Vice-Presidents |
Proposer |
Seconder |
R.K.Mackenzie |
W.J.Smith |
A.E.Cain |
Dr Dubourg |
F.J.Applebee |
H.Brownbill |
Playing members. |
H.B.Balmer |
H.J.Thompson |
F.J.Applebee |
G.A.Clubbe |
" |
" |
E.A.Christian |
" |
Herring |
A.W.L.Darbyshire |
C.H.Mackenzie |
S.H.Chadwick |
J.Graham |
A.T.Ashcroft |
F.J.A |
D.Gow |
J.E.Dixon |
" |
Wm.R.Harper |
W.H.Scott |
" |
S.Hutchings |
N.W.Hutchings |
" |
E.R.Mawdsley |
H.J.Thompson |
" |
D.Macintyre |
W.H.Dubourg |
" |
F.M.O'Hara |
H.J.Thompson |
" |
J.H.Owen |
" |
" |
A.S.Russell |
" |
" |
A.W.Jones |
C.H.Mackenzie |
W.H.Dubourg |
A.S.Roberts |
J.E.Dixon |
F.J.A |
C.A.Stephens |
A.L.Stephens |
" |
H.C.G.Webley |
S.J.Kay |
W.B.Croxford |
*F.King |
" |
F.J.Applebee |
J.Sloss |
H.J.Thompson |
" |
W.N.Laker |
A.T.Ashcroft |
R.Hemmingway |
A.Foggo |
W.D.Herring |
F.J.Applebee |
R.B.Stanmore |
J.R.Williams |
" |
A.I.Green |
" |
" |
* Old member - rejoined on return from S.America.
The secretary reported that messrs Snape and Daulman had intimated their intention of retiring from active participation in the game, and messrs Kay and Bayliss were elected captains of the 2nd and 3rd teams respectively.
Messrs R.K.Dixon and J.F.Dalton were elected to fill the vacancies on the general committee.
E.Martinez was elected sub-captain of the 2nd team.
It was decided that the secretary and captains should approach the members of the various teams on Saturday 23rd inst. With a view to the early payment of subscriptions as the landlords were pressing for payment of first instalment of rent for grounds.
The following members were appointed to select teams for the season.
Captains of teams, President, Sec. and Team Secs. with messrs Croxford, Marshall and Dr Dubourg.
The secretary reported receipt of a communication from the Rugby Union requesting that clubs would play the game with no more than three forwards packed in front row of scrimmage. Although the referee had no power to penalise a side which packed four in front.
The chairman then declared the meeting closed.
Committee Meeting held at Hare and Hounds Hotel 6.11.22
Present Messrs Smith(chairman), Cain, Marshall, Milbourn, Martinez, Bayliss, Kay, Munro, Mackenzie, Brownbill, Dixon, Applebee.
The minutes of the previous meeting were read and confirmed.
The following were elected as members of the club.
Proposer |
Seconder |
K.S.Bradshaw |
F.J.Applebee |
W.B.Croxford |
C.Plank |
W.J.Smith |
J.B.Herring |
W.K.Arrowsmith |
" |
F.J.A |
F.Bellamy |
H.A.Munro |
R.K.Dixon |
J.Bryan |
A.Robinson |
E.Martinez |
H.W.Jones |
W.N.Laker |
A.T.Ashcroft |
S.W.Lowe |
T.K.Humphreys |
F.J.A |
A.Carmichael |
S.Kay |
" |
F.W.Cowan |
G.C.Ledger |
" |
A.E.Fawkes |
H.E.Snape |
" |
Idris Jones |
H.A.Munro |
" |
H.P.Maskell |
J.E.Dixon |
" |
H.A.Smith |
F.J.A |
W.J.Smith |
L.Redhead |
W.J.Smith |
C.A.Redhead |
D.S.Todd |
W.H.Dubourg |
F.J.A |
G.A.Grundy |
H.A.Munro |
" |
G.M.Lynskey |
H.F.Bateman |
" |
The resignations of S.Hutchings and A.W.L.Darbyshire who have left the district were accepted with great regret.
Correspondence. The secretary read a communication
It was decided to open a subscription list for the benefit of the widow and orphans, captains of teams to bring matter before their XV's and remaining members of the club to be circularised.
Mr R.K.Dixon suggested that an effort should be made to give the club a better publicity.
After an informal discussion it was decided that reports on the various matches should be written up and handed into the offices of the local newspapers. These duties were voluntarily undertaken by messrs Brownbill, Dixon and Munro.
Mr Bayliss proposed and Mr Kay seconded "That a notice board be obtained and placed on the wall of the dressing room." Carried.
Mr Kay suggested that Mr Webley should be asked to provide same, and this was agreed to unanimously.
The chairman then declared the meeting closed.
Mr Kay proposed and Mr Milbourn seconded "That in view of the shortage of money at the present time, the Ground Scheme, as outlined at the last Extraordinary General Meeting, be left in abeyance." Carried.
Mr Smith proposed and the secretary seconded "That the attention of playing members be called to the fact that the club colours are red and white jerseys, navy knickers, and red and white stockings, and members appearing in matches must wear the club colours."
Committee Meeting held at Hare and Hounds Hotel 18/12/22
Present Messrs Smith(chairman), Knipe, Brownbill, Marshall, Dubourg, Mackenzie, Cain, Hemmingway, Munro, Applebee.
The minutes of the previous meeting were read and confirmed.
The secretary reported that "Postlethwaite" subscription had amounted to £5.
The following were elected members of the club.
Proposer |
Seconder |
F.L.Armstrong |
F.J.A |
H.Brownbill |
S.Blankstone |
" |
" |
W.R.Bloorfield |
" |
" |
J.Finnigan |
E.Martinez |
F.J.A |
S.Roberts |
F.J.A |
W.J.Smith |
H.L.Schofield |
W.B.Croxford |
F.J.A |
T.Ashworth |
" |
H.Marshall |
The following members were deemed to have resigned
W.Millington, J.McGregor, J.Gross
It was decided "to pass round the hat" for a Xmas Box for the groundsman who has refereed so many of the junior matches.
Members of the Committee were asked to do their best to see that outstanding subscriptions were paid to the Treasurer at the earliest possible moment.
Mr Dubourg mentioned the advisability of electing of boys at L'pool College as members of the club. It was decided to make judicious inquiries as to the attitude L'pool College would take on the question.
Mr Brownbill proposed and Mr Smith seconded "That attempts be made once more to arrange fixtures with the Furness or Kendal Clubs."
After numerous facetious remarks about the notice board, by Mr Brownbill, the chairman declared the meeting closed.
Committee Meeting held at Hare and Hounds Hotel 5/2/23
Present Messrs Applebee, Mackenzie, S.J.Kay, Marshall, Robinson, Cain, R.K.Dixon, Bayliss, Croxford, Milbourn with W.J.Smith in the chair.
Minutes of previous meeting were read and confirmed.
Mr Marshall proposed and Mr Bayliss seconded "That a hearty vote of thanks be accorded to H.C.G.Webley for making notice board and presenting same to the club." Carried.
The secretary reported that the "Christmas box" collection for the groundsman resulted in the sum of £1 being given to him.
The secretary reported that he had been in communication with the O.C. 5th Kings Regt. with regard to use of their drill hall for training purposes for the members of the Sefton Club.
The O.C. regretted that he was unable to grant us that privilege as the hall was required for the use of the Battalion each evening.
Mr Croxford undertook to find out if we could obtain the use of the Gymnasium in Pleasant St. for the above mentioned purpose. Failing that, inquiries re the use of the Collegiate School Gymnasium are to be made.
The following were elected members of the club.
Proposer |
Seconder |
W.A.Thompson |
T.W.Cowan |
G.C.Ledger |
J.K.Williams |
H.Marshall |
F.J.Applebee |
A.N.Lockier |
C.H.Mackenzie |
H.Brownbill |
R.A.Forsyth |
E.Martinez |
J.Morrisey |
F.J.Behn |
W.B.Croxford |
W.H.Dubourg |
The resignation of T.Scotson from the office of Vice-Capt. in consequence of his leaving the district, was accepted with great regret, as was the resignation of J.F.Dalton from the committee, for similar reason.
F.King was elected to fill the vacancy on the committee.
Proposed by F.J.Applebee seconded by S.J.Kay.
Various members of Committee undertook to interview members whose subs were outstanding and to endeavour to collect same.
Mr Croxford proposed and Mr Kay seconded "That a notice calling attention to the fact that if every sub. Were paid, we should barely pay our way, be displayed on notice board." Carried.
The Entertainments Committee, through Mr C.H.Mackenzie, was asked for the opinion of the General Committee as to what form the next dance should take.
The Committee recommended that the next dance should be optional Fancy Dress or Evening Dress.
Emphasis was laid on the fact that this was merely a recommendation, such as had been sought.
It was decided that a whist drive be held at the Victoria Café. Mr Milbourn, various members of committee, principally the President made kindly offers of prizes and refreshments, all carefully noted by Mr Mackenzie and the Entertainments Committee were requested to carry on.
Permission was given to the secretary and R.K.Dixon to organise a sweep on the Grand National for the purpose of augmenting the club funds.
The chairman then declared the meeting closed.
Committee Meeting held at Hare and Hounds Hotel 16/4/23
Present Messrs Munro, Robinson, Dixon, Kay, Marshall, Bayliss, Morrissey, King, Williams, Applebee, Milbourn, C.H.Mackenzie, Brownbill with W.J.Smith Chairman.
Minutes of previous meeting were read and confirmed.
The following were elected members of the club.
Proposer |
Seconder |
W.H.Prentice |
J.R.Taylor |
H.W.Jones |
C.H.S.Basnett |
H.F.Bateman |
W.K.Arrowsmith |
The resignations of C.A.Stephens, A.L.Mullen, E.A.Comer, P.L.Hoseason(gone to West Africa), were accepted with regret.
The Treasurer reported that he had sufficient cash in bank to meet all liabilities but that several subs. were outstanding. It was decided to circularise members concerned.
Mr W.J.Smith was unanimously elected as the club's representative on the Lancashire Committee.
It was decided to send an official letter of sympathy to T.F.Scotson who is at present in the Royal Infirmary.
The secretary reported that the profit on the "National" sweep amounted to £26.4.2.
Mr Kay proposed and Mr Smith seconded a hearty vote of thanks to the sec. and R.K.Dixon for their efforts in connection with the sweep.
The General Meeting was fixed for Thursday 10th May at the Victoria Café 8 p.m.
The Chairman then declared the meeting closed.
General Meeting Victoria Café. May 17th 1923
Members Present. Messrs Marshall, Croxford, Munro, Milbourn, Applebee, Mackenzie, Armstrong, Brownbill, Bradshaw, Lockier, J.E.Dixon, Laker, V.Jones, J.A.Williams, Blankstone, F.S.Bacon, S.G.Bacon, Greene, Todd, F.S.Porter, Morrissey, C.A.Redhead, Kay, Bayliss, Maskell, Bulmer, Damsell, Humphreys, Knipe, H.J.Thompson.
The secretary's report on the season 1922-23 was adopted on motion of Mr W.B.Croxford, seconded by Mr H.A.Munro.
The balance sheet was adopted on a motion by Mr W.B.Croxford, seconded by Mr S.J.Kay.
The Treasurer reported that several subscriptions were still outstanding.
After discussion it was decided that other members of the club should interview the 'defaulters' and endeavour to collect the subscriptions before the next general meeting.
Mr Croxford put up for auction a "spare" photograph of the 2nd team, with the gratifying result that £1.6.6 was realised for the club funds.
The meeting closed in the Sefton manner, without a vote of thanks to Mr Marshall for taking the chair.
The past season, which opened in such promising fashion ended from a "results" point of view, in comparative failure. We were enabled to run four teams regularly, and on occasions five. The results were as follows:
Points |
1st |
7 won |
2 drawn |
22 lost |
131 For |
313 Agst. |
2nd |
12 " |
3 " |
13 " |
203 " |
259 " |
B |
3 " |
2 " |
23 " |
158 " |
350 " |
C |
13 " |
2 " |
9 " |
244 " |
274 " |
Extra |
2 " |
- " |
5 " |
65 " |
121 " |
The seven victories of the first team were obtained in the first half of the season, at the end of which the balance of points was in our favour (106-97). Later, the team was so severely hit by illness, injury and by the fact that several of our more prominent members had to leave the city, that in the final match v Tyldesley, only two of our players were available of those who figured in the opening game. This fact naturally weakened all other teams.
The future, however, is full of promise. We have several young players who should go far in the game, and if they will devote a little more time to training, and above all, to combination, we shall have little to fear from the teams we shall meet next season.
The balance sheet is before you, and although we have something above £13 in hand, that balance would have been materially increased had the Entertainments Committee received the whole-hearted backing they deserved.
I wish to ask the younger members in particular to do what is in their power to lighten the work of the Club's Officials, particularly the Team Secretaries and Entertainments Committee, and not look upon the club merely as an instrument enabling them to fill what would otherwise be a blank Saturday afternoon.
In conclusion I wish to thank most heartily the captains of the junior teams, those men who have so loyally turned out at extremely short notice for the distant matches, and the very small number of men who have put in the necessary work at the ground, thus cutting down ground expenses. The names of all these should be emblazened in letters of gold in the club's dressing rooms, but I am afraid the finances would not stand it.
Committee Meeting held at Hare and Hounds Hotel June 18th 1923
Present Messrs Porter, Marshall, Munro, Brownbill, Mackenzie, Smith, Applebee, Kay.
Minutes of previous meeting were read and confirmed.
Permission was given to the "Modern Press" Croydon to publish a large sheet of the clubs fixtures for season 1923-24.
The Committee decided to recommend the following for election next season.
President and Vice-Presidents as last season with the exception of H.Lees, and with the addition of T.Scotson and L.Carmichael.
Proposer |
Seconder |
Hon.Sec. |
F.J.Applebee |
W.J.Smith |
H.Brownbill |
Team Secs. |
H.A.Munro, H.Brownbill |
Team Treas. |
J.Milbourn |
S.J.Kay |
H.Marshall |
Capt. 2nd Team |
F.S.Porter |
W.J.Smith |
F.J.Applebee |
Vice-capt. |
G.Martinez |
Brownbill |
Mackenzie |
Capt. 3rd Team |
H.F.Bayliss |
Vice-capt. |
J.A.Williams |
Capt. 3rd Team |
F.King |
Vice-capt. |
H.H.Bateman |
Committee. |
S.J.Kay, W.H.Dubourg, R.K.Dixon, C.H.Mackenzie, A.Robinson, J.H.Morrissey, H.C.G.Webley |
The General Meeting was fixed for Friday Aug 17th at the Victoria Café.
The nomination for the office of capt. of the first fifteen was left over as both W.J.Smith and N.W.Hutchings were doubtful starters.
The chairman then declared the meeting closed.
General Meeting held at Victoria Café, Aug 17th 1923.
Present. W.J.Smith(chairman) A.Jones
N.Lowe C.H.Mackenzie
J.Taylor D.Macintyre
J.Morrissey S.H.Chadwick
J.Finnigan J.Milbourn
F.J.Greene S.Bradshaw
J.R.Taylor N.W.Hutchings
C.H.Munce F.J.Applebee
F.P.Arthur R.Hemmingway
G.J.Bulmer C.Redhead
Sydney A.Bacon H.F.P.Bayliss
S.S.Bacon H.C.G.Webley
F.S.Porter F.King
H.Kidd Arthur K.Grew
W.W.Price J.A.Williams
D.S.Leghorn H.J.Thompson
F.L.Armstrong J.E.Dixon
J.F.Whittaker A.Foggo
DuncanHastie A.S.Roberts
(? Aliens382) H.Cotter
R.Illingworth S.S.Francis
(? Aliens382) Wm.H.Dubourg
H.Marshall S.J.Blankstone
The minutes of previous meeting were read and confirmed.
The election of officers resulted as follows.
President |
W.J.Smith |
Senior Vice-President |
J.Kay |
Vice-Presidents. |
Messrs F.A.Bate, E.E.Bond, J.S.Briggs, Dr W.H.Broad, A.E.Cain, L.Carmichael, W.B.Croxford, W.Deacon, C.K.Dixon, H.N.Ellis, W.G.Flint, C.S.Fraser, J.B.Herring, J.H.Helme, R.W.Jones, Dr H.J.Knox, W.Lowe, H.Marshall, Dr Dubourg, R.K.Mackenzie, J.Milbourn, H.J.Morgan, E.R.Myers, R.A.O'Donnell, A.Rae, Dr J.Rumjahn, T.Scotson, L.Stringer, J.W.Taylor, J.W.A.Taylor, I.R.Williams, J.R.Williams. |
Hon.Sec. |
F.J.Applebee |
Hon.Treas. |
J.Milbourn |
Team Sec. |
H.A.Munro |
Asst. team Sec. |
H.Brownbill |
Capt. 1st XV |
H.C.G.Webley |
Vice-Capt 1st XV |
J.H.Morrissey |
Capt. 2nd XV |
F.S.Porter |
Vice-capt. 2nd XV |
G.Martinez |
Capts. 3rd XV's |
H.F.Bateman J.A.Williams |
Auditor. |
J.E.Linton |
Committee. |
S.J.Kay, W.H.Dubourg, C.H.Mackenzie, N.W.Hutchings, F.King, H.F.P.Bayliss, C.A.Redhead. |
The secretary reported that Lord Sefton's agent had forbidden the sub-letting of any grounds for the purpose of football, and consequently the club was without a ground. Numerous efforts had been made to secure a pitch but up to the time of the meeting success had not been achieved. Several alternative grounds were suggested, and the chairman assured the meeting that the executive would do all in their power to get a ground within the next week or so.
The meeting terminated with a vote of thanks to the president for occupying the chair.
Committee Meeting held at Hare and Hounds Hotel 29.8.23
Present Messrs Applebee, Milbourn, Bayliss, J.W.A.Taylor, Marshall, Redhead, Bateman, Brownbill, Hutchings, J.A.Williams, Dubourg, Webley, King, Porter.
Mr Taylor was unanimously elected chairman.
The secretary reported that negotiations for the renting of a ground in Sandfield Park had fallen through. A ground, 20 minutes from West Derby Car Terminus had been inspected, but the distance from any dressing accommodation rendered it quite unsuitable. Negotiations were being carried on by Mr Knipe and the Hon. Treas. for the tenancy of a piece of land in the Asylum Grounds, Green Lane. Mr Munro was also in communication with the owners of a piece of land at Calderstones.
The meeting decided to obtain the ground in Green Lane if possible, and Mr Dubourg promised to get all the information he could about the ground at Calderstones.
Various members of the committee had made numerous inquiries in the Clubmoor District but had met with no success.
The secretary reported that he and the Hoylake Sec. had agreed to cancel the games fixed for Sept. 8th, and also that he had acquainted Tyldesley with our position re ground and had asked them if possible to arrange a match with another club on Sept. 15th.
The committee confirmed his action in each of the above cases.
An informal discussion then took place on ways and means of raising funds for the club. Mr Dubourg proposed and the Secretary seconded "That an entertainments committee consisting of the captains of each team with 3 other members be formed. Each team in turn to be responsible for one 'entertainment'. "
The proposition was carried unanimously, and Messrs King, Dubourg and Mackenzie were elected to act with the captains of the teams.
The meeting terminated with a vote of thanks to Mr Taylor for taking the chair.
Committee Meeting Hare and Hounds 7.9.23
Present Messrs Marshall, Applebee, Milbourn, Kay, King, Webley, Mackenzie, Munro, Porter, Bayliss, Morrissey.
Minutes of previous meeting were read and confirmed.
The secretary reported that he had the offer of a ground at Hornspit Lane. After careful consideration the committee refused the offer as they considered the ground totally unsuitable.
It was decided to endeavour to obtain "Mitchell's" field off Bankfield Rd if suitable dressing accommodation could be found. Failing that the Education Committee were to be approached for the tenancy of their land at Knotty Ash or at Walton.
After Mr King had remarked that he knew from the accounts of the Japanese Earthquake, that Dixon must have landed, and that if Brownbill had arrived in the Channel Islands, Jersey must be full, the meeting terminated with a vote of thanks to Mr Marshall for taking the chair.
Committee Meeting held at Hare and Hounds 17/9/23
Present Messrs Smith, Applebee, Kay, Cain, Marshall, Bateman, Dubourg, Mackenzie, Redhead, Porter, Williams, Knipe.
Minutes of previous meeting were read and confirmed.
The secretary reported that all attempts to secure a ground had failed, in spite of great efforts which had been put forth by Mr Knipe. There was still open an offer for the use of the Stanley Athletic Grounds for Saturdays only at rental of £50. This was felt to be excessive as the ground would accommodate one pitch only.
The committee did not definitely turn this offer down, but it was felt that if we were forced to apply for the ground we should make a smaller offer.
The chairman proposed and the committee passed unanimously, a vote of thanks to Mr Knipe for his great efforts to procure a ground.
Messrs Dubourg and Mackenzie left the meeting to interview Lord Sefton's agent. On their return they reported that he was still away, but they had seen his assistant, who assured them that on his return, certain facts would be brought before him, and these facts would probably cause his decision re the letting of the club's old grounds to be reversed. The meeting broke up in a more optimistic frame of mind than when it assembled.
Committee Meeting held at Hare and Hounds Hotel 1.10.23
Present Messrs Applebee, Milbourn, Marshall, Webley, Kay, King, Dubourg, Mackenzie, Redhead, Bayliss, Munro, Knipe with W.J.Smith chairman.
Minutes of previous meeting were read and confirmed.
The appointment of a groundsman was left in the secretary's hands.
Mr Knipe reported that the field in Almonds Green was at the service of the club in place of the present 1st team ground. There was however a row of telegraph poles which would restrict the playing area. He had endeavoured to get the poles removed but up to the time of the meeting he had not succeeded.
As the ground would be more convenient in every way, it was decided to play on it if the poles were moved.
The Resignations of the following members were accepted with regret.
A.V.T.Jones (Gone to America), H.Daulman,
H.W.Jones (Working at Manchester) C.Daulman,
W.N.Laker E.C.Levey, G.G.Haley,
C.K.D.Fraser C.F.Fraser F.B.Walker,
C.E.Unsworth, H.R.Balmer(going to sea) J.E.Smith
The following were elected members of the club.
Proposed by |
Seconded by |
J.Cotter |
W.H.Scott |
H.J.Thompson |
G.C.Thompson |
H.J.Thompson |
W.H.Scott |
S.D.Cossertire |
R.Hemmingway |
V.Jones |
D.Hastie |
J.R.Taylor |
W.H.Prentice |
A.F.Cross |
F.J.Applebee |
H.Brownbill |
H.Cuff |
A.N.Lockier |
" |
J.Day |
W.H.Dubourg |
H.Damsell |
J.Dodd |
W.H.Scott |
H.J.Thompson |
S.Francis |
H.W.Scotson |
H.Brownbill |
F.J.Green |
A.I.Green |
F.Gibbs |
A.S.Roberts |
W.H.Scott |
L.Harrison |
R.Illingworth |
G.J.Bulmer |
H.Smith |
H.E.Wickes |
C.H.Mackenzie |
E.Smith |
" |
" |
Pinnington S. |
C.H.Mackenzie |
A.N.Lockier |
? |
Monck C.B. |
J.Morrissey |
W.H.Dubourg |
Leghorne D.S. |
G.J.Bulmer |
Munce C.H. |
K.S.Bradshaw |
J.E.Dixon |
Ouranafski G. |
F.J.Applebee |
E.Martinez |
Chadwick F.A. |
S.H.Chadwick |
Pierson A.C. |
F.J.A. |
JWA Taylor |
Rankin R. |
A.N.Lockier |
C.H.Mackenzie |
Roberts E.L. |
F.S.Bacon |
S.G.Bacon |
Whitaker J.F. |
W.J.Smith |
S.J.Kay |
Davies J.B. |
F.King |
S.J.Kay |
Lockier W. |
A.N.Lockier |
The following were elected members of selection committee along with secretary, team sec's and captains of teams, Messrs. W.J.Smith, R.L.Knipe,
H.Marshall, H.Bayliss, W.H.Dubourg.
Mr Milbourn proposed and Mr Munro seconded "That the secretary write a letter of sympathy with Mr W.B.Croxford on account of his serious illness."
Mr Dubourg proposed and the sec. seconded "That a tie in club colours (as per sample be adopted." Carried
The meeting then terminated.
Committee Meeting held at Hare and Hounds Hotel 12/11/23
Present Messrs H.Marshall(chairman), Milbourn, Applebee, Munro, Webley, Martinez, Kay, Bateman, Redhead, Mackenzie and Brownbill.
Minutes of previous meeting were read and confirmed.
The following were elected members of the club.
Proposed by |
Seconded by |
G.A.Lee |
G.A.Clubbe |
H.J.Thompson |
T.W.White |
H.J.Thompson |
E.Martinez |
T.Davies |
F.J.A |
C.H.Mackenzie |
J.Taylor |
J.L.Finigan |
J.Morrissey |
A.E.Jones |
F.J.Applebee |
H.Munro |
G.E.Nelson |
" |
J.Milbourn |
F.C.Cawthra |
R.Hemmingway |
J.Macloed |
I.S.McCormick |
H.P.Maskell |
C.Fergusson |
A.N.Lockier |
C.H.Mackenzie |
The resignation of A.Carmichael was accepted with regret.
The following accounts were passed for payment.
Printer £12.14.6
Rent(half) £21.17.6
R.U. £2.2.0
The committee decided that as we had not had the use of the ground from mid August to end of September, one eighth of total amount of £50 should be deducted from the seasons rent.
Mr Munro reported on a visit to a possible ground in Fazakerley. The price for same was £2500. Ground was easily accessible, surface was level, but was covered with weed which would be difficult to eradicate.
It was decided to get expert opinion on the possibility of clearing the ground of weeds, and Mr Brownbill undertook to get T.Scotson to visit the ground and give his opinion on the matter.
It was reported that one of our members was now playing for Liverpool. As he had not paid last year's subscription it was decided, on a proposition of Mr Bateman seconded by Mr Munro, to warn him that the subscription must be paid or he would be reported to the Liverpool Club.
Mr Marshall proposed from the chair, "that a letter of sympathy with the president in his recent illness, be sent." This was carried unanimously.
The secretary reported that a telephone would be of great use to him in connection with the working of the club. The members of the committee agreed with this, but the treasurer stated that the funds of the club would not stand this extra expense, and the matter was dropped.
The meeting then terminated.
Committee Meeting held at Hare and Hounds Hotel Novr. 26th 1923
Present Messrs Bateman(chairman), Applebee, Mackenzie, Webley, Martinez, Lockier, Dubourg.
H.Brownbill, on account of his multifarious pastimes felt constrained to resign from the post of assistant team secretary.
His resignation was accepted with great regret, and a vote of thanks (and appreciation) for the work he has done for the club was passed on the motion of C.H.Mackenzie seconded by the secretary.
A.N.Lockier was elected assistant team sec. in his place. Proposer H.Brownbill, Seconder H.C.G.Webley.
The following were elected Vice-Captains of the 2nd and 3rd teams.
2nd |
S.G.Bacon |
Proposer E.Martinez |
sec. H.Bateman |
3rd (Bateman's) |
S.J.Kay |
" H.Bateman |
" H.Webley |
3rd (Williams') |
F.S.Bacon |
" FJ.Applebee |
" H.Bateman |
The secretary reported that a window had been smashed at the hotel, and the committee decided that the club should pay for repair of same.
The secretary proposed and H.Bateman seconded :-
"That a grant of £3 be made from club funds towards the expenses of the Furness match." Carried unanimously.
The following were elected members of the club.
Proposed by |
Seconded by |
E.G.Robinson |
F.J.Applebee |
H.Bateman |
R.C.Parry |
F.Gibbs |
H.J.Thompson |
R.Johnstone |
H.Damsell |
W.H.Dubourg |
The meeting then terminated.
Committee Meeting held at Hare and Hounds Hotel 7.1.24
Present Messrs Knipe(chairman), Applebee, Milbourn, Morrissey, Mackenzie, Webley, King, Kay, Marshall, Hutchings, Bacon, Bateman, Williams, Bayliss, Dubourg.
Minutes of previous meeting were read and confirmed.
The resignation of A.Tracy Cross, who has taken up an appointment at Sheffield was accepted with regret.
The secretary reported that there were many outstanding subscriptions. Members of the Committee once again promised to endeavour to obtain same.
It was decided to make inquiries re cost of Stanley Athletic Grounds for purpose of playing Tyldesley match.
R.A.Forsyth volunteered to take on work of assistant team sec. in place of A.N.Lockier who is unfortunately laid up with scarlet fever.
It was decided to run sweep on the Grand National, on same lines as last year. One hundred sheets to be printed, each sheet when full to be worth £1, and prizes to be of value of £10, £5, £3, and £1.
The secretary reported that he had arranged for photos of 2nd and 3rd teams to be taken on Jan. 12th, and it was hoped to make a small profit for ground fund.
The meeting then terminated.
Committee Meeting held at Hare and Hounds Hotel 4/2/24
Present Messrs Knipe(chairman), Marshall, Morrissey, King, Kay, Bayliss, Bateman, Hemmingway, G.Martinez, Dubourg, Mackenzie, Webley.
The following were elected members of the club.
Proposed by |
Seconded by |
Pinnington |
J.L.Finnigan |
J.Morrissey |
Doyle |
" |
" |
A.L.Hulme |
F.J.Applebee |
F.King |
E.Hulme |
" |
H.Bateman |
W.A.Burrows |
" |
" |
W.V.Storey |
" |
G.Ouranofski |
W.A.Potter |
" |
J.Milbourn |
The secretary reported that H.A.Munro was leaving the city to take up an appointment in London. In consequence it was decided to reorganise team secretary's work. The following undertook the tasks of getting out the respective teams each week.
W.H.Dubourg 1st team.
R.Hemmingway 2nd "
H.F.Bateman 3rd "
F.King 3rd "
H.Bayliss Extra
Once more the members of the committee promised to endeavour to obtain outstanding subscriptions.
The captains were asked to impress on their teams the necessity of being more punctual in turning out, as on several occasions the visitors had been kept waiting on the field.
It was also decided to forbid the throwing about of footballs in the hotel yard, as several windows had been broke.
The following resolution for consideration by the General Meeting was proposed by W.H.Dubourg and seconded by R.Hemmingway.
"That new members, on joining the club, shall pay and entrance fee of half a guinea."
The meeting then terminated.
Committee Meeting held at Hare and Hounds Hotel 3/3/24
Present Messrs Applebee, Knipe(chairman), Webley, Bayliss, King, Dubourg, Mackenzie, Munro, Lockier, Marshall, J.A.Williams, Croxford.
The secretary reported that he had the outline of scheme for an entertainment, brought forward by Mr H.Brownbill.
Mr Dubourg explained the scheme, which was to provide an entertainment at the David Lewis Theatre on May 3rd if possible, and failing that on May 10th. Tickets to be priced at 1/3 and 2/4.
After discussions as to the possibilities of filling the hall, or at least covering the expenses (£25) Mr Dubourg proposed "That an entertainment at the David Lewis Theatre on May 3rd if possible, and failing that on May 10th, and that arrangements be put in hand at once."
Mr King proposed as an amendment "That before putting arrangements in hand an effort be made on Saturday the 8th inst. To obtain guarantees to cover the expenses."
Mr Dubourg accepted the amendment, and it was agreed that if £10 were guaranteed on Saturday, the entertainment should go on, as over £5 was guaranteed by the members of the committee present at the meeting.
The meeting then terminated.
H.Marshall |
4 @ 2/4. |
R.L.Knipe |
1 @ 2/4 |
H.Webley |
4 @ 2/4 and 6 @ 1/3 |
W.B.Croxford |
10/- |
F.J.Applebee |
10/- |
A.N.Lockier |
12/- |
C.H.Mackenzie |
10/- |
W.H.Dubourg |
12/- |
H.Bayliss |
10/- |
F.King |
10/- |
H.Munro |
10/- |
J.A.Williams |
6/- |
General Meeting Victoria Café - April 15th 1924
Present: R.Leigh Knipe R.Johnstone
John Milbourn C.H.Mackenzie
Wm.H.Dubourg T.Scotson
A.S.Roberts H.S.Damsell
Trevor F.Davies Also
F.P.Bacon F.J.Applebee
W.H.Scott D.Macintyre
F.Gibbs Herbert Brownbill
G.V.Ouranofski Lysaght Finnagan
Robert C.Parry
Harold Kidd
(see Aliens406)
Arthur J.Gunn
Mr Knipe was elected chairman.
Mr Brownbill proposed and Mr Bayliss seconded that the minutes of the previous meeting be taken as read. Carried.
The Secretary's report for the season was adopted on a motion of Mr Mackenzie seconded by Mr Damsell.
A proposal to change the club colours was ruled out of order, and one to change the type of jersey, was lost.
Messrs Brownbill and Dubourg appealed for support for the "Scrummagers'" Entertainment, and apparently had a very sympathetic audience.
The secretary presented the balance sheet of the National Sweep, showing a clear profit of £42.11.2.
The treasurer reported that there was a deficit on season's working but if outstanding subs materialised the balance would show a surplus.
Members present volunteered to try to obtain outstanding subscriptions.
The meeting then terminated.
Secretary's Report for Season 1923-24
The Season 1923-24 has shown some improvement on previous one. The results are as follows
1st |
Played 32 |
Won 8 |
Drawn 4 |
Lost 20 |
Pts for 119 |
Agst 412 |
2nd |
" 28 |
" 15 |
" - |
" 13 |
276 |
189 |
3rd |
" 49 |
" 20 |
" 5 |
" 24 |
477 |
497 |
Extra |
" 6 |
" 3 |
" - |
" 3 |
95 |
100 |
The second team record is easily the best in the club since the war, and is very creditable especially as the 1st four games were lost.
Of the 3rd teams' losses, three were against 2nd team opponents, and 1 was against 1st team opponents.
It is to be regretted that on several occasions our teams have turned out short handed, the result being that we have often suffered reverses where victories should have been obtained. The club has, however, had its glorious days, the most noteworthy being on the occasions of the 1st teams victories over R.A.F. and St Helens O.B., the games v Tyldesley and Furness; the 2nd teams victories over Wigan O.B. 2nd, Old Birkonians 2nd, over R.A.F. 2nd (with 12 players) and their remarkable performance on the Preston ground when with 11 men, they scored 3 tries against the Hoppers 2 goals; and the victory of the 3rd team at Preston, where with 11 men they scored 23 points against the 5 obtained by a full and heavy XV of the Grasshoppers.
We have now in our ranks players fit for any club in the district, and with a little more consideration from certain members of the club, the results next season should show further improvement.
With regard to finance the balance sheet at present shows a deficit of £17, but when outstanding subscriptions are paid, it will show a surplus.
Several members of the club have made laudable efforts to increase the ground fund. Mr Marshall led the way with his excellent toffee-scheme, the members generally made the National Sweep a huge success, the Hot Pots showed a profit, and the "Scrummagers" are out to beat the record. The Rummage sale will also bring a little grist to the mill, but the Scrummagers' show and the Rummage sale will not be a financial success without the whole hearted support of the majority of the members.
In conclusion I should like each member to ask himself the question "Have I done my whack for the Club this season ?". If the answer is in the affirmative, do just a bit more, and if in the negative - well - finish in style.
General Meeting 13/8/24
H.L.Damsell CH Mackenzie
Trevor F.Davies AN Lockier
JA Williams R.Johnstone
SS Williams SH Chadwick
EG Robinson D Forsyth
JF Whitaker JE Smith
CH Clubbe JR Taylor
CA Redhead D Macintyre
FC Cawthra HC Webley
F.Gibbs CH Munce
AE Robinson G Nelson
FS Porter H.Smith
H.Kidd J.Sloss
George Lee Wm.H. Dubourg
J.W.A.Taylor Lysaght Finigan
DS Leghorn H.J.Thompson
D.T.Tod W.J.Smith
G.J.Bulmer (see Aliens411)
Robert C.Parry A.E.Cain
R.Illingworth FJ Applebee
G.V.Ouranofski WB Croxford
R.L.Knipe H Bayliss
J Morrissey HB Ellis
E Martinez
In the absence of Mr John Kay, the new president Mr W.J.Smith was unanimously voted to the "chair".
President. |
Mr J.Kay. |
Vice Presidents. |
Messrs A.G.Ascroft, J.T.Briggs, F.A.Bate, F.Burrell, A.E.Cain, W.B.Croxford, C.K.Dixon, Dr Dubourg, H.B.Ellis, H.N.Ellis, W.G.Flint, Dr W. Howell Evans, J.B.Herring, J.H.Helme, R.W.Jones, Dr H.J.Knox, S.Lees, R.Nelson, W.Lowe, R.K.Mackenzie, H.Marshall, J.Milbourn, S.R.Myers, R.A.O'Donnell, Dr J.Rumjahn, T.Scotson, H.E.Snape, H.L.Scholfield, L.Stringer, J.W.Taylor, I.R.Williams, J.R.Williams. |
Senior V.P. |
J.W.A.Taylor. |
Hon.Sec. |
F.J.Applebee |
Hon.Treas. |
J.Milbourn |
Hon.Asst Treas. |
H.F.P.Bayliss |
Hon.Team Sec. |
A.N.Lockier |
County Rep. |
W.B.Croxford |
Capt. 1st XV |
N.W.Hutchings |
Vice-capt. |
R.A.Forsyth |
Capt 2nd XV |
S.G.Bacon |
Vice-capt. |
R.Hemmingway |
Captains 3rd XVs |
H.F.Bateman F.King |
Hon.Auditors |
J.E.Linton A.C.A. |
Committee |
Messrs H.S.Damsell, W.H.Dubourg, W.D.Herring, S.J.Kay, H.S.Kidd, F.S.Porter, H.C.G.Webley. |
The proposal to levy an entrance fee on new members was lost, but the following amendment proposed by Mr Croxford and seconded by Mr Williams was carried "That all applications for membership shall be considered by committee, and each approved applicant shall pay the current seasons subscription before playing."
The matter of a club tie was discussed. Mr Forsyth brought forward specimens and one was eventually adopted, incorporating the whole of the club colours, red, white and navy blue. These ties are to be procurable only through the secretary.
The meeting terminated with a heart vote of thanks to the chairman for presiding at the meeting.
Committee Meeting held at Hare and Hounds Hotel Thursday Sept. 18th 1924
Present Messrs Knipe(chairman), Applebee, Croxford, Kay, Bayliss, Marshall, Damsell, Lockier, Forsyth, Dubourg, Smith, Webley, Porter, Kidd, Herring, Bacon.
The resignations of the following members were accepted with regret.
H.Brownbill W.A.Burrows A.C.Pierson
E.Hulme J.Day J.Morrissey
E.Martinez G.Martinez R.C.Leigh
W.Deacon A.S.Russell F.M.O'Hara
The following were elected members of the club.
Proposed by |
Seconded by |
Hon. |
C.Wolverson |
R.A.Forsyth |
W.H.Dubourg |
H.Brownbill |
F.J.A. |
A.N.Lockier |
J.Day |
" |
H.S.Damsell |
V.R.Anderson |
H.Bayliss |
F.P.Arthur |
Players |
J.Richardson |
F.J.Applebee |
W.B.Croxford |
S.C.Jones |
" |
" |
L.Moore |
S.J.Kay |
F.J.Applebee |
C.Wynne |
H.J.Thompson |
J.C.Cotter |
J.A.Warrington |
F.M.O'Hara |
J.C.Busher |
" |
" |
J.F.Moore |
" |
" |
L.Sorenson |
C.H.Munce |
A.N.Lockier |
H.A.Strong |
J.R.Taylor |
W.H.Masheter |
D.S.Todd |
" |
T.H.Hughes |
T.Modoc-Jones |
J.R.Williams |
T.J.Lake |
" |
" |
J.P.Mayles |
H.S.Damsell |
R.Johnstone |
J.C.MacGrath |
W.R.Bloomfield |
T.L.Marsden |
D.S.Leghorn |
G.J.Bulmer |
H.J.Gilman |
F.A.Chadwick |
S.H.Chadwick |
W.R.Browne |
F.S.Porter |
A.N.Lockier |
S.J.Kay reported that one of the goal posts had been broken. Secretary stated that he had engaged a man to erect posts, but as this had not been done R.A.Forsyth volunteered to gather a band of helpers to erect same ready for Sat's match. F.S.Porter volunteered to finish off job if not completed on Saturday.
The following, with Secretary and Team Sec. and captains of teams were elected members of selection committee.
Messrs Forsyth, W.J.Smith, Marshall, J.B.Herring, Webley.
The following were elected on Entertainments Committee.
W.H.Dubourg, R.A.Forsyth(sec.) Mackenzie, King, Bateman, Ouranofski, Bacon, Damsell and Leghorn.
Mr F.S.Bacon was elected captain of 3rd team.
Committee Meeting held at Hare and Hounds Hotel 3/11/24
Present Messrs Croxford, Milbourn, Bayliss, King, Webley, Applebee, Hemmingway, Marshall, Cawthra, Bateman, Scotson, Lockier.
F.C.Cawthra was elcted captain of 2nd team in place of S.G.Bacon who resigned on account of knee injury. Proposed by S.G.Bacon seconded by H.C.G.Webley.
The following were elected members of the club.
Proposed by |
Seconded by |
A.C.Wilby |
A.N.Lockier |
H.Burrows |
" |
" |
A.Ogden |
" |
" |
J.Whitehead |
A.N.Lockier |
C.H.Mackenzie |
N.T.Biddulph |
C.H.Mackenzie |
A.N.Lockier |
L.F.Parle |
T.Madoc-Jones |
J.R.Williams |
C.E.Shoobridge |
A.N.Lockier |
C.H.Mackenzie |
R.H.Trevitt |
T.F.Scotson |
A.N.L. |
D.R.Lloyd |
D.A.Tod |
W.H.Masheter |
Rev. A.B.Lavelle |
W.B.C. |
J.G.Kelly |
J.F.Moore |
J.A.Warrington |
R.C.Hughes |
T.Madoc-Jones |
J.R.Williams |
J.S.Blakiston |
J.M.Hughes |
" |
" |
Clifford Jones |
F.S.Porter |
R.W.Browne |
W.S.Bagot |
W.S.Gill |
T.J.Fitzpatrick |
C.Mitchell |
J.B.Herring |
W.D.Herring |
J.H.Gough |
J.E.Dixon |
J.Rutter |
" |
F.Rhodes |
" |
" |
The following names were struck off the list of members.
F.Armstrong F.Cowan E.O.Dubourg
N.J.Crawford S.D.Cossentine A.E.Jones
I.S.McCormick J.McLoed E.L.Roberts
W.V.Storey W.A.Thompson J.Taylor
The meeting then terminated.
Committee Meeting held at Hare and Hounds Hotel Decr. 15th 1924
Present Messrs Knipe(chairman) J.Kay, King, Kidd, Forsyth, Cawthra, Lockier, Damsell, Croxford, Marshall, Bayliss, Bateman, Applebee.
The minutes of the previous meeting were read and confirmed.
The following were elected members of the club.
Proposed by |
Seconded by |
A.Addis |
J.Day |
W.B.Croxford |
W.E.Howard |
F.A.Chadwick |
F.J.Applebee |
G.F.Cliffe |
L.F.Parle |
" |
The captains of various teams promised to interview their players with regard to unpaid subscriptions on Sat. Decr. 20th.
H.S.Damsell presented a 'draft' statement of the accounts of the Scrummagers' Concert Party, showing a net profit of £11.9.2.
The committee considered this satisfactory and passed a hearty vote of thanks to all those who had been responsible for the success of the show, particularly H.Brownbill and H.S.Damsell.
The secretary reported that there had been a lack of co-operation between captains and team-sec. with unfortunate results for the teams.
The officials concerned guaranteed that there would be no "clashing" in the future.
R.A.Forsyth brought forward a proposition that a dance should be held at the Carlton. W.B.Croxford proposed that it be held at the Embassy Rooms.
After discussion it was agreed that the dance should be held at the Embassy Rooms, the 1st or 2nd Tuesday in February if possible. Tickets to be 4/- each, captains of teams to see how many tickets would be guaranteed, secretary to circularise members who were not interviewed personally, and R.A.Forsyth to make necessary arrangements immediately, it being understood that a charge of 25 guineas included everything except refreshments.
The meeting then terminated.
Committee Meeting held at Hare and Hounds Hotel 26.1.25
Present Messrs Croxford, Knipe, Marshall, Milbourn, Bayliss, Kay, King, Cawthra, Forsyth, Dubourg, Lockier, Applebee, Webley, Herring.
The minutes of the previous meeting were read and confirmed.
The resignations of the following members were accepted with great regret.
H.R.Balmer Gone to sea
H.S.Kidd "
J.L.Finigan Joining Waterloo
J.S.Bucher Gone to London
The following were elected members of the club.
Proposed by |
Seconded by |
Rev.J.O.Nicholas |
W.H.Scott |
J.Wood |
Rev.F.J.McBride |
J.Wood |
F.Gibbs |
R.Murray |
H.J.Gilman |
F.J.Applebee |
E.Humphreys |
W.D.Herring |
T.K.Humphreys |
The secretary reported that he had, as requested at the past general meeting arranged a "tour" at Easter.
Three games will be played in the Isle of Man as follows.
Good Friday Mona
Easter Saturday Castletown
Easter Monday Onchan Rangers.
The above clubs agree to allow Sefton half gross gate in their respective matches.
Mr Forsyth reported progress with regard to the dance.
He had out, over 400 tickets and was hoping that he would have very few returned.
The matter of "alcoholic refreshment" was discussed.
Mr Milbourn proposed and Mr King seconded "That there be no alcoholic refreshment whatever."
Mr S.J.Kay moved an amendment, which Mr Knipe seconded "That the committee be empowered to provide suitable refreshment for the vice-presidents of the club."
The amendment was carried, 6 voting for and 5 against.
The meeting then terminated.
Committee Meeting held at Hare and Hounds Hotel 23.2.25
Present Messrs Knipe(chairman) S.J.Kay, Webley, Marshall, Milbourn, Applebee, Mackenzie, Herring, Bateman, Lockier, Croxford, King, Cawthra.
The minutes of the previous meeting were read and confirmed.
Mr C.H.Mackenzie asked for another week in which to endeavour to get Dance a/c in order.
Agreed, and Committee passed a hearty vote of thanks to all who had worked to make dance such a pronounced success.
R.Huntington - proposed by H.J.Thompson seconded by J.Sloss was elected a member of the club.
J.A.Williams was elected to serve on committee in place of H.S.Kidd.
W.K.Arrowsmith was elected Vice-Captain of the 1st XV in place of R.A.Forsyth who has taken up an appointment in London.
It was agreed to run a sweep on the Grand National. Prizes as follows
1st £10
2nd £5
3rd £3
Other horses finishing course £1
" starting " 5/-
The meeting then terminated.
Committee Meeting held at Victoria Cafe 23.3.25
Present Messrs Marshall(chair) Milbourn, Mackenzie, Lockier, Applebee, Bateman, Webley, Arrowsmith, Cawthra, Williams, Knipe, King.
Minutes of previous meeting taken "as read".
A.S.Thomas was elected a member of the club. Proposer N.W.Hutchings Seconder FJA.
The Committee then proceeded to make the "Draw" for the Grand National Sweep. Lists were typed, printed and posted together with notifications to all who had drawn horses.
The meeting then terminated.
Committee Meeting held at Hare and Hounds Hotel April 6th 1925
Present Messrs Marshall(chairman) King, Cawthra, Bayliss, Kay, Dubourg, Lockier, Applebee, Mackenzie.
The minutes of the previous meeting were read and confirmed.
Dance A/C. Mr Mackenzie reported that he had the sum of £28.7.0 in hand after all expenses had been met, and it was expected that further amounts would materialise, bring the total profit up to the vicinity of £40.
After a lengthy discussion the a/c was adopted on the motion of Mr King, seconded by Mr Dubourg.
Arising out of the above discussion Mr Williams proposed and Mr Cawthra seconded, that
"In future dances, and similar functions which necessitate a guarantee from club funds, a small working committee of 3 or 4 be elected to carry out supervision, and that this committee shall report to the general committee before such function tales place." Carried.
The secretary reported that the sweep on the National had been a great success. Over £94 had been subscribed, £30 had been paid out in prizes and working expenses (printing, postages and stationery being £3.13.8,) the net profit was £60.1.4.
After some totally unnecessary eulogistic remarks from various members, the committee proceed to pass an equally unnecessary vote of thanks to the secretary, for his share in the effort.
Mr Mackenzie was appointed captain of the team touring the Isle of Man at Easter. A committee consisting of the captain and messrs Scotson and Thompson was appointed for selection of teams. Mr Mackenzie to be responsible for financial arrangements.
The meeting then terminated.
Committee Meeting held at Hare and Hounds Hotel May 4th 1925
Present Messrs Milbourn(chairman) Bayliss, Applebee, Arrowsmith, King, Williams, Kay, Lockier, Cawthra, Webley and Mackenzie afterwards joined by messrs Knipe, J.W.A.Taylor and W.B.Croxford.
The minutes of the previous meeting were read and confirmed.
The Treasurer reported after receiving £25 from the "sweep" a/c, and paying all dues, he had about £10 in hand. There were a few subs outstanding and an effort would be made to get them in before the general meeting.
It was decided to hold the general meeting at the Victoria Café on Monday 25th inst, or Fri. 29th inst.
The committee were deeply grieved to hear of the sudden death of "Dick" Illingworth, possibly the most enthusiastic of our younger honorary members.
It was decided to send his parents a message of sympathy from the members of the club, and also a wreath for the funeral.
Mr Mackenzie reported that the Tour in the Isle of Man had been a great success. One match had been won and two lost. The tour had resulted in upwards of £6 being added to the ground fund. The Isle of Man clubs were anxious for the Tour to be repeated next year, and all players who had taken part were anxious to go again.
The meeting then terminated.
Season 1924-1925. Secretary's Report
It is with profound sorrow that I have to chronicle the untimely death of two of our members, T.W.White, an excellent forward of the 1st team, and "Dick" Illingworth the most enthusiastic of our young honorary members. Their places in the club will be hard to fill.
The past season has been a record one in several ways. For the first time five teams have turned out regularly and altogether 115 games had been played. The Ground fund has been substantially increased, the club has at last run a dance which has showed a considerable profit, the "Sweep" has broken the record and a most successful and enjoyable Easter Tour took place in the Isle of Man.
Although the First Team Results did not show a great amount of success, I think we can look back on the season as a very satisfactory one. The Team Records are as follows.
Played |
Won |
Drawn |
Lost |
Pts For |
Pts agst. |
1st |
28 |
6 |
2 |
20 |
133 |
324 |
2nd |
24 |
10 |
1 |
13 |
163 |
238 |
3rd(Bateman's) |
23 |
10 |
- |
13 |
183 |
239 |
3rd(King's) |
21 |
11 |
2 |
8 |
267 |
156 |
Extra(Dubourgs) |
14 |
5 |
1 |
8 |
114 |
167 |
'A' team |
5 |
1 |
- |
4 |
23 |
70 |
Total |
115 |
43 |
6 |
66 |
883 |
1194 |
I would like to mention particularly the efforts that have been put forth on behalf of the club by the team secretary and captains of teams, the club treasurer and his able assistant.
It has been a matter of regret that the 1st team captain has only been able to take charge of his team on few occasions, for apart from his well known playing abilities his presence has, upon the remainder of the team, an inspiring effort which no one else can create.
The Ground Difficulty is still with us and it behoves each members of the club to be always on the look out for a suitable pitch, and to report to the committee immediately.
The fixture list for next season is much as usual, no new teams appearing, but in order to shorten the season I have omitted Rainhill and Cammell Lairds.
General Meeting - Victoria Café 22/5/25
W.J.Smith (chairman) W.B.Croxford
John Milbourn F.J.Applebee
KH Trevitt H.Marshall
R.Cecil Hughes
JH Gough
JS Blakiston
(see Aliens444)
Harold B.Ellis V.P.
Clifford Jones
(see Aliens444)
The minutes of previous meeting were read and confirmed.
The secretary's report on season 1924-25 was adopted on motion of Mr Croxford seconded by Mr Bayliss.
The Treasurer submitted a provisional balance sheet which showed a balance of £23 in hand. Complete balance sheet to be shown at next meeting. The secretary reported the stages by which a ground fund had been increased by approximately £100 during the past season.
Mr Smith proposed (from the chair), and Mr Croxford seconded "That a telephone be installed at the secretary's house."
The meeting agreed that this was a necessary evil; the treasurer estimated the cost at about £10 per annum, and the meeting passed the resolution unanimously.
Several Club Photographs being left over, Mr Croxford proceeded to auction the same, with result that 37/- deficit on photographs was cleared off. Several other groups were left to be auctioned at next general meeting.
General Meeting held at Victoria Café Aug. 21st 1925
Present. FJ Applebee WD Herring
WJ Smith R.Johnstone
JA Williams HJ Thompson
AE Cain AH Jones
R.Leigh Knipe (see Aliens447)
John Milbourn G.V.H.Ouranofski
JAS Blakiston DA Chadwick
WH Masheter W.E.Howard
GA Lee G.J.Bulmer
CH Clubbe S.Thomas
F King J.W.A. Taylor
H.Smith S.J.Kay
A.S.Thomas H.Marshall
AS Roberts J.A.Rutter
D.Macintyre E.G.Robinson
Morrison K.H.Trevitt
JC Cotter
DS Leghorn
LF Parle
R.Cecil Hughes
T.Madoc Jones
S.Hutchings(Aberauan R.F.C.)
NW Hutchings
W.H Prentice
Mr W.J.Smith (chairman)
Minutes of previous meeting read and confirmed.
Balance Sheet adopted.
Officers and committee elected as appear on fixture card.
The Chairman referred to the great loss the club had sustained in the death of "Charlie" Munce - one of our greatest hearted players, a good worker for the club, and an exceptionally fine comrade throughout.
The members present showed their affection and respect in the manner usual on such sad occasions.
The committee requested to see if any improvements could be made in the dressing room arrangements.
After a protracted discussion a resolution proposed by N.W.Hutchings seconded by E.G.Robinson "That the Sefton Club support the effort to inaugurate a Rugby Union Cup Competition in Lancashire" was passed by a large majority.
Mr Croxford obliged by selling a few proofs of photos of previous season's teams, and the meeting then terminated.
All Aliens RFC, Sefton RUFC photographs, programmes and memorabilia Copyright © 2012 Sefton RUFC